Saturday, October 08, 2005

IT'S OVER!!!!!11one

Monday: GP exam. Had a stomachache halfway through my essay. Wrote about only two or three points, but exceeded to about a thousand plus words. Compre sucked hard, especially AQ.

Physics in the afternoon. Completely deflated the exam mood I was in. When I was in primary school, I used to get into the exam mood, cuz I didn't have to study. I just had to sit through it and I would still score. Was in the exam mood after GP, but Physics was a horror. Guess my Amco jacket wasn't that locky after all.

After the paper, I got a call:

Gaps: Hey dude, you free tonight?
Russ: *this guy still wants to go out?!* Maybe... what's up?
G: Can we meet so you can teach me Chem?
R: I thought you were planning to pon Chem?
G: Yeah, but seeing how badly I did in Physics, I think I'm gonna need it now.

-_-" So yeah did go to meet him at the KFC at the CPF building in Tampines. Met Rayner there, too, but he was with other guys. Went through as much for organic Chemistry as I could with him from 6 to 8 plus.

On the way home, got another call:

Ian: Hey Russell, this is Ian. Where are you now?
Russ: Er... I was out with Gaps, I'm on the way home. Why?
I: Oh... er cuz Chemistry's tomorrow lah. I'm damn scared. Can you teach me?
R: ?!

Kit must've told Gaps I was teaching him Chem, and then Gaps must've told Ian I was teaching him Chem. These people must've forgotten the fact that I got a C5 for Chem O level and an F for mid years, but according to Gaps, I teach well. So yeah.

Tuesday: Chemistry was waay better than Physics. Probably cuz of all the teaching I did. And probably cuz I did away with the jacket. it seemed too easy to be comfortable, so I was a bit unnerved.

Wednesday: At the end of maths, I felt like crying.

Went home and sobered up, then met Alex and KX to go swimming at Jiun Hong's house. There were no papers the next day, so we figured we'd relax a bit. Met JH and Ah Bush at JH's condo. Swam a bit (while looking at SAC girls) and then went for a bit of table tennis (wheee). Later went up to JH's cozy room for a while to watch 15, and then left for 85 to meet Shaun and Kok Yong. (Stopped at a bike shop on the way, cuz the bike Ah Bu was using had tyre probs.)

After 85, we went to East Coast to chiong for a bit (or at least Alex and I were chionging) then went to Fort Road, Tanjong Rhu, Kallang stadium, Esplanade and Clarke Quay. Wheee! Then we went back! Went to the marketplaec where Poly Games is back in Bedok. We all then split up to go home, but I detoured to JH's house to borrow Frozen Throne from him.

Thursday: Forgot what I did. Prolly nothing, except chiong Physics at night till I fell asleep and didn't wake up till next morning.

Friday/Saturday: I dunno how I felt about Physics Paper 1 that day. All I knew was: ITS OVER! Shiok! But the bloody paper finished at 9. There's nowhere to go to at 9 in the morning! Except maybe McDonald's, which was where we went. A few of them then went to watch GOAL!, but Alex, Say Chee, JH, Raymond, Yan Yan and me went to Safra Tampines to play pool. In school uniforms! Haha actually the uncle there gave us shirts to wear over. That was nice of him. Played till 2, then met KX and Ah Bu (from the movie) and they all went over to my place to watch 15 (again yeah, but we didn't finish it then)

Slowly they all went home. Met them later at 7 for dinner and soccer, but didn't get to play much. Later had to leave for home, cuz I was supposed to meet Kit and Gaps at 10.

Met them at 11.

Went to watch The Myth at Lido. Nice show! But that left us at Orchard Road at 3 in the morning. Even for Orchard Road, there's nothing to do at bloody 3 in the morning. Had to take a night rider to Bedok. Bloody $3 for a bus ride. Went to Kit's house to spend the night. No energy to go home, but Gaps had to, cuz he had stuff later. Watched Advent Children (again) at Kit's house, then went to sleep (was 6 by then)

Woke up at 11. Had lunch at his place, then we left for Bedok (me to go home, Kit to go Aljunied to meet his friend) Saw Cheryl there. With a guy! :O Wahahaha!

Feeling kinda lethargic the whole day. Promos took a lot out of me. Last paper's on Monday, but it's Chinese B, so nothing I can do anything about.

Wanna go play FT now. *F1 C click F2 N click F3 E click coil nova impale aargh!* Bye