Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another delayed entry

Lets see...

This was my original itinery for last Sunday:
1. Go for 6.45 a.m. mass.
2. Hang at Sunday market at BV with Kit from 8 plus till 10 plus
3. Meet the teens connect gang at 10 plus to 11 and hang together indefinitely.

This is what actually happened:
I woke up late for 6.45 mass so I had to go for the 8.00 one. The problem? That was the Chinese service. And although I knew this beforehand, I had no choice but to go for it cuz of my tight schedule. So I tried not to look like a retard while I tried to follow the mass, but I knew what was going on, just not what was being said.

It turns out that Sunday market started only at 10. So I went back home to help my mom bring stuff there. Although I don't study there anymore, she's still attached to the school, basically because the parents' committee will crumble to pieces if she left. I did meet Kit there (Zi Xiang was tagging along) but I only could hang for 15 minutes and then leave for TM to meet the TC gang. Kit told me that apparently Regina was going to be there at 1, but I wasn't planning on returning to BV anyway, unless the TC gang left for home early for some freakish reason. Oh yah hi Deb! Sunday market was a little fun. Chocolate coated marshmallows!

Met the gang at 11 (late), and the group of us (Edwin, Cheryl, both Josephs, Desmond, Joy, my sis Kim, Juliana and Ignatius. Mel and Sam left early) went to watch A Lot Like Love. Must say it was better than I expected, but still not worth bloody $9.50 (War Of The Worlds was worth that much). And after that we went walking around deciding what to do. Kim left us halfway and apparently met *someone*. The rest of us went to play pool. My pool is getting worse. I lost to Edwin and kept making stupid shots. And after that the gang wanted to hang at Edwin's house, but I had to leave cuz apparently it was my niece Heather's birthday.

Went to Pasta Fresca at East Coast where they had a nice party set up for her with a magician for the kids and all. I just ate and sat around cuz I didn't feel like having fun.

If you were with me that day, this was why I was moody the whole time: I spoke to Miss Tan YS at Sunday market and apparently Miss Peh's condition isn't getting better. She's had cancer for 3 years now, and it could finally be getting to her. She's still undergoing chemo and now she's on long term leave. I dunno what exactly is she going through right now. That's why I have to visit her soon.

Monday was the lousiest Youth Day I had. Well one good thing happened. Passed my golf handicap test finally. And then I had to rush off for bloody debate meeting. We're preparing for JCDC which happens this Saturday and is the most important debate competition there is here, although I frankly have better things to worry about.

Today was the first day of school after the holidays, and the first thing they slap in my face is an incomprehensible (to me) lecture on electric fields. Hvae to read up. Then it's the AO level pass for my Physics common test, which is not good considering I take A level Physics. And then more debate training from 4 till nearly 7.30. I want out from this bloody competition lah. I've got too much work to handle now.

I fell tired, and sick. And I have the proposition case due tml and a GP and a Chinese essay due Thursday. What am I doing here?!
