Sunday, July 10, 2005

No you're wrong, and even if you're right you're still wrong

I suppose that sentence will only make sense to a debator. Think it's called a 2nd degree rebuttal or sth. I suppose that not even all debators understand it, but if you hang around with Miss Kon long enough you probably will.

Have been really really busy and tired these few days cuz I've been working on preparing for the JC Debate Championships. It's times like this where you realise a lot of things about yourself. When I'm very exhausted I either get very high or very irritable, and basically I've been very irritable these few days. Not to mention stressed, sleep-deprived and increasingly moody. Moody not just because of tight schedules, but when I'm overworked I lose my sense of humour about everything, and Joel's bitchiness and annal habits were really irritating.

So basically it was 8 a.m to 7 p.m of nothing but debates from Tuesday to Friday (9 p.m on Friday). I was seriously pushed to my limits during that period, for I didn't have time to do anything else. Not even school! (Wad pon sch?! Alex kao peh sia.. lolz) When I got home, I'd hit the showers inmediately and bring my dinner into my room and eat and work at the same time. I was that overworked, cuz no matter how well you think you have your case, Miss Kon can probably shred it to pieces. So we had to keep working in it, writing and rewriting our speeches, up to the point that I couldn't think straight at all and developed some sort of attention defecit disorder, where I can hear what you're saying but not what you have to say. I hope I'm making sense. I've been through ODAC camps, OBS and NCC camps that test me physically, but the mental stress here was a lot for me. Not like anything I've been through.

The debate was okie. Joel, Yasmeem and Gautam debated against Hwa Chong. We lost by a narrow margin. Yasmeen, Gautam and I went up against Meridian. We won unanimously. I was extra stressed prior to the debate, because this was my first time doing reply speech. But when I was on the floor I was on fire! Haha... but mainly cuz I was a bit pissed, cuz they misinterpreted us and a lot of things. But we won... yayy! Glad that's over.

Results don't come out till Monday. If we don't get in, it's bad cuz all our effort is gone. If we get in, it's bad cuz it means more stressful weeks ahead.