Sunday, July 31, 2005

The eggy end is coming

Hmm... the debate finals were more entertaining than I expected. Raffles vs Hwa Chong (the team that beat us in the prelims) Well I was kinda rooting for HCI at first, but once I heard Raffles speak? I knew RJC had it in the bag (Raffles JC... not Russell Jude Chander :P) Well Raffles won, and it was an unanimous decision amongst all 7 adjudicators, which is like a first I think. HC has style, in my opinion, but RJ out their case forward stronger, and their 3rd speaker was excellent. The HC team was slightly different from the one that beat us; the 2nd speaker Elgina (who happens to be Jas' friend) was replaced by someone else. Pity, cuz from what I remember Elgina was probably the better speaker. But it wad a damn good debate, with risky stuff like definition arguments and multi-tier rebuttals. HC's 3rd speaker is cute. Think her name was Aileen?

The debate ended at 5, which left me 2 minutes to travel from Tiong Bahru to home, change, grab my bike and ride down to ECP if I was going to meet the 05S15 gang of guys on time. So naturally I was late. Met Ah Lam, Ah Boy, Pai Kia, Pui Kia and Meng Nan at the skate shop at ECP at 7 plus. Cycle a bit (Ah Boy and Meng Nan on blades) den went off to 85 hawker centre near Bedok Stadium to makan and lim jiu... eh sorrie lim jui. Although Lam and me parked our bikes nearby within sight, I still chained them up together. You could say I've grown a bit paranoid after Kit's bike got stolen, and he just turned his back for a minute.

Later went to SeWen EleWen to buy drinks and went to some nearby park to slack and kao peh. That's when we coined all the nicks for the 05S15 guys that I'll use and are listed below. Pai Kia and Ah Lam tried their hands at skating for the first time. Wah n00bs :P haha but they caught on quick, especially Alex (must say this sort of thing or else he will kao peh in my tagboard). That night was damn scandalous cuz Pai Kia was talking about cai tao kueh den he said something to the effect of "I like Eggy" Aiseh! We all immediately thought of that girl in our class and laughed our asses off. Now Pai Kia and Meng Nan are having a quarrel on the class blog :P

Had a teens connect meeting just now after mass. Apparently Sam has a new boyfriend...again *groan* So yeah it was Cheryl, Sam, Edwin, Victor and Juliana there. After meeting we went hanging around the mall, like we always do, and talking about stuff (which included extremists Christians again) I dunno why, but ever since young, I've always had this feeling that we're too confortable, and somewhere in the near future, the world, or at least the world as we know it, is going to end. Sooner or later, there's gonna be this big conflict, like a war, only more in depth or sth, and we're all gonna be dragged into it, like a Voldemort sort of conflict. I can't fathom what it'll be like when I grow old cuz I dunno if I'll (or we'll) live that long. It's like in the book of Revelations, and like the Matrix: the world as we know it will end and be annihilated and restarted, and only a select few of us will be saved and left to rstart humanity or something like that. I dunno if it's just this overimaginative mind of mine, or my desperation for the norm and routine of everyday life to end, but that's what I feel.

And while we're on that notion of the end of the world, check out this Flash animation on that same subject...funny!

And here's the list of 05S15 nicks for future reference.

Alex - Ah Lam (class treasurer), Rico
Hubert - Kuku Bird, Pui Kia
Charles - Fishy
Yongquan - Ah Boy
Hong Kuang - Dayang (mei ren yu! :P)
Hong Boon - Meng Nan
Gabriel Lee - Muhd Ali bin Tok Tok (long sia, so it's just Ali now)
Gabriel Yip - Dadi (tou fa you mei you luan?)
Justin - Aerodynamic (hairless mahz...)
Eugene - Cute Boy, Cycling Stick (I gave him that one :P)
Tak Shing - Ah Hock, Blur Cock, Takfik Blurtisah (wah this guy got a lot sia)
Roy - Pai Kia
Kah Chou - at first it was Scheming ("Wah scheming sia!") den Scheming Kah Chou, Scheming K and finally SK, aka SK2, Soo Kee Jewellery and Suay Kia
Wesley - Chee Bai Kia (according to Ah Boy)
