Monday, July 11, 2005


Sunday was the lamest Sunday ever. Went to church where I met the TC gang and then went to the canteen to eat. Halfway through Joseph Snr., David and Cheryl had to leave for a while for a meeting with the new Youth Coordinator I think. Hope getting a YC means more recognition in church soon. It'd be really cool to be instated as an official church ministry. We might get a room too soon :D

So yeah, they were back soon. Then the gang of us (including Joan, Edwin, Joseph Jr. and Kim) went to eat at Century Square (which is opposite TM) at the Dim Sum shop in the basement. Then we went walking around and David and Joan had to leave early, and then Big Joseph (I think I'll start calling them Big Joe and Small Joe, like how 05S15 differentiates between Big Gab and Small Gab), and Kim later (cuz Dad called her). She always leaves early... So the rest of us crashed at Cheryl and Small Joe's house, where I found out how hyper and high she can get, playing with her little stuffed doggie and playing tech deck with mahjong tiles. I was rather flabbergasted, especially after:

Russ: You're all nuts, man.
Cheryl: Yep, and you're corn! :D

Then I was like -_-" I never thought anyone could tell colder jokes than Jas or Sam, but I stand corrected. We ate at a coffee shop nearby and then went home, which was when I just realised that it was 8 pm, and because of JCDCs, I haven't gotten a single piece of school work done ALL WEEK. Boy was I screwed. Well I suppose I have legitimate reasons (except that I was at Cheryl's house playing mahjong, dai dee and Uno Stacko)

That night, the wierdest thing happened to me. It was funny, scary and totaly unexpected for me. Some stranger just added me on MSN via the directory and asked me for cybersex. I was seroiusly taken aback, cuz she introed herself (crazy NYP student) and then asked me if I masturbate. I was like no wtf... then she sed "You in to cybersex? See my tits" And she changed her display pic to I suppose you can guess. That was when I had enough and I quickly blocked her. For 3 reasons:

1. Kim was in the room.
2. I wasn't ready to lose my virtual virginity. -_-"
3. How do I know she was a girl? I sound paranoid, but after I saw this clip at the Kontraband website, I began to think. Go check it out if you want. The worst part of it is censored. If certain sensitive ppl feel offended, wait for the end. It's worth it. And if certain ppl also like unplugging their speakers, this clip has no sound... hahaha...

So yeah I was a bit shocked at the time. When I told Jas she was laughing her ass of and said "I told you not to talk to strangers." Talk about consoling. But now that I look back on it, it was kinda funny. Lemme clarify: the idea of cybersex doesn't scare me. The fact that she was a complete stranger was the scary bit. We were talking for barely 30 seconds when she asked me the masturbate question. So far I think the only girl I was talking to about masturbating was Lizhen (if I forgot anyone please tell me) So yeah a bit of a shock for me, especially since I've never been to an annonymous chatroom before. You may think that's sad, but I'm just conservative when it comes to certain things.