Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cycle until shiok

My blog entries are becoming rather systematic. It's so suffocatingly boring....

Wednesday: We (a few of the 05S15 guys) were at the school back gate deciding what to eat after school before Chem remedial, when Samad the PE teacher caught up to us looking for Charles. Fishy has something with the PE teachers... he's so fat and yet he isn't in TAF (wasn't, rather... more in a sec) and he skipped so many SPE lessons that accumulatively he owes Edward Chew about 75 rounds on the track. Anyway Samad was being his usual funny self, and he refused to believe that Charles isn't in TAF, so he took his height and weight, and it turns out he IS overweight. He's not on TAF yet, but he's on the "mailing list"; Commando Lee gave him to the end of the year to lose weight, or next year he would be joining the porkers' club.

We had lunch at Uncle Louis. Charles had mixed rice... less rice, 1 meat and 1 vege! Wahahaha! But his crash diet was short-lived. After that he had Mamee and ice cream. -_-"

Thursday: During TAF we were playing soccer with S18, Ah Bush's class. Wheeeeee!

Friday: 3 periods of Chem tutorial + 2 1/2 hours of Chem makeup. Cerine Lim is being extra kan cheong these few days, giving us so many lessons. After school went back to rest, and then went to ECP to meet Alex. Cycled a bit, and then cycled to Simpang at Bedok to meet Ah Boy, KX (who was late) and Ah Bush, who STILL doesn't have a bike, and STILL wears jeans and a polo tee to meet us like he's going dating. Ate at Simpang's roti prata shop while cracking bangla jokes, then went home.

Saturday: Woke up late, so was late for PW meeting. Actually, everyone was late for PW except Eng Yong (who arranged the meeting). I can't survive without Mocrosoft Office. I use Works, and it can't interface well with .doc files, so the survey for our project I had to print out came out half completed. We ended up having to go to Ah Boy's house to do the project, so it was rather convenient that he overslept too. Cute boy came ultra late and left ultra early. Did PW from 11 to 5. Ah Boy gave me his yellow Polycon cycling jersey, so pai sey! I still look fat even if I put it on, and I think I need to train a lot before I become worthy of such a jersey.

The minute I logged on to MSN when I got home, Alex immediately called me out to cycling that night. Later met Alex, Ah Bush (STILL in jeans, a polo and his big bag) and Rayner, KX's friend, at 168, amd later met KX near his house. Cycled to Thaipan at Mandarin Gardens to eat. Not bad the prices but the green curry was a little... little. For $6. Then left for ECP, where we happened to meet some of Rayner's cycling friends. GY riding Giant and Cannondale with slicks, but still couldn't beat Alex in a sprint :P Later bought sugar cane and went to the jetty to chill. Alex and I chionged there. I'm starting to pace Alex, but I still can't catch up, and I tend to lag a bit after a while. After jetty we went to Rayner's condo to chill near the pool and lim jui until Alex was high. Lolz just kidding. It would've been nice to 'ton there, but we didn't. Went home at 1 plus, nearly 2.

Today: Where did the weekend go?!