Tuesday, August 09, 2005

7th month

At church, Fr. Johnson wanted to start a new thing: a prayer every 1st Sunday of the month for married couples celebrating their anniversaries that month. So last Sunday he thought he could get started. But whem he invited anniversary couples to step forward to recieve blessings, none came. Apparently nobody had their anniversaries now. Father was a bit perplexed, so he continued the mass. Just before it ended, he finally realised why nobody had their anniversaries now: it was the 7th month. Lolz... it was one of those rare few moments when something comical happened during mass and everyone found funny.

Today's National Day celebrations were... boring, to me anyway. Some people came to school in red or white T-shirts, or, in someone's case, a body-hugging white tee printed by the print-a-tee-shirt booth in the school foyer. She looked hot enough to burn my eyes out (although I wasn't game to tell her that up front) The parade contingent only got slightly better from the last time I blogged about them, but I guess that was enough. The biggest crack up was that the Parade Commander's peak cap was crooked!

AHAHAHA what a laugh!

The perfomance in the hall was good, but I still was bored. The band was pretty good, though. But halfway, I still found myself detached from the happenings, deeply immersed in a conversation with Gaps about a few things, like the Half Bloof Prince.

Yeeks... a cockroach just ran into my room. Lemme go get rid of it.

Yeah okie I'm done. I hate cockroaches. Or any species of roaches. For as long as I can remember. Dunno where I developed this fear, but it could be from young when a particularly flamboyant roach nearly flew into my face after crawling over my foot.

Anyway... yeah school got out at 10.10 a.m, so naturally now would be the best time to go out and do something, or find something to do. Ah Boy wanted to watch The Maid. During 7th month?! Wow... eergh.... but instead, Ah Boy, Pui Kia, Pai Kia and I went to T Mart to eat. Full everywhere. TPJC obviously wasn't the only school in the vicinity, and every school in the country probably let out at this time I'd reckon. Tampines Mall was worse, packed with students from possibly every secondary school and college in the East ('tho didn't see any TJ or VJ students) Thought I saw NJ students too, but all the way here? Haha NJ students don't need to buy National Day shirts from Hang Ten... they can all just come to school in their blazers. It would've looked damn cool.

Finally ate at Yoshinuya. We couldn't watch a movie at ALL, cuz the queue was ginormous and earliest movies were 2 p.m. So while the rest went back home, I went to find Alex, Cai Tao and Alton. Dennis and Junming were there too. Slacked outside 77th Street... saw that someone again (wow...) then went to SAFRA Tampines, or rather, they went Safra and I went home for a while, then went back there to watch the TPJC Bowling Open. Alex, Kai Xiang, Ah Bush and Alton signed on as one team, an they played not bad on the whole, except for the first few frames. Didn't win anything, but who cares. Lam, CT and KX went to my house to drop off their bowling balls. My room just had to pick this opportune time to be messy: when I actually have guests.

Again, we didn't watch a movie, but instead spent our money at Han's restaurant, where we ate dinner and crapped, as in talked a lot. Michael... er... Michelle met us later. So we crapped there about anything and everything, moving from Han's to the playground near Joseph Choo's house. Stayed there till 9 to talk, the 5 of us, and then we started to go home.

I'm bushed. 7 a.m to 9 p.m of going out and now I might even fall asleep while typing this. Wah sian Maplesea is only 40% completed downloading. I'm downloading it cuz I miss playing Maple Story. Wow I seriously can't seem to think now. I'd better go.
