Thursday, June 23, 2005

I screwed up my debate and I think I'll reward myself with new speakers

I just got back from school and I'm bushed. Had a friendly with MJC debate team today. Must be the most serious friendly ever. Dunno if we can even call it a debate cuz it was exactly like a formal one, and they managed to get Mark Gabriels down as adjudicator. FYI Mark Gabriels is one of the debating authorities here. My side won, and I thought I made a good point at one time, but in my speech I was going fine until at the last bit I said sth so stupid it was probably enough to earn a place on the Wall of Shame alongside CJC's "China is made of sugar and spice and everything nice" statement. Lucky it's just a friendly, but a screwup like that in front of Mark Gabriels is sth I don't need. Well now that that's over I can get over worrying about the friendly and start worrying about my common test.

I need to dogproof my room. Chuckie's been chewing everything he can lately, like my homework, my Chemistry TYS, my box of backup CDs and my computer's speaker wires, which was why they suddenly stopped working yesterday. At least I've an excuse to get new ones, although I hope my parents will lend me $$ cuz I seriously don't have enough for any. Think I'll go ballistic on this one and get Altec Lansing. Pretty bold statement for a broke guy, but yah. Won't make the mistake I did last time when I got the cheapest Creative speakers I could find ($30). Well I guess I should go read up on some different makes.