Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lost in MacRitchie

Woohoo! Yesterday was the last day of school! The thing is, it felt like any other day. Make that any other post-promo day. Chem was our last lesson, and was really draggy. Couldn't wait to get out. But when the lesson ended, I wanted to remain in the classroom and not budge. Why? Well for one it was Cerine Lim's last time teaching our class, cuz next year they're shifting her to the new syllabus batch. And another thing, Mr. Wong was in the opposite classroom. Talk about sian. If he caught sight of Roy or me, we both would've been skinned alive. Yes, on the last day of school! He'll probably make us return for remedial Chinese B. Sounds dumb, right? So when the coast was clear, Wes and I made a break for it to the side gate. Today was Wes' last a lot of things. Last official day ever in school, last time raising the flag at flag raising, last day as a councillor, and other things. So the both of us were there to watch his step out of the school. A one minute of silence would've been appropriate. but we still had to run from Wong, so yeah.

Went to BK, where we thought we could meet Gaps, but apparently, when I called him, it was DEEWALI and he's not supposed to come out of the house. Sounded like a lame excuse, but what the hell. We were hanging at Challenger, and then had to go home, cuz later was supposed to cycle with Alex. Now I feel like I should've given him a better farewell. Oh well, I'll probably see him again. I hope.

So when I got home, played FT for a while. My skills really deteriorated like hell. Dunno if I can office on Monday. That's an in-joke between HK and CX and those guys and me. And then I went to sleep, and I didn't wake up till 7! and Alex didn't try to call me. He most probably fell asleep too. So an afternoon wasted.

Today was, in a sense, fun. Went cycling with Wai Kit, his friend Eng Wei, and his other friend whose name is Alex Goh. Haha at first I knew his name was Alex, so we were at BK and i was talking to Kit about Ah Lam, so I referred to him Alex Goh, and then Kit said "Btw this guy's name is also Alex Goh." Lolx. Today I learnt something valuable: if Kit is ever going to call me out for a big cycling trip, I should avoid it if Eng Wei is organizing it. We went from Bedok all the way to MacRitchie on bike, cuz EW said sth about a biking trail. So we took nearly 2 hours to go to Paya Lebar to Upper Pierce to Mandai to MacRitchie. And when we got there, we had to hack through some really thick undergrowth for like an eternity, before I think EW lost confidence in where he was taking us. And it was getting late, like around 5 plus, so we had to turn around and set off home the way we came.

We (or rather EW) decided to take another route back. I was all for that decision, cuz I didn't feel like cycling through Geylang Serai again, especially through Hari Raya traffic. But when we found ourselves in Ang Mo Kio, I had a feeling something was wrong. So, from what I remember, we went from AMK to Braddel to Serangoon to Hougang, then going and going and reached Paya Lebar. I know that sounds wrong and a bit kua zhang, but that's what I remember. I do know that we travelled for about 4+ hours and 50+ km.

Kit was using Rayner's bike and I got a chance to ride it. I liked his bike, cuz it weighs in like a feather compared to mine, but today there was seriously something wrong with the chain, and I could feel the road through the bars, and the posture was killing my neck. I still have a headache.

So cycled to MacRitchie, got lost, and back. So fun! Although Kit was getting rather annoyed. And I just had a really really really super uber laaaaame conversation with Jas just now. I think I won't diu ta de lian (or mine for that matter) by saying what we were talking about. But it was lame.

Rrrgh I still have that headache. Tml must start doing OP already. Sian lah. I notice I'm staring to end off by dissing PW. I just can't stand it. So end with a happy note. Bye!

PW sucks.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

$2 for 2 weeks

Since Jean Yip costed me $25, that left me with more or less $2 for the next 2 weeks. When Kim figured that out, she laughed at me and wondered how I was going to get lunch tml. Told her I wasn't going to eat, and she laughed at me.

But I DID eat, and it's all due to the conveniences of having good connections. Was slacking in the ODAC room yesterday, which is always where I'll be if I've skipped class, provided someone with the key skipped class too. Wesley suddenly runs in and tells me that the school was considering a change of caterers for the canteen. The new caterers had prepared a small spread in the teachers' lounge and the teachers, councillors and a few civillian students were invited to try it out and review. So Wesley told me and asked me to go. Free lunch! So I went. Haha I sound really cheap.

Going had a bit of backlash too. For one, the food wasn't that fantastic. The mee siam tasted like crap. Ok, maybe not literally like crap, but it was bad. Fish curry wasn't bad, though. You know what the shitty thing was? The school still hasn't leant its lesson and is going to get one caterer for the whole canteen. When will they learn? Different caterers means more competition since their pay will depend on their sales. More competition means better standards. If one caterer has the whole canteen to himself, the vendors can relax, because 100% of canteen sales goes to the caterer, so everyone gets a stable base pay and they don't have to work so hard.

And you know what's worse now? It's gonna be a Halal caterer. That's bullshit. I'm not shitting on anyone's religion here, mind you. But most TPJCians will understand my unhappiness. In our school, the nicest thing they sell here is arguably the pork cutlet. How are we supposed to get that now? And I forsee that with a Halal caterer we'll be having mainly mixed rice and noodles for the rest of our lives. The current caterer is bad enough, and with this new Halal caterer, now all the chinese peopel are going to flood Uncle Louis during lunch, and you'll walk into the canteen to find it flooded with maats.

Where was I? Ah yah... another problem with our free lunch was that while Wes and I were eating, we suddenly heard a fmiliar voice and looked up to see Miss Wong. Shit! She would know that we skipped her lecture, so what to do? Leave quietly... At least we didn't run into Cerine Lim. There's this thing about her docile nature that makes you feel sickeningly guilty if she corners you.

And I skipped Chinese today. Wesley didn't come to school. If we didn't have to take our results back, neither would I, but since Wes is going to poly, there's no point for him going to school. Was conspirating with Dadi and Pai Kia to pon Chinese. Wah Dadi si peh on! We was the first to zhao, left directly after results. Roy and I weren't so bad; we went for maths, then with the gang to lunch at Uncle Louis, and then we went home.

Oh yah one thing I didn before I left. I signed up to be an OGL for next year's orientation. Wow did that come from me? Didn't expect myself to do it, but I just suddenly felt like signing on. Maybe it's to compensate for how I left my orientation early. Didn't feel close to the school then. I just hope I'll be this on for the rest of the way.

These few days, I've been feeling very off, and I dunno why. People are calling me out to go places (Kit to go bike-hunting, KX to go bowling, Pai Kia to go pool) and I never feel like going. I'm ponning more and more lessons, it's scary. I'm generally sinking into a lousier mood steadily these few days. I dunno what's wrong. I should be happy! Tomorrow's the last day of school, dammit! But instead I feel like... well I don't feel like doing anything. I never do these few days.

And as though my mood isn't sunk low enough, I have to go do my OP speech now. Damn PW. Racist bloggers are being rounded up now, but I think I'll be the first anti-PW blogger. Haha if your friends tell you about some anti-PW blog, look for me! I might be a moderator. :P

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Money fly

Wai Kit asked me how many people visited my blog. I told him possibly a fair few, mainly fellow bloggers, but I wasn't sure exactly how many.

So I've started a hit counter! Hee hee...

Yesterday after church, went out with Edwin, ignatius and Sujata, who left early. So Edwin took me to DotA. I stink.

Finally ran into Gaps today, so I finally bought his RAM module.

Today was nothing but OP dry runs. I didn't have a prepared speech with me, and people said I was zhai. Debaters don't need speeches. Actually it was cuz I forgot to prepare one. So I decided to elaborate on the floor, which Miss Kon told us never to do (she makes us type out our debate speeches and edit them about 20 billion times)

After school, went with Alex, Ah Boy, Pai Kia, Cute Boy, HK, Fishy and Pui Kia to TM to watch Flightplan. Not bad movie. There was one part where Jodie Foster was being chased through the plane by a guy with a gun, and it so felt like cs_747.

Later was pool at Safra with Alex, Roy, and Eugene. Pai Kia is pro; aiming damn zhai and damn zun. Okie maybe not so zun all the time. After that, around 6 plus, went with Alex to TM again to get haircuts. He was being harped at my Edward Chew, and me by Eleanor Chia, so couldn't procrastinate anymore. The thing was I wanted to go to someplace like EC House or Supercuts, like $10 for a cut, while Alex was feeling loaded and wanted to go to some professional place like Reds or Jean Yip and submit his hair to professional consultation and come out with some entirely new hairstyle. So both of us were hanging around trying to decide, and then he wanted to scissors-paper-stone for it.

Scissors-paper-stone has always been my weak point with Alex, so after my stunning defeat (I bet he's still laughing about it) it was off to Jean Yip. $25 flew off just like that. Haircut wasn't bad. At least the both of us agreed that it was better than going to Reds, cuz they're haircuts go for $31++. Always beware the ++.

Got home and went to try to install the RAM module I bought from Gaps, but ARGH couldn't fit! Shit... another $100 gone. He insisted that all RAM modules are the same, so I MMSed him a pic of his module next to mine and he said "Chey... you're using laptop RAM." Hmmm neither of us saw that coming? Anyway I don't care, I'm getting my money back. :P

My mom just reminded me: it's like 10 days from my birthday. Wow not even I remembered. I guess it's all this PW and shit, totally drove it out of my mind. I bet that if OP was in late December, I'd forget about Christmas too. Okie maybe not Christmas, cuz of Teens Connect, but what if I forget them too?

So what will I be doing on my birthday? What else would a JC1 student be doing early November?


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thank you, thank you



Boy these teachers sure have a way of keeping a guy in suspense. During morning assembly, I asked Mdm Ng how the promotion roll went the other day, and she said she was not allowed to reveal that until next Thursday, under principal's orders.

Bitch. I meant my principal.

Was feeling buggered down with the flu for these few days. Ah Boy says it was Takfik that spread it to us. Takfik thinks it's the other way around. Anyway I seriously didn't feel like sitting through Physics lecture, so went to the ODAC room to slack with Alex. Publicity somehow managed to thrash the place up while doing something in there for Noordin, so Alex and I were greeted by scrap paper all over the table and floor. Rrrgh...

There weren't any Chinese lessons for my Chinese class that day, and since the others were still in class (pia for A Level Chinese... jia you!) I went out with Wesley. Before we left, he had to go to the General Office to get his withdrawal form, and that's where I saw a notice for teachers to prepare for the release of the promotion results TOMORROW. Wtf?! Who to believe? But I suppose that was a last minute choice, so results were to be released the next day.

Went with Wes to Bedok interchange to eat (crazy guy... $7 for mixed grill.. lol) snd walk around looking at phones, games and manga. Then he brought me to the pirated CD shop at my request. Why? Because the writyed report was due in 18 hours and I didn't have Microsoft Officein my com, and thereby no way to finish my work; I had to do the final bits for the WR. I wanted to save for Office XP, but it's really expensive, and now I ran out of time, so I had to get the pirated version.

YOU SEE WHAT PW DOES TO YOU?! It left me no choice but to patronize a pirated shop. PW is evil! It should be abolished! It must be abolished! Everyone I've spoken to all agree that PW serves no practical use whatsoever, and merely puts extra stress on students. They wanted to introduce PW to promote critical, out-of-the-box thinking that people said was the edge that polys had over JCs, but they even managed to make PW so rigid and law-by-law. You have to follow a set plan and hand in compulsory pieces of work. There is NO evidence of any sort of promotion of free thinking and expressionism, because if you takle the project in a way other than how they specified it, they fail you. It's nonsense! PW is a waste of time. I hope soemone from MOE is reading this. I dunno who put forward the PW bill, but I seriously feel like knocking some sense into him with my project file. (Haha that reminds me of the "Taste my file!" joke between HK and me)

We gto PWNed by PW, and we're now POWs of PW.

Rushed PW till quite late, which isn't good for me cuz I'm sick. it seems that everyone is rushing PW now.

Was talking to Deb. Apparently, her friend was the top scorer for GP essay, and I was one mark shy of that mark. Wah lau I missed it by one mark!

Friday: Today, Ah Boy was di siaoing Takfik for passing us his flu. He went up to Takfik and was like "Thank yoy, thank you..." Lolz.

Sure enough, Mrs Goh appeared at morning assembly, saying that she decided to release the results today cuz she spoke to the teachers and now they don't wanna keep us in suspense.

So... *drumroll*

Aiyah promoted lah.

It wasn't conditional, that was the surprising thing. The other surprising thing was that people like Jeremy and Jamie got conditional advances (wow both S13....)

Happiness! Nothing could spoil my mood. We had TPJC Open House today, and I, being the on-the-ball member that I am, went to help out (meant that I got to skip class :P) Turnout was really sad, prolly cuz it's TPJC. Nobody aims to come here; we're a neither-here-nor-there school. People always aim for the higher schools, like TJ and VJ, or the lower schools like NY and SR cuz they are 20+ pointers hoping to scrape into a JC. We're just a drop-off point for people from the higher schools that couldn't make it. So turnout was lousy. There was this really cute girl, forgot if she was from KC or SAC. Why do all the cute girls come from SAC or SAJC? I know Jas would try to chari point here, but I'm not referring t you cuz you're not in SAJC anymore! Haha jkjk...

Couldn't join Alex and gang for soccer cuz My flu was more pronounced today, and so was my sore throat. I think my voice is nearly all gone now, although Wes says I sound more mature now. Cock lah haahaha!

Was watching The Crow: Salvation just now. People said it wasn't a good show, but I kinda liked it. That was my second time watching it. The only thing I found weird was that their blood was so fake. Looked like garlic chili sauce.

Ah my good mood's gone now. Prolly cuz I have a PW meeting tml... later rather. OP dry rum is on Monday. Kaoz....

PW sucks.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Crash and burn

I crashed! Can't believe I crashed....

Was cycling to ECP yesterday, and it just stopped raining so it was slippery. So during a turn near VS, I skidded and flew off my bike. Lucky the pavement was quite empty, although later thewre was this bangla on a cheapo bike that came to observe me dusting myself off and then started to guai lan me for falling. Nah beh... he was riding some $5 bike and he can look at me like Lance Armstrong. Chee bye...

It was wet the whole way through, so why do I have to wipe out only at VS? So far from my house. My front derailleurs are screwed. And I was stuck home all day due to the rain, so couldn't go to the bike shop. Hope they can be saved, or else $$ fly.

Why does this have to happen now? Totally throws me off my training schedule....

There was no school today (Wednesday). Why? Because today is when all the teachers are going to go into a room, sit down with the principal and, on a case by case basis, decide which J1 students will be promoted to J2 next year, like some sort of really drawn out tribal council. My ass is on the line here....

Ah what the hell... since all will be over by tomorrow, one way or another, I'll just say my marks here. One Dreadful and two Outstandings. Yeah I really aced it, except for the Dreadful. Dunno why, but there are people with straight Acceptables and they're jumping around in happiness like they scored the highest possible grades. Crazy people... exams addle the brains, that's why I hate it.

The Dreadful in my results is like a blemish on my otherwise perfect report sheet, and my teachers are neat freaks, so that's why my life hangs in the balance now.

Maybe you'll see my name on the A Level candidacy list next year. Maybe you'll see it on Temasek Poly's waiting list. Maybe you'll see it on the front page of the newspapers (or in a stub article behemothed by a Shop & Save ad). What will be, will be.

But if I go, I assure you I'll go with style.

I'll let you know.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pwnage quotes 3

A convo I over heard:

"Hey did you know that most of the best lawyers in Singapore are Indians?"

"Oh izzit?"

"Yeah, but they're outnumbered by all the Chinese judges."

"And do you know where all the *you know which race I'm talking about* go to?"


"The defendant's seat."



"Singapore's paleontology sector is highly oversaturated now. We already have four people!"

- The HK
Haha he's right, actually. Singapore dig what sai?


Wesley and I were talking about the different colours of JC uniforms, then somehow we started thinking about how to use them to make a collage. For a beach scene, Meridian can be the sea, Hwa Chong can be the beach, Tampines can be the grassfields behind and Nanyang can be the trees.

And National can be the storm clouds.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'M OVER!!!!!11one

Sunday: Woke up late, so didn't go for morning mass. Committed myself to go for the evening mass. In the meantime, met Sam and Mel at Tampines MRT at 11 to go to the Asian Civilisations Museum. Now, under normal circumstances, that would be one of the last few places I would step into on my own volition, but Mel told us about this Catholic exhibition thingy, so I decided to tag along, despite the poor turnout amongst the TC people (rrrgh...) Hmmm... Mel had to leave for an emergency even before we could get there, so Sam and I went there withoput her. Sad. Sam isn't bad company, it's just that she's too spontaneous for me. I'm a serious person by nature. She's a bit embarrassing at times, too. Okie shan't say more lest she's reading now. Oh yah the exhibit was good. Really eye-opening.

Monday: Chinese B exam. It was damn dumb for us to have to wake up early in the morning just so we could take a 2-hr paper that we could've taken along with all the CL AO students. School starts at 0740 but the paper only started at 0800, so met Wesley at 201 Mac for breakfast. Ended up reaching the exam room at 0755.

Okie, here's the funny bit about CL B students in the TP 05 batch: of the 14 or so students, 4 of us are from SHPS, which is the strongest alma mater representation amongst us. So the four of us (Samuel, Elshan, Huiling and me) were chatting outside the classroom in between papers, when Elshan noted how sad it was that "there were so many of us SHPSians here." I proposed that we went to SHPS one of these days and visited the Chinese HOD. What a laugh that would be.

After papers, Wes and I were extremely bored, so we went to TM Challenger to have a looksee. Then we went home to change and crashed over at Gaps' house, whjere we watched Return of the King (for the umpteenth time for me). Till now, it still surprises me how we managed to get Gaps for a whole day, as in no dates with Janice or anything like that, although he was on the phone for forever on the bus to town.

Went to Funan, where we looked at anything and everything pretaining to computers. Gaps displayed to us his abysmal gaming skills, especially at Winning Eleven on the PS2. Weird game... soccer game in Japanese but all player names are in English. Poor Gaps didn't know the teams switched sides for the second half, which led him to scoring an own goal in his match with Wes, and Wes just shutting up and watching him. We were laughing ourselves silly at him for forever. Later played Wes. AC Milan (me!) vs. Arsenal (Wes didn't want to disgrace his fav team..... Chelsea. A guy in a Chelsea jersey playing using Arsenal?!) After a while, I managed to figure out the buttons and a bit of strategy, I scored! :P Nice clean strike from outside the penalty box.

Wes: Aiyah I don't wanna play already. 30 game minutes left only... can't equalise lah...
Gaps: Aiyah you siam, lemme do it *takes controller*

Within a minute, he OGed again.

Commentary was in Japanese, but you could distinctively hear the words "OG! OG!"

Burnout was nicer. It was a demo, so it was one course, one car, one race. So Gaps had a few whacks at it. 4th. 3rd. 3rd.

"Hah, I'm not bad eh? Here you try."

I had a go at it. 1st.

"Eh wait! Shit SIAM lemme try again!"


Tuesday: Wow I actually forgot what I did for the entire day. Shit. If I was with you on Tuesday, help remind me what we were doing.

Wednesday: Got back promo results.

Don't wanna talk about it.

Thursday: Didn't feel like going to school. Still bummed. Played DotA against bots the whole day. Hong Kuang was right; DotA takes away your interest in proper strategy rounds.

Friday: Can't skip school for two successive days and not look bad, so went to school. Still bummed. Got back my Chinese results. Jaslyn's mom would be proud of me, cuz at that moment Chinese was my strongest subject.

That was until I got my GP results. Possibly the only results I feel at least contented with.

Wanted to go meet the class guys at ECP, but got kept in by rain.

Saturday: Wanted to go to Katong for bak chor mee with Kit, but his OAC had kayaking at Bedok Reservoir. So I took a cycle down there, and was observing them for a while. After watching them, I feel like crying wherever I think about TP ODAC. Why is everyone so fucking slack?

Finally went to service my bike. Grease the chains and replace the rear light batteries.

Today: After church, went to TM with Kim(who left early), Cheryl, Jul, Desmond, Kevin (who also left early), Yvonne and later Edwin. Went to eat and then a bit of arcade and a bit of pool. It was the first time we saw each others after our promos, so they were asking about each other's results.

Yvonne asked me how I did. Chery asked me how I did. Edwin asked me how I did.

And I didn't dare tell any of them.

We joke about Hubert taking S Papers, and he might, but now Edwin is taking double sciences S Papers. Wtf? Sick...

And Cheryl has a boyfriend. For like 1 1/2 months. She kept that secret so well guarded from all of us, so nobody suspected a thing until Desmond was raiding her images gallery in her phone and found some incriminating shots. HOR! Now I'm making this public! Miss Seow you DIE!!

Later went PW meeting. On a Sunday?! Eng Yong is crazy. Could hardly stay awake. Was really tired.

Still am. Still bummed too.

I was reminded of you three times in a single day. Does this mean something?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

IT'S OVER!!!!!11one

Monday: GP exam. Had a stomachache halfway through my essay. Wrote about only two or three points, but exceeded to about a thousand plus words. Compre sucked hard, especially AQ.

Physics in the afternoon. Completely deflated the exam mood I was in. When I was in primary school, I used to get into the exam mood, cuz I didn't have to study. I just had to sit through it and I would still score. Was in the exam mood after GP, but Physics was a horror. Guess my Amco jacket wasn't that locky after all.

After the paper, I got a call:

Gaps: Hey dude, you free tonight?
Russ: *this guy still wants to go out?!* Maybe... what's up?
G: Can we meet so you can teach me Chem?
R: I thought you were planning to pon Chem?
G: Yeah, but seeing how badly I did in Physics, I think I'm gonna need it now.

-_-" So yeah did go to meet him at the KFC at the CPF building in Tampines. Met Rayner there, too, but he was with other guys. Went through as much for organic Chemistry as I could with him from 6 to 8 plus.

On the way home, got another call:

Ian: Hey Russell, this is Ian. Where are you now?
Russ: Er... I was out with Gaps, I'm on the way home. Why?
I: Oh... er cuz Chemistry's tomorrow lah. I'm damn scared. Can you teach me?
R: ?!

Kit must've told Gaps I was teaching him Chem, and then Gaps must've told Ian I was teaching him Chem. These people must've forgotten the fact that I got a C5 for Chem O level and an F for mid years, but according to Gaps, I teach well. So yeah.

Tuesday: Chemistry was waay better than Physics. Probably cuz of all the teaching I did. And probably cuz I did away with the jacket. it seemed too easy to be comfortable, so I was a bit unnerved.

Wednesday: At the end of maths, I felt like crying.

Went home and sobered up, then met Alex and KX to go swimming at Jiun Hong's house. There were no papers the next day, so we figured we'd relax a bit. Met JH and Ah Bush at JH's condo. Swam a bit (while looking at SAC girls) and then went for a bit of table tennis (wheee). Later went up to JH's cozy room for a while to watch 15, and then left for 85 to meet Shaun and Kok Yong. (Stopped at a bike shop on the way, cuz the bike Ah Bu was using had tyre probs.)

After 85, we went to East Coast to chiong for a bit (or at least Alex and I were chionging) then went to Fort Road, Tanjong Rhu, Kallang stadium, Esplanade and Clarke Quay. Wheee! Then we went back! Went to the marketplaec where Poly Games is back in Bedok. We all then split up to go home, but I detoured to JH's house to borrow Frozen Throne from him.

Thursday: Forgot what I did. Prolly nothing, except chiong Physics at night till I fell asleep and didn't wake up till next morning.

Friday/Saturday: I dunno how I felt about Physics Paper 1 that day. All I knew was: ITS OVER! Shiok! But the bloody paper finished at 9. There's nowhere to go to at 9 in the morning! Except maybe McDonald's, which was where we went. A few of them then went to watch GOAL!, but Alex, Say Chee, JH, Raymond, Yan Yan and me went to Safra Tampines to play pool. In school uniforms! Haha actually the uncle there gave us shirts to wear over. That was nice of him. Played till 2, then met KX and Ah Bu (from the movie) and they all went over to my place to watch 15 (again yeah, but we didn't finish it then)

Slowly they all went home. Met them later at 7 for dinner and soccer, but didn't get to play much. Later had to leave for home, cuz I was supposed to meet Kit and Gaps at 10.

Met them at 11.

Went to watch The Myth at Lido. Nice show! But that left us at Orchard Road at 3 in the morning. Even for Orchard Road, there's nothing to do at bloody 3 in the morning. Had to take a night rider to Bedok. Bloody $3 for a bus ride. Went to Kit's house to spend the night. No energy to go home, but Gaps had to, cuz he had stuff later. Watched Advent Children (again) at Kit's house, then went to sleep (was 6 by then)

Woke up at 11. Had lunch at his place, then we left for Bedok (me to go home, Kit to go Aljunied to meet his friend) Saw Cheryl there. With a guy! :O Wahahaha!

Feeling kinda lethargic the whole day. Promos took a lot out of me. Last paper's on Monday, but it's Chinese B, so nothing I can do anything about.

Wanna go play FT now. *F1 C click F2 N click F3 E click coil nova impale aargh!* Bye

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I like going to the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children website and just letting the music play. Fits my sombre mood now.

Anyway, I believe in omens. Stuff that I see around me that gives me a feeling about what I'm about to undergo. Today I saw an omen: I saw Shann in church. Our dear piano, who always gives the "I'm too lazy" excuse to not go to church, actually got off her butt and made the 0930 mass. That was an omen for me; that there is still hope left in the world, and that God does work miracles.

That being said, I feel I can approach tml's promos with slightly more confidence, because seeing Shann in church has, by some abstract means, given me hope. But I still think she only went to church cuz promos are tml.

This is kinda ironic for me, cuz at Kit's house, Cheryl asked me if I was going to the exam mass, and I said "I haven't been good enough to have the right to ask God to help me, so I prefer to use the failsafe method: studying."

But I'm still not taking any chances. I'm off to read up on Physics properly and find my lucky Amco jacket, the one that saw me through the O Levels. And all my papers are in the hall, so if I don't find it, I'm gonna freeze to death.

Not gonna blog or use the com until Sunday, when my major papers end. So help me God.

Wish me luck.

Study study study study

Blogger is cocked up. The interface is all screwy, I can't blog properly. I feel sleepy and I can't think properly cuz my eyes are sore from all this mugging, but I've delayed blogging for too long, and I've forgotten too much already. So here goes my week, as far as I can remember:

Monday: No Chinese as usual, or so we thought. These few days, since Mr. Wong is in reservist and a relief teacher hasn't come at all, we decided not to go for Chinese at all for the past few weeks. I was in the library that day during Chinese. When I saw Wesley, he told me he saw a light switch on in the classroom and he just ran for it. Cockenaden.

We celebrated Mingsong's birthday today! That is to say, Alex, Ah Bush, Kenneth, Jamie and I. So the six guys (Jamie: OIE GO AND DIE LAH!) Went to TM Seoul Garden to eat and talk and eat and talk and eat and drink and blow candle and eat. Mingsong really has eating stamina. "Wah lau Song you eating again? Still hungry?" "Yah I haven't eaten my $12 worth." Pengz! Alex and Jamie (I swear those 2 do everything together) made excuses to leave halfway to go buy his cake. Alex said he was going to pang sai and Jamie said she was having her period. Those two are both full of cock. They bought him a nice slice of cake (chocolate!)

Hmmm 7 more days.


Tuesday: We were sitting through some prize giving thingy in the hall during assembly, and out of boredom I took a look around. I saw Mr Wong behind the hall. Die! If he was here, that meant that he was back from reservist, that meant he was released on Sunday, that meant he'll die die go to school on Monday, that meant the person switching on the lights at J102 was HIM, that meant we're in trouble, that meant Dadi and Roy (and invariably and inevitably me) were going to put ALL the blame on Wesley, who ran yesterday. And he didn't come to school that day. You gotta live that Wesley's timing.

Hmmm 6 more days.


Wednesday: Mrs Goh the Principal came to address us during flag raising.

Goh: Toady, I want to talk to you about something important.
Russ: Hm.
G: It's a serious matter, and has been featured in the papers many times.
R: ?! What's this abt?
G: I'm sure by now you know what I'm talking about.
R: What? Wth she talking about? Terrorism? Dengue? Bird flu? Demi Moore? What?!
G: I am, of course, talking about the recent craze with blogging.

PENGZ! Chey! I thought it was something serious. It wasn't ALL over the papers, just a few articles about those bloggers charged in court. And since when was it a recent craze? People have been blogging since God knows when.

I think it sucks that we can't even blog what we want nowadays. Outright racism sucks, but a blog is for selective viewing. If you like what you see, happy for you. If not, exits are located at the top right corner of your screen. (Pls move in an orderly fashion, and do not shout, scream or spam tag boards.) It's like what they had milkshakes at Macs. People complained that they were fattening, so instead of reducing how much they drank, they made them remove it from the Macs menu. Don't like then don't drink! Like xiaxue's blog (I know that's not her real name). People say she's bitchy. So don't read her blog! Why go through all the trouble of flooding her comments, setting up anti-xiaxue blogs and stuff? Waste people's time, insignificant fools. Lol I sound like The Hong Kuang. :P

And that anti-xiaxue blog seems more like the person's own personal blog now. You see how you fools have been tricked?! Being anti-xiaxue was just a gimmick for publicity for his blog, and you've all fallen for it! Jack! *beep beeeeeeeeeep! BOMP!*

Hmmm 5 more days.


Thursday: Can't remember what I did. You see how bad my memory is?

Hmmm 4 more days.


Friday: Chemistry marathon again. Triple Chemistry tutorial (in which I could hardly keep awake) and then lunch and remedial till 5. Sick! If my Chemistry still can fail after this, I top diao ah!

But thank God it's Friday.

Hmmm 3 more days. That I don't really thank Him for.


Saturday: FINALLY the first day I get to sleep in for 4 weeks! The feeling was so nice... so familiar yet so alienating.

Later I got a call from Gaps. Met him and Kit at MP library to study. So Gaps could meet his friend who has MY library book and we can now go return it and I can make Gaps pay my...

EH SHIT! That guy never came! Farker....

That Gautam's a dickface. It's 2 days before the Physics paper, and his method of studying is he takes my Physics notes, arranges them in order, takes a piece of my foolscap and writes down all the chapters that are covered. I swear to God, the only thing about the Physics exam he seemed to know was that superposition wasn't tested. So he was asking me about electric fields:

G: Eh what did you write here? Where did u get k from?
R : Oh. Well Q/4 pi absalon nought r squared can be expressed as k Q/r squared cuz 1/4 pi absalon nought is a constant.
G: Okie then what's with this? *points to homologous sign*
R: Oh that just shows how kQ/r squared is similar to Gm/r squared.
G: ???
R: You DO know what Gm/r squared is right?
G: Er.... *incredulous look* no....


Good ol' Gautam chose the library to study. Then this staff member approaches us:

Staff: Excuse me, do you have one of this? *hands out a notice*
Kit: Yeah we do thanks.
R: What's that?
K: Oh just some notice saying that the library will close at 3 at 1st october for some staff event.
R: Er... it IS 1st October.
K: ?!?!

So we had to move. Went to the Airport. Crowded as ever. So we spent an eternity looking for the staff canteens to study there. Nice, empty space, but we were chased away there, too. By a cleaning auntie. The shame. Gaps left, having acomplished nothing whatsoever, except for establishing that he was going to pon the Chemistry exam. 4 subjects very big hor?

Kit and I went to his place to study more Chem, and then Cheryl calls me and starts crapping about her blur cock brother. She said something about missing the Powerpuff Girls movie, so I asked Kit to flick it on. That was it. No work done till 2130. Then we started talking about anything and everything, from social life to aliens to time travel to Advent Children to the bible code. We can crap for ages, I swear.

Oh yah I saw Advent Children already. Nice movie!

So yeha, after talking about the bible code, and how it says the world is going to end next year. None of us felt like studying. Nevertheless, I left his house at 0020.

Hmmm 2 more days.


My eyes are sore! I need sleep! But how to sleep now?! It's like sitting on death row. You can't wait till it's all over, but you don't want it to be over. Rrrrgh.