Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mommy...its overrr....

I hate putting off entries till late, cuz I start to forget everything. Now I have to recap the happenings of the last 5 days or so. But these 5 days have (and will) probably be the most memorable days of my stint in TPJC, and I haven't been blogging cuz I seriously had no time and not cuz I was lazy. So here goes one veeeerrrrryy long entry....

I'll most prob talk about the things impressionable enough for me to remember now, which mainly means ODAC stuff. ;-)

Wednesday: With farewell night only 3 days away, we started to finalise everything and kick into full gear. Meeting after school (where I think I was the only non-exco member peh on) and then after which Alex, Zhi Hui, Jamie, Veronica and me stayed back to do a few of the prizes, the test tube memorabilia. I'm still not so good at it... wahaha and Veron was knocking her test tube of gel on Alex's handphone cover until his heart like gonna break. Then they turned on each other and started flinging blobs of gel in each others' hair. Kids these days ah...

Got home at 2100


Thursday: During Chemistry mass remedial, Mr Yeong (or Leong) showed us some spastic commercial at the end of the lecture, something about a ninja and his inept partner who accidentally stuck a shuriken in his head.


Friday: Chiong to farewell night. But before that, had CIP at Metta home for the aged, with Kellyn, Cheryl-jo, Shirnnie, Roy and Ah Boy. Waste of time, cuz:
1. Almost ALL of them spoke Hokkien, so only Kel looked like she knew what she was talking about.
2. The only time I understood any of them was when one of them asked me for 20 cents to buy sweets. Sad...
3. We all thought we would go there to entertain them, but we were given menial jobs, like clean up the place.
4. The only entertainment they had was a karaoke set.
5. The menial jobs were enough for the present staff to handle. So that left 7 of us mopping the floor, and the home was smaller than my house.

What I learnt:
1. Some of us have never done housework before in their lives. Cheryl needed Liyi's help just to pull off a bolster cover, and Roy was sweeping the floor like a n00b with both hands. What a laugh.
2. More of a reminder. Places like this are depressing. I felt the depressing aura the minute I walked close to the place. To the best of my abilities, I will ensure my parents never end up in a place like that. So help me God.

Thought that ODAC would have their activity (flying fox) first and then meeting, so with my cip, I thought I would miss the flying fox for sure, so I didn't bother bringing my PT kit. Turns out that they did meeting FIRST and then flying fox, so we got back just in time for it. Doesn't matter, anyway, cuz there wasn't enough time for everyone anyway. Caught a few on camera, think I got Chingx too...

Ended at 6 plus, and then the farewell night prep started. The old script was done away with cuz one of the J2s (Alvin or Victor...) didn't like it (thank God) So now a new script was in place, where we mixed in a whole of fairy tales. I remember seeing this concept being done before for a play by my Sec 3 class. I also remember seeing people walk out on the play as I was out on the stage performing. So that was why I was initially skeptical of the new script, but calling for a script change 22 hours before showtime was crazy, so I kept hush... I was casted as Sleepy, which furthered my reputation as the guy who sleeps in class with Alex :P and I was the only male dwarf, and the only tall one. Practiced and debriefed by 9 plus. Then went to eat with Kim Wan (aka Wipes), Ming Song, Zhe Wei and Kenneth at Mac. Main rationale was to collect sauces for the MacSaturdae (explain later), so Ming Song went to buy McNaRRgeRRts:

Lady: What sauce would you like?
MS: Er, 2 wasabi and one lemon tango
*lady gets sauces*
MS: Then can I get 4 packets of tartar sauce?
*lady hesitates, then gets sauces*
MS: And can I have another 4 packets of curry sauce and 4 packets of sweet chilli?
*lady stares incredulously, then gets sauces*

After that, went to Kit's house to borrow a set of PJs from him for my Sleepy role. It's always nice to catch up with him and talk about anything, old or new. Contemplated on staying the night at his place, but I was afraid of oversleeping.

Got home at 0030


Saturday: D-Day. Met Cai Tao at school at 12 plus (late) and went in to meet Rebecca, Gui Rong, Jamie, Alex and Veron, who were settling their (cheap :P) gifts for their previous heads. Then went to T Mart Mac to eat and meet Cindy (becca went for tuition). Alex, CT and I tested a MacSaturdae "prototype". Okie basically a MacSaturdae is a (supposedly) ultra disgusting drink, with Sprite Ice as a base ingredient, and then possibly every type of sauce from Mac (outside sauces welcome) mixed in, stirred and served. Overdose of sweet chili usually results in the Saturdae looking like carrot juice, that is, until you smell it. I was brave (or as Alex says, stupid) enough to drink one on a previous occasion, and up it went immediately.

Then followed an ultra long bus ride to Roxy Square in Parkway, where farewell night would be held. Along the way, the others all took turns to ask me why I carries so much with me (apart from my fav Nike bag, also had a suit cover with my night wear and the cheap shoe bag the school gave us during NDP). We weren't the first there, cuz Kenneth, Ming and Daryl (Xia Jian) were there. Wah XJ dress until so zhai. Then we went on to set up the place.

The other J1s started to trickle in slowly, helping to set up and then a final rehearsal for the skit. By 15 minutes before showtime, the only person not in smart wear was me. My plan was to remain in casual wear, and then change to the PJs for the play, and then after that change to my night wear (my Gio collarless shirt and jeans andf my black shoes and my fav Nixon watch). Now people started taking turns asking me if I was going to remain the whole night in a T-shirt, shorts and sandals. Veron's reaction was especially dramatic, cuz when she saw me in casual wear 5 minutes to time, she was aghast. Wahahhaha!! Clarence (Bra Man) and Veron were especially stressed (P and VP mahz...)

Everything went on without major hiccups (except for the banners and LTC flags falling off halfway) Alex and Zhe Wei were not bad as hosts, and the plan to sabo Daryk (the previous Prez)with the gift of the miniature toilet bowl that squirts water (or what will you) at you when you open it didn't work out, cuz he knew what it was immediately. "Oh *takes out toilet bowl* very funny... very funny *squirts Bra Man with it*"

ODAC has to learn to spell it skiT and not skiD...Rowena and her stupid spelling. Spells runway as rAnway. Not even Gautam is that bad lar...

Anyway the skiT, in my opinion, has its ups and downs. Of course, people had a good laugh when bra man pranced on stage as Snow White in a pink dress and his infamous sexy red bra, and when Cai Tao made his appearance as Jill in Jamie's KC uniform. But then there were lulls in the performance, one of which occurred too close to the ending (when the 3 gays and the 3 "chio bus" were dancing, although the "si beh gay" part was funny). Luckily Xia Jian was here to save the day as the Prince, giving Snow White the reviving kiss (I taught Daryl how to "kiss" bra man and make it look convincing and funny) Best part!

An hour before showtime, Veron suddenly tells me I'm hosting a game with Gui Rong. I was totally unprepared at the time, but when the game came, I just decided to wing it. So I went up there with Gui Rong unprepared (except having changed to night wear) and decided to improvise on the spot. Had fun making fun of a few seniors in the game (in particular Melvin and Faris... they accused me of being racist to Faris, but I'M Indian also leh!)

Rest of the proceedings went good, and the slideshow was nice. And so was the song we sang (Jay Chou's Qing Tian... one of my all time favs) Best part was the Sacred Cheer; we were shouting ourselves hoarse and slapping our thighs red. Both Clarence and Daryk were saying sentimental things to each other. It was Yun Zheng and Shirnnie's birthday, so we had a cake. Then we went to sabo Yun Zheng by making him drink a Saturdae. Wah knn he actually drank it without flinching.

Well soon the show was over. Success! Our hard work paid off!! Stuck around for a few photos, and then we cleared out. Then hotel staff confronts us saying there's a mike missing. Wah lau mike also wanna kope... So we all went to search the bags and stuff. I thought maybe it was still up there and went to look for Clarence, who went up already. And that's when the group of us found both mikes on the podium. Wah knn scare us sia... They can still tell us "Well you can search the room, but we assure you it isn't here cuz we searched it already." And then a few seconds later, one of us shouts "There! Here lah!" Wah tio jack sia that guy... started apologizing... On the way down, Veron was telling us "Eh later when you come off the lift, all wear black faces and tell the rest the hotel wants us to pay for damages." Wah Veron scheming sia... But at the same time, Ching Xun was on the phone with someone downstairs saying "Oh zhao3 dao4 le, zhao3 dao4 le (Oh we found it)" DIAOZ!!! Maybe it was better that the prank didn't go through, cuz the thought of Daryk blowing his top was so going to ruin the whole nightTook group photo later. I went to kneel in front of the group, and then the J2s were like "Wah Russell looks like he's shitting lah!" Wah lau eh... then one of the J2s was like "Wah lau pls lah where got people shit in that position lah!" LOL!

Later, as we all parted ways, Rui Qun, Yue Zhi, Ziling, Handsome 4 (successors of the Hor Fun 4: Kenneth, Ming Song, Alex and Zhi Hui), Jaren and I went to find someplace to eat, but that's not always easy at 12 in the morning. Finally found a coffee shop to relax and crap at, and to have DINNER. Wanted to stay longer, but I was chao tired. So a few of us dispersed and I took a cab back. Damn midnight 50% surcharge.

Got home at 0200.


I know I should write about today, but it's veeeeerrrryyy late now and I should go.

Sorry for the excessively long entry. Will be back soon... hopefully with pics of that night.

And ODAC... you guys rock man. Thanks lotz to the J2s for taking us this far. Always remembered, never forgotten. J1s, we have a lot to live up to. Let's get to it soon :D