Sunday, July 03, 2005


Friday was fun sia. Chinese listening compre was the only (and last) paper that day. So that meant I got up at 6 in the morning and dress up for school, only to be there for an hour tops. After that Alex and KX and gang went off for Ian's birthday patry gathering thingy, but I had bloody PW meeting with my teacher and group, while a few other 05S15 guys hung around. So after the meeting, I went with Eugene (cute boy), Yongquan, Charles, Roy and Hubert to Tampines Mart McD. There we were crapping about things from walking down haunted roads to clubbing (Charles going to rave at Md Sultan Rd nia) to Mapling! (havent Maple for damn long lohz) Then on the way to the bus stop Yongquan and I suddenly started making farting sounds (with our hands, thank you) and talking about them (he makes bony butt fart sounds, and mine are the wet kinds). Wah lame sia!

After that Wai Kit and Wei Kheam came to my place to slack and do push ups in my room to make me feel bad. And suddenly, out of impulse, while we were looking at speakers at Challenger (I still need new ones) we suddenly zhaoed to Kembangan to pia Generals. Haven't play for damn long, so it was shiok :D

That night had some function at the clubhouse, but all I cared about was the food :P Nth much to say about that.

Nth interesting ever happens sia...but that day was fun lah