Monday, July 18, 2005

Kill me now....

And once again I find myself blogging when I should be working.

I'm starting to revert to my old ways again by not updating regularly. I've just been very busy and rather stressed lately. I can feel it in my limbs and my eyes. It's that feeling as though you know you're somehow sick but not the kind of sick that gets you out of school.

I've been going back to my depression mood again. My work is piling inconsiderably. I have to copy out a Chinese compo, do a Chinese article writeup, rewrite my Chinese essay and do a 400-word correction exercise... and it's due in like 10 hours. That Wong is fucking unreasonable. Thought I liked him, but I rather feel like purposely missing his class tml to stick it to him. I know my Chinese is bad, but today's berating was something i didn't like to put up with. Who the fuck d'you think you are?

I managed to buy and finish Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince within 2 days, which is somewhat of a record for me. And I thought that on the day and time of the release (Saturday at 7.01 a.m at Popular), people would be stampeding each other to get copies. I woke up late and strolled into TM Popular at nearly 9. Empty! Wtf? 3 or 4 big boxes of the book still lay there at the counter. When I went there the next day with Cheryl, Small Joe and Edwin, there still were 2 boxes. Very weird....

So I finished it on Sumday night. It's very very different from the other books, and although it was good, as in the usual JK Rowling good, the ending made me sick to my stomach. Not because it was badly written, but cuz of what happened. Have no idea what's gonna happen to everyone now and how they're supposed to pull through. I still feel lousy. Today my mind was plagued by visual re-enactments of the scene at the Astronomy Tower over and over again. Sian....

I feel like collapsing half of the time, out of fatigue, frustration and sheer unwillingness. I'm starting to look more worn down and my mom says my eyes are permanently bloodshot, though I think she's exaggerating again. I wasn't exaggerating about my homework, though, so I'd better go now.