Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wah suay...

Latest news that's happened these few days?

Wai Kit's bike got stolen yesterday, and I'm talking about his Scott. The blue one with disc brakes and all, in total costing him $2,100. Gone. Turned his back for a while at Sportslink Bedok Central and turns back only to see some matt ride off with it. He was going "STOP THAT BASTARD!!!" but, as typical Singaporeans, every single passer-by just stared at the scene. Well of course he gave chase, but running vs. a Scott?

He called me later and I rushed off to Bedok Central to help him look, but obviously nothing found. That bike could be anywhere now, either repainted and reused if that guy is stupid, or jumped of every single valuable part and the frame abandoned in some corner if he's smart (which I doubt...damn matt) If now he feels racially prejudiced against all Malays, I don't blame him. Don't entirely agree either, but I understand.

Recently bought and started playing The Sims 2, which was a dumb decision cuz:
1: I'm gonna get even more distracted from my work
2: I'm now in a financial deficit again. JC is getting more expensive. $10 for notes, $10 for yearbook and $30 for ODAC farewell night.
3: HK said I could have used the money to buy Battlechest and play Warcraft with him and their gang online, or start playing DotA myself.

But the game is still fun lah. And out of interest (and residual Harry Potter euphoria) I created a few families from the series, just to see how they turned out. Not bad actually. James Potter is soo incredibly cocky he makes me laugh all the time. Lily is hot (I dunno, but I've got this thing for redheads), and the Malfoys were the most unsociable people I could make them (managed to videotape Lily and Narcissa in an all out brawl) The Weasleys are hard to maintain cuz they're so many of them. Ron is slacking in his studies with overdue homework, but Fred and George are A+ students! Like OMFG what did I do? Hermoine 's getting on pretty well with Harry.


And while we're on the subject of Harry Potter, I was reading Time magazine just now, where they had an article on Jo Rowling. With it were some speculations (and spoilers) on what happens now. I seroiusly doubt Dumbledore will do a Gandalf and come back to life. He took an Avada Kedavra square in the chest at point blank range. Not even he's that good, although I wish he were. The fact that he's gone wasn't the only part that made me feel sick. It was how he died begging for his life, the last thought going through his head was that he trusted Snape implicitly, and now Snape has betrayed him and he now realises he was wrong about Snape all this while. I guess Harry (and Jas) was right about Snape after all. Although here's a theory: He could've been under the influence of the Unbreakable Vow and had no choice but to kill him. But I doubt that's the reason, and it doesn't help the situation anyway. Right now, even if Harry seems to have an idea of what to do, everyone just seems so lost. Oh yeah...after he died, why didn't his portrait in the Headmaster's Office say anything?

Oh yeah something funny happened just now. My sis was playing "lao2 shu3 ai4 da4 mi3" on the stereo set just now. So there was that line "wo ai ni, ai zhe ni, jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi" My dad happened to absentmindedly sing along the words he knew.

Kim: You know the words ah?
Dad: Yeah I know a bit.
Kim: know what's lao2 shu3 (mouse) ah?
Dad: Yah it means teacher (lao3 shi1)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! My sis and I were laughing our asses off lah! My dad used to take Chinese until Primary 3 before he switched to Malay, so he only knows basic words roughly. Can't blame him lah.

Okie Inuyasha's showing on TV now so I'm gonna go. Bye.