Saturday, July 30, 2005

Talk about national disgrace

Just in case you haven't noticed ( -_-") I've changed the blog music. This one is called Snapshot by Fluke. Don't have the lyrics, and neither will I bother cuz the thing I like about this song is the beats and mainly the feel.

Well Thursday was uneventful for most of the day, unless you count the fact that I (accidentally) zhaoed Chinese class. During training, we found out that the gym doesn't open on Thursdays, so KX, Raymond and I were kao pehing about it. So after training we were slacking at the stadium watching the softball tourney and the NDP "contingent" (above) train for the day. Note the " " arount contingent cuz the group is so small they can't even form a bloody squad. I'd join them and do the march for National Day, but I'm not going to for 4 reasons:

1. Their performance is unbelievably pathetic.
2. I cn't find my uniform and badges (did away with most of them I NCC days are behind me)
3. I don't wanna lose face in front of the school because their performance is unbelievably pathetic.
4. Their performance is unbelievably pathetic.

Seriously... they suck, committing just about every possible mistake, especially (to my annoyance if I were the Parade Commander) the birdshit stomp. That's when the flight does a bang that's so pathetically uncoordinated that it sounds like a flock of birds with diarroeah (is that how you spell it?). Paul and Da Zun are still good in their drills and stuff, but the rest of the squad makes them look bad. They can dare to break ranks and laugh when practicing. And that CLT there (not Ian) is just as bad lah, waving his pace stick about the place like he's Battousai or sth. No respect. Seroiusly, if they perform like this on the day itself, the Singapore flag (which they tend to mistreat) will rip itself down from the flagpole in disgrace, and I'll probably get detention for the whole of the month for being the first to laugh and throw rotten eggs at them.

On a lighter note, Friday was more fun. Screwed my Chemistry practical for the first time this year, but enough of that (first time doing thermochemistry practical lah). Went to Uncle Louis coffee shop with Ah Boy, Ali, Pai Kia, Hubert and Hong Boon (we started calling him Meng Nan). Then later had ODAC meeting to discuss the Farewell night. I swear Ah Lam is taking advantage fo his position as director of the skit to put me in compromising situations in the play. And my parodical role as *someone* requires me to act gay. Tai guo fen lohz. I can act Charles gay or Ian gay, but not *someone* gay lah...

Anyway the Orienteering fac (which I'm in) is in charge of games. I think I might use stuff from Jackass The Movie as forfeits or stuff. :D After that we just spent the rest of the time (till 7) slacking and messing around. Me, Ah Lam, Zhi Hui, Ming Song, Kim Wan, Jonathan, Jamie and Shann were slacking at the staduim, this time watching rock climbers and people testing the new flying fox. "Celebrated" Jonathan's birthday today. It really was his birthday, we weren't making an excuse to beat him up. The guys chased him across the track until he nearly ran into the path of someone coming down on the flying fox.

I tell you the ODAC Room needs a damn good clean up; clear out trash, mop the floor and stuff. The conditions are so messy we might even have a Doxy or Boggart infestation and not know it (figure of speech). Well they certainly didn't know of the maggots until Zhe Wei found a God-knows-how-many-months-old packet of lunch crawling with them. And he says still got eggs! Wtf... now we see how much the 19th batch loves us, by leaving us an oversized storeroom where you can play carrom with the maggots (just kidding)

Well I guess I should be going... got debate stuff tml... later... have to attend the MOE Debate Finals and watch them (TPJC wasn't through) at SPRING Singapore. That's all the way in TIONG BAHRU lah...! AH well...
