Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I wish I was still in Perth

Well I managed to get the audio working. FFVII theme! Love it.

I'm still trying to adjust to the weather here in Singapore. Being on holiday in Perth for a week can do that to you. The weather there is frigid, going as low as 3 degrees on some days. But it's usually cool and I miss that. Nevertheless I'm still kinda thankful for our weather. And my lips still haven't fully recovered from the cold...

Strangely enough, I didn't miss my phone and my computer as much as I thought I would have during the trip. I'm talking about missing as in out of necessity, as in "Where the hell's my mom? I wish I had my phone to call her." Mind you we did lose her a few times at the flea markets. And I wasn't that thrilled when I finally found time to go down to the computer terminal in the hotel apartment lobby to check my mail, except that I finally got to talk to Jas for the 1st time in a while (a rather short-lived convo...)

Common tests are in less than a week and I only just started studying. I'm in deep shit if I don't do something drastic soon. Even Gaps has started studying, and if you know Gaps you'd know that's saying something. Supposed to go meet him at the MP library to study but I think by the time I get there he's probably done for the day and gone off with some girl. Sian...

Initial D the movie comes out on Thursday. I wanna go watch it, but it's a bit too close to CTs for comfort, and I've spent enough for this holiday. I didn't get pocket money for this month so that means I'm about $100 below my comfortable level. So that means I can't wait for school to start so I get my monthly dough, but that means having to face the CTs. That's like waiting for Christmas with dread cuz you have to sit thruogh your promos first. Well that's life I guess