Sunday, August 21, 2005

Towgay not enough

Finally a Sunday out of the norm.

Yesterday night Cheryl jio a few of us to go accompany her to go buy present for her friend after mass -_-". Well not so bad lah... better than every other week when we loiter about aimlessly and do nth except eat and waste time. Then after buy present go study. It's amazing, cuz I haven't seen the other Meridian ppl like Joseph and Juliana for a while, but once I mention group study they si beh on, and Edwin suddenly has tuition! Wahhaa I don't doubt that he has tuition, but it's so weird that the day we study and do school work is the day he doesn't join us.

Cheryl saw me when I walked into the church hall and said "Eh you cut your hair! I cut my hair too!" Wah lau so strange....

So after mass, me, Cheryl, the Josephs and Ignatius went to TM (again) to buy the presents. Then we stopped buy at Royal Sporting House and I saw that Reebok play dry shirt that I had been eyeing everytime we went to RSH (which is nearly every week). So I finally forked out $34.65 to buy it (I give you best price: $34.50! lolz no lah!). You can't call it an impulsive purchase, cuz I had my eye on it for quite a while, plus it fits me nice and I can use it for cycling, running, kayaking and such. Yahoo! Now I need matching pants! Wait till I get next month's pocket money then talk.

And then we split up, and me and Big Joe went to Downtown East to study, because:
1. It has a nice BuRRgeRR King
2. The BK is usually empty enough
3. It's close to Juliana's house. We used this as a bargaining point on her to get her to come.
So Joe and I were there, and slowly, Juliana, Cheryl, Ignatius and Small Joe joined us. Cheryl went to get a new phone. Good thing too, cuz her old one is damn cock up lah... wahahah! Well she bought 6230i, WHICH WAS THE PHONE I WANTED! Bleh... wahaha nvm she get white I get black -_-"

Studying with the gang finally put me to serious work, which helped me realise one thing: Russell, you're in trouble. Wah Mr. Liew was right lah! I am so screwed cuz I was stumped by a lot of things in my tutorial. And me there staring at my paper writing half-confident solutions, next to Joseph liam kenging double and triple angle formulae, I looked very inferior. I dunno why, but I can't help hanging around people smarter than me. If they were any dumber they would be speaking in Malay. Dayung sampan lah. WAH RACIST WHO SAID THAT?!?!?! Knn....

Got home just in time to watch the National Day Rally speech. Can't remember all of it, but I remember the whole notion of Remodelling A New Singapore. It looked damn nice lah! I just hope the peace holds out long enough, so we can really see the night sky scene of 9th August 2015, as promised to us. The scene made me cry inside. Its just that it looked too good to be true. In this time of global turmoil and stuff, I seriously donne if we'll hold out that long....

27 August 2005, 0030 hrs. That's the time and date that Mars will appear in the night sky as big as the moon, and this phenomenon won't happen again for a few more centuries. I seroiusly wanna go see it. Maybe go night cycling with Kit and gang, or go gallavanting with the TC peeps. Real nice way to commemorate Cheryl's birthday, which falls this Wednesday. Oh shit... WHAT TO BUY FOR HER?!?!?!?!?!?!
