Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wild night

Well I did it again. I delayed blogging, so now I have to catch up on a few day's worth of entries. Well I'll warn you now, this could be another long entry, so yeah...

Thursday: My family left for Malaysia, so that meant that from then till Saturday, I had the whole house to myself. It's fun being alone by yourself, but I only stayed because I foresaw that I would be getting on with a lot of work these few days; work that especially required a functioning computer with an Internet connection. It wasn't the first time I was home alone because my family were abroad, and I remembered how peacefully quiet the house was then when my sister wasn't around. So yeah.

I was watching Star Wars: Episode II (again) and something impulsed me to get up and go to Tampines Mall to see if Episode III was out yet. I figured that if Initial D was out already, Episode III was bound to be out soon. So I got changed, but before I could leave, I got a call:

Caller: Hello, Russell?
Russell: Er, yeah... who's this?
Caller: This is Miss Yap here.

Well, at that point, I thought she was my auntie, cuz I have an auntie with the surename Yap too.

Russell: Uh huh... what's up?
Miss Yap: Russell, where's your EoM?
That's when I realised I was talking to Miss Yap, my PW tutor.
R: (wtf...shit...) Er... I'm working on it...
Y: Well you had better be, other people have been working on their's already, but you haven't sent me a single draft.
R: Yeah I know, I'm working on it, don't worry...
Y: Oh, I'M not worried. Everyone has showed me their work already except you.

Okie, that's when I REALLY started to panic, because "everyone" probably included Alex too, and you could always count on good ol' Alex to NOT do any of his work.

So I reassured her constantly that I would send in a draft to her online by tonight. She told me that she would be in school the next day from 1 to 3 in the MRL, so I could meet her and seek council about my work. She then told me to tell the rest of my PW group that she would be in school, and she proceeded to tell me the names of ALL the people in my group as if I didn't know them, and repeated everything she said about where she was the next day and how to find her. Was relieved to put down the phone.

Went to TM area for a few things. Return a few overdue books (that C++ book Gaps borrowed is STILL overdue, ever since July), go to the arcade to try the Inertia Drift (but decided against it), window shop at RSH for a cycling top ($39 for a white sleeveless?!) and find Episode III. It wasn't out yet, but something compelled me to go to Laserflair, and that's when I found, (and bought) Gundam Seed Destiny first box. I was waiting for it for longer than Episode III, so yeah the trip wasn't fruitless.

I'm not even halfway through with this entry. Sorry, just hang in there.

Thursday-Friday: Probably the most fun I've had in a while. Kit asked me out to hang with him and Gaps, but he wanted to meet at 9. That wouldn't be good, because I had to me home by 9 and my Dad would call to check. Did up my EoM, and then my Dad calls at 10 plus. I told him I was sleeping soon. At 11, I left the house on my bike to meet Alex, KX, Ah Bush, Shaun Lim and Dennis at 85. Hehe...

We ate there and slacked, until we couldn't stand the smoke and decided to move. So we cycled (Ah Bush ran) to the HDB playground opposite from 85. So we just slacked there talking about anything, from crazy people from TPJC to crazy people from SRJC to crazy people in BV, and Alex started farting uncontrollably. Well that was all good, but he did it in my face. The we were messing about in the playground, with KX cracking horny jokes, and made such a ruckuss at 1 in the morning, until this maat came down with this minah and a chinese guy and started to tell us off for waking his wife and son. Son?! That guy looks no more than 3 years older than us. So they said their bit and left, and we decided to go too. The fact that they were carrying sawn-off bamboo poles weren't the reason for our change of mind.

Went over to the fountain behind 85 to slack some more. Dennis, Shaun and I started talking about Warcraft III and DotA, up to the point that Alex got annoyed. We were chased out again, this time by the revolting smell from the monsoon drain nearby. Shaun went home (most probably to play DotA) and the rest uof us cycled to the 2-storey carpark behing the marketplace near BV. The second floor was open deck, and it was like a straight 50 m stretch of pure carpark. Excellent for drag racing. The idea of underground racing at 3 in the morning was exciting, especially after Initial D, and even moreso for a few of us that play NFS Underground 2. Well let's just say that I need more training. KX and Dennis managed to map out a short sprint course of the place, which involved a sprint down the 50 m stretch, a 180 degree hairpin and down the side of the carpark, another hairpin that takes you into the first deck, and out the other exit and up again and a finish at the starting point, which left you about 15 m to brake from 30+ km/h to 0, or you'll end up kissing the asphalt 1 floor down. Sounds fun eh? We did time trials, as it would be too dangerous for 5 of us to race at the same time. As Alex adequately put in his blog, here are our approximate timings:

Alex: 00:01:12 (that's 1 min 12 seconds, mind you)
KX: 00:01:14
Russ: 00:01:20
Dennis: 00:01:25
Ah Bush: Busted

Yeah you heard right. Right when Ah Bush turned into the first deck, a white car started to approach. We were a bit nervous because of the proximity of the car to Ah Bush, but that became the least of our problems when the car turned into the deck, so that we were able to see the omnious word "POLICE" on the side. Then we heard doors slamming and people shouting, and the rest of us were scared out of our wits. Alex wanted to make a break for it... but he didn't. A cop comes to the top deck and rounds us up. So we were there on the bottom deck rounded up like a pack of druggies, except that we weren't cuffed and made to squat. They were questioning Bush, with questions like "If you really are cycling, then why are you in jeans?" -_-" SO they took our names down and told us to beat it. Nothing big, once you get over the initial shock. We got lucky, especially since they rounded up our most innocent member first, and the only one who wasn't speeding, and they didn't bother to search us, cuz we lied when we said we didn't bring ID (we always say that), and that they didn't question us further, especially after Alex told then we were around for only 1/2 an hour, cuz if they got a disturbance call earlier than that we would have been screwed.

Well we didn't go home. Went to the marketplace to chill at the coffeeshop. We went to Cheers to get a drink, where we met the most obnoxious senior citizen cashier. An offer sign in the shop said:

Justea Iced Tea
- w/ peach
- w/ lemon
2 for $1.45

So Alex and I got 2 lemons and went to pay:

Cashier: Okie $2.45 please.
Alex: Huh? Thought it was $1.45?
C: No... I keyed it in and it says $2.45.
Russ: No, it says here 2 for $1.45.
C: Er... I think that's for Justea
A: Yah what! Justea!
C: *looks at sign* No must be one peach and one lemon... no more peach liao
A: ....
R: Ah screw it lah! I'm getting another drink.
C: Er... I keyed it in already, the 2 lemons. Can you buy them?
At this point, Alex and I were both like wtf... so we just bought the drinks and left. Alex almost wanted to slam the money in front of the guy. Give senior citizens a chance to learn and adapt to their jobs? Hah.... I'll try....

We slacked at the coffee shop till 6 plus, and then Dennis went home. So the 4 of us (Ah Bush on Dennis' bike) cycled to ECP to watch the sunrise. Ah Bush's cycling wasn't very good, but then again his parents don't even let him cycle, so yeah. We got to Bedok jetty in time, but we couldn't see shit because it was so damn cloudy. Not long after we decided to go home. Reached home at 8 plus nearly 9, and I had a PW meeting at 11. So what to do? Relax a bit and go, or sleep for an hour and go? I didn't want to sleep for fear of oversleeping, so I tried to occupy myself by watching Destiny, but 2 episodes later I couldn't take it, so I went to sleep.

Woke up at 1230.

Well since I missed PW meeting, I decided to go to school just to see Miss Yap, and maybe to explain myself to Eng Yong on why I missed the meeting. Well apparently Ah Boy and Cute Boy weren't there either. That Miss Yap didn't even see my EoM. Well just as well, cuz it turns out the file I sent her got corrupted. So essentially I went there to wait around for nearly an hour, and then gave ger the hard copy, and that was it. I would have to wait for Monday to see her comments. What the hell...

This entry is frighteningly long, so I guess I'll continue on another entry. Hehe sorry...