Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Groundhog Day

No it isn't suddenly Groundhog Day. Singapore doesn't have groundhogs. This entry's just named after the titular movie cuz, due to the Sea Sports Carnival yesterday (which I zhaoed cuz I wasn't feeling well) we "reused" Monday's timetable for Tuesday. So yah...

Today Kai Xiang seems very off, like something's eating him, cuz he's not as sprightly as he usually is. He denies anything being the matter, but I guess so would I. Think I should let him ride it out and not badger him. He should be back to normal tml.

The dumbest thing about reusing Monday's timetable today was that my first 2 periods was Chemistry lecture, except that there was no lecture cuz all the Chemistry teachers are busy invigilating SPAs. To the 6 plus classes were left sitting in LT1 like dumbasses for a while and then slowly we all left. Within 1/2 an hour of the "lecture" ending I think everyone vacated the LT and made for the canteen or the library. Who says TPJC doesn't have a unified spirit?

While I was writing a Chinese compo in the library today I heard some familiar giggling and I looked up to see Joanne and Jamie. It's pretty obvious that their visas for First-Three-Months Land haven't expired as far as they're concerned, cuz when they spotted me Joanne was like "You wanna play cards?" Wow... I thought I was slack...

Today's GP lesson was damn funny. Miss Yap took over this period from Miss Leow to finish the mass media lessons from last term. FYI Miss Leow is quite young, around 20's, but Miss Yap looks like she's hitting 50 soon (although I'm sure Alex would like to contest for a much older age). So when Yap entered the class, Chingx was like "HAH?! Miss Leow what happened to you?!" I dunno if that was on purpose (probably is...Chingx isn't that slow) but her reaction was classic man. Then later Yap was talking about rubbish shows on TV and she mentioned Patricia Mok. Then Alex said "Eh Miss Yap look like Patricia Mok hor?" At first I chuckled, but I then considered what he said and had a good look at her, and I did everything I could to stop myself from laughing too hard. Yongquan wasn't so concerned with subtleties, though. When Alex told him the same thing he immediately was like "WAH CHER!!!..." and was probably about to tell Yap about her resemblance, but then decided against it. Smart guy. YQ is never the guy for subtleties, even in class, and that's why he's so exuberantly refreshing from other people. Later Yap was talking about how in Cambodia they kill teachers to prevent ideaological uprisings or something like that. I was bored sick of the lesson so I said to Alex "Can we start now?" YQ heard me and immediately got off his chair and started cracking his knuckles! I swear man!

TPJC didn't get into the quarter-finals of the JCDCs. Found this out from Joel's blog, but am yet to know what Miss Kon's reaction is. Think she said Tampines has always been making it to the quarters. Meridian and National didn't get in either, but Serangoon and Catholic did. Talk about injustice.

I have a shitload of work to get through and here I am blogging. I need to start getting my priorities straight.