Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thank you, thank you



Boy these teachers sure have a way of keeping a guy in suspense. During morning assembly, I asked Mdm Ng how the promotion roll went the other day, and she said she was not allowed to reveal that until next Thursday, under principal's orders.

Bitch. I meant my principal.

Was feeling buggered down with the flu for these few days. Ah Boy says it was Takfik that spread it to us. Takfik thinks it's the other way around. Anyway I seriously didn't feel like sitting through Physics lecture, so went to the ODAC room to slack with Alex. Publicity somehow managed to thrash the place up while doing something in there for Noordin, so Alex and I were greeted by scrap paper all over the table and floor. Rrrgh...

There weren't any Chinese lessons for my Chinese class that day, and since the others were still in class (pia for A Level Chinese... jia you!) I went out with Wesley. Before we left, he had to go to the General Office to get his withdrawal form, and that's where I saw a notice for teachers to prepare for the release of the promotion results TOMORROW. Wtf?! Who to believe? But I suppose that was a last minute choice, so results were to be released the next day.

Went with Wes to Bedok interchange to eat (crazy guy... $7 for mixed grill.. lol) snd walk around looking at phones, games and manga. Then he brought me to the pirated CD shop at my request. Why? Because the writyed report was due in 18 hours and I didn't have Microsoft Officein my com, and thereby no way to finish my work; I had to do the final bits for the WR. I wanted to save for Office XP, but it's really expensive, and now I ran out of time, so I had to get the pirated version.

YOU SEE WHAT PW DOES TO YOU?! It left me no choice but to patronize a pirated shop. PW is evil! It should be abolished! It must be abolished! Everyone I've spoken to all agree that PW serves no practical use whatsoever, and merely puts extra stress on students. They wanted to introduce PW to promote critical, out-of-the-box thinking that people said was the edge that polys had over JCs, but they even managed to make PW so rigid and law-by-law. You have to follow a set plan and hand in compulsory pieces of work. There is NO evidence of any sort of promotion of free thinking and expressionism, because if you takle the project in a way other than how they specified it, they fail you. It's nonsense! PW is a waste of time. I hope soemone from MOE is reading this. I dunno who put forward the PW bill, but I seriously feel like knocking some sense into him with my project file. (Haha that reminds me of the "Taste my file!" joke between HK and me)

We gto PWNed by PW, and we're now POWs of PW.

Rushed PW till quite late, which isn't good for me cuz I'm sick. it seems that everyone is rushing PW now.

Was talking to Deb. Apparently, her friend was the top scorer for GP essay, and I was one mark shy of that mark. Wah lau I missed it by one mark!

Friday: Today, Ah Boy was di siaoing Takfik for passing us his flu. He went up to Takfik and was like "Thank yoy, thank you..." Lolz.

Sure enough, Mrs Goh appeared at morning assembly, saying that she decided to release the results today cuz she spoke to the teachers and now they don't wanna keep us in suspense.

So... *drumroll*

Aiyah promoted lah.

It wasn't conditional, that was the surprising thing. The other surprising thing was that people like Jeremy and Jamie got conditional advances (wow both S13....)

Happiness! Nothing could spoil my mood. We had TPJC Open House today, and I, being the on-the-ball member that I am, went to help out (meant that I got to skip class :P) Turnout was really sad, prolly cuz it's TPJC. Nobody aims to come here; we're a neither-here-nor-there school. People always aim for the higher schools, like TJ and VJ, or the lower schools like NY and SR cuz they are 20+ pointers hoping to scrape into a JC. We're just a drop-off point for people from the higher schools that couldn't make it. So turnout was lousy. There was this really cute girl, forgot if she was from KC or SAC. Why do all the cute girls come from SAC or SAJC? I know Jas would try to chari point here, but I'm not referring t you cuz you're not in SAJC anymore! Haha jkjk...

Couldn't join Alex and gang for soccer cuz My flu was more pronounced today, and so was my sore throat. I think my voice is nearly all gone now, although Wes says I sound more mature now. Cock lah haahaha!

Was watching The Crow: Salvation just now. People said it wasn't a good show, but I kinda liked it. That was my second time watching it. The only thing I found weird was that their blood was so fake. Looked like garlic chili sauce.

Ah my good mood's gone now. Prolly cuz I have a PW meeting tml... later rather. OP dry rum is on Monday. Kaoz....

PW sucks.