Sunday, August 07, 2005

It's never me

I really feel that I ought to blog, but I don't always have something central to talk about.

Nth memorable happened during Friday chem prac, except that I was bantering with Aerodynamic, up to the point that I said "Oie, you wait I take this HCl and burn off your remaining hair!" Wow that was mean. Chingx and I were laughing uncontrollably.

After school on Friday, Zahra was supposed to be performing at SRJC, but I told her I was busy, cuz that Friday I had an ODAC meeting, and then it was ODAC-Room-Cleaning Day. Meeting was about to start in 5 minutes, and our beloved President Clarence (Bra Man) and the Pioneering Head Alex (Ah Lam) were squaring off at carrom. So I just walked into the room and said "Eh Clarence hurry up and lose... meeting starts in 5 minutes." We moved everything out and Zhe Wei and I scrubbed and mopped the place up. Rowena super slacker sia... she took nearly 2 hours and all she did was busy herself with the whiteboard. Like that takes 2 hours.

After cleanup, we played carrom again :P Me Kim Wan vs. Clarence and Daryl (Xia4 Jian4) KW and I were noobs lah... got thrashed by the legendary President's Striker -_-" After that when we were chatting, Clarence told me something that surprised and disappointed me slightly, although I didn't show it. Apparently, I was marked down to be the potential president of ODAC even before LTC, but because I didn't complete it, I can't even get into exco. I dunno if what he said is true, or if I heard correctly... wait why would Clarence lie to me about something like this? I was okie with not being in exco when the names were released at the Handing Over Ceremony, but now knowing that I was a day and a half worth of LTC away from the top job........ I was super suay during that period. Had high fever during kayaking course, so I didn't get my one star, and then my fever acted up during LTC again, so I left after we returned from the Land and Sea Expeditions. Clarence said he wasn't even a choice in the first place for presidency, and had I finished LTC it would most probably be a tussle between Alex and me for the top job.

It sucks. Well I suppose it doesn't matter. Bra Man's doing a good job as president, and even as a regular member I can still do my part, maybe even outpace some of the more slack exco members. And it's not like it's the first time that circumstances lead me to missing a leadership role. NCC, PA crew, even as Parade Commander for the National Day '04 parade at BV, although in most of those cases the difference is that I was deliberately denied a leadership role, like for PC. The PC candidates were Dhana, Ian and me. Sufi (the asshole training us that time) tried Dhana out, then Ian, and before he could see me, he gave Ian the position. So I thought I was up, and I was left standing there like a dumbass waiting for my turn to try out, and then when I saw the flag-raisers keeping the flags, I knew something was up. I was sorely pissed that day, especially with Sufi. So after something like that, I guess I can live with being just another ODAC member. I may never make a difference from where I am, as I would like to, but as long as ODAC does well, I guess I'm cool. But it still sucks.

Was watching True Files just now, where they were showing a story about a male prostitute that killed a male client of his and was hung for it, at Changi Prison back in 1998. It suddenly occurred to me that I was staying at the prison officers' quarters at Moon Crescent nearby, which was VERY close to Changi Prison. We're talking less than a minute's walk. You could literally see the front gates of the citadel-like complex from the second floor balcony of my house, or if I opened my bedroom window. It never occurred to me that every Friday, as I rushed home to begin enjoying my weekend in euphoria, less than 100 m away, someone was getting hung. Someone would be hung almost every Friday. And I never gave it much thought till now.

I need sleep. When Bra Man told me what he did on Friday, I didn't think much of it, but now it's haunting me. I need to blast some music.