Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Only after reading my tags have I gotten to appreciate how very LONG my previous entry was. I mean, I knew it was long, but I didn't realise it was that long, until I took the time to scroll down and read it. So yeah... sorrrie guys.

Supposed to update on where I left off huh? Nonono wait don't go just yet! I'll do my best to keep it short I promise...

Sunday: Well I got home laaate after Farewell Night, so I was a bit... not me on Sunday. Half comatose, half sian. Sian probably because from this side of Farewell Night, the promos seem a lot closer. What's more, all CCAs in TPJC are suspended until promos get over, so not much way for hanging with the entire ODAC crew till a lot later.

Went studying with Cheryl, Mel, Ignatius, Juliana, Small Joe, Sujata and Kim after church. We (or I at least) wanted to throw Cheryl a party since it was her birthday on Wednesday, but she wanted to study. Can't blame her... A Levels coming soon. Managed to give her her present anyway. Well, actually I couldn't wake up for 0930 mass so I went for 1100 mass and joined them late. Studied at same place, and I came out with same results (the "Russell you're in trouble" thing)Mel noticed I was a bit sian, probably because I didn't really feel like playing World Combat with Ignatius after studying. Dunno what's wrong with me. I just feel really really sian.

Monday: Lousy day. Realised that I was so caught up with the run-up to Farewell Night that I completely forgot about my homework. So I went to Chinese with an undone compo (actually, we all did, just that for different reasons) and Mr. Wong just blew up.

Was really tired that day... slept through the entire Chemistry lecture... not good

My O2 phone had been dying a slow and horrible death ever since God knows when, and now it just decided to pop its clogs. It's not the firse time my phone has had a near death experience, but that was a hardware prob, and now I think my OS really crashed. Now I've lost all my numbers, cuz they're all stored in my phone ( I lost all the numbers in my SIM on an earlier occasion) I foresaw this and started backing up my numbers, but I only had time to reach Joseph Ng, so the numbers after him are lost for all eternity, except for numbers I've memorised like Kit and Regina. It's damn wasted cuz now I've lost the number of that NJC debater... never met her anyway...

Tuesday: The GP class had lunch in the canteen with Miss Wong. She can really talk cock sia.

Today: Teacher's Day celebration. ACES day... boring. Physics tutorial... a few guys zhaoed, but it was otherwise uneventful but useful. Concert... only nice thing was they switched on the air con in the hall. Other than that, it was a waste of time. Teachers recieving awards was okie, but the band sucked ass, and according to Alton, who was there when the Council was holding the audish, they were the best.

Went back to BV and met Kit and Wei Kheam there. Gave WK a birthday bash... he's damn violent sia. Saw a few old friends there like Regina. Speaking of which:

Kit: Hey... noticed you didn't say hi to Regina.
Me: Huh? I did.
K: Oh izzit?
R: Yeah, just now rather briefly.
K: Oh?
R: Yeah just saw her and said hi hi bye.
K: You didn't bother to make it longer?
R: Dunno... she didn't say hi for very long either.


Was watching the clipon Ah Boy's blog, of himm finishing his race 1st place and getting a gold. Now he's a national champ. Wah lau eh... he doesn't need to go school or sit for A Levels anymore sia...

Never got to formally introduce my new blog music. The Best Things by Filter. Heard it on The Crow: Salvation OST (nice movie) and in Driven (another nice movie) I'm starting to develop a thing for electronica and industrial music. But now I've changed my music again, to Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki, from the InuYasha OST. Damn Central took InuYasha off their airtime.

I'm a bit confused now, which is maybe why I feel so sian. Feel differently for certain different people again. They mainly mean the same thing, but I get very different feelings when I'm with each of them. I thought I had enough of the race, so I decided to stop looking. But sometimes these things just jump up in front of you. I need to sort out my thoughts.

I just realised this entry is a bit de too long too. Haha sorrie