Thursday, June 30, 2005

Crazy terrorists...

I was reading Time just now, where they actually managed to get an interview with a terrorist in training. According to him, he will offer up a final prayer before his first (and last) suicide mission. While he waits for that moment, he spends much of that time rehearsing that last prayer. This is all true, by the way.

"First I will ask Allah to bless my mission with a high rate of casualties amongst the Americans. Then I will ask him to purify my soul so I am fit to see him, and I will ask to see my mujahaedin brothers who are already with him... The most important thing is that he should let me kill many Americans... I can't wait. I am ready to die now."

Wtf? These idiots still think God wants them to do this. Like He will grant anything in that prayer. If he wants to die he can just pop a round in his head for all I care.