Saturday, September 03, 2005

Reality Dating Show

Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to today's Reality Dating Show (for lack of a better name). Our lucky bachelor today is Russell! Russell, how're you feeling?

"Er, fine I guess..."

Splendid! Then we shan't waste anymore time. Let's start the show.

Bachelorette 1: You've known her for a few years. She's very pretty, and such is the opinion of practically every guy aroung you or her, younger or older. Every guy seems to have her attention except you. You've liked her ever since you really opened your eyes to your new surroundings and have spent the last few years thinking of her. But recently, things have gone stale, due to mistakes we percieve to be on your part (*crowd boos*) Now you hardly ever talk to her, and when you do see her, greetings are brief and awkward. And you STILL think she's hot.

Bachelorette 2: You've known her for waay longer than bachelorette 1. During your insipid, quiet days, she was the one who had most impact on your life. During those times, you two remained good friends, inseperable, but a divide pushed you two further apart. When you knew you would be seeing her for the last time, you gave her the dumbest, most awkward goodbye ever (*crowd boos again*) Well let's face it, you suck at girls, eh? Anyway, you've lived with regret over this goodbye ever since, until years later you happen to meet her on the streets again and you discover she remembers you completely! And you discover another thing: she's taken (*crowd awwwwws*) Well that sucks don't it?

Bachelorette 3: You've known her for shorter than one, but you probably knew her enough. When you faced problems with one, she was the one you talked to, hoping to get insider info on a girl's mind. You two grew close, up to the point that one realised something. Little did you expect that you would actually grow to like her. She's had her heart broken by a few boys, but you're almost afraid to talk to her about it. A divide came in between you two and you didn't seem so close anymore. When you finally realised what you had to do, that you really liked her, it wa too late, and she was leaving the country. When the goodbye came, you were lost for words, and all you could manage to do was give her a hug. Now you rarely hear from her, and you have no idea what she's doing, how she is, or if she ever thinks about you.

Bachelorette 4: You haven't known her for that long, but the thing that struck you about her was her maturity, or lax of such at the right times. You got to know her through a core group of friends you are part of. All of you are close as though you're known each other for years. She's pretty, prettier than she would admit, or realise. And the deal? You don't know her that well, as for most of her friends. She's older, and you don't know how she would take to a relationship, or how YOU would. Also, a relationship might create weird feelings amongst the group, and that's what you're scared of.

Bachelorette 5: She's from the same group of friends as four. The thing that strikes you about her is that she's witty and has a smart sense of humour, and a sort of upper class flair about her manner of speaking. You're afraid mainly for the same reasons as four, except for the older bit, and you know her even less well. Also, you're afraid that you may not be that compatible, as she's defenitely more innocent than you (*crowd ooooohhhs*)

Bachelorette 6: You've known her least well amongst the bachelorettes here, but the feeling is somewhat intangible. You like her, but you're not always sure why. It's a bit like one initially. She has a slightly rough, playful exterior, but has a girly side as well. Main probs is that you don't know her well, she may be atached and you're afraid of asking. Also you don't know what she thinks of you, and she sometimes flirts a lot, especially with someone else you know. Another concern is that you're afraid it's an infatuation, and what you feel about her isn't substantial, but sometimes you know it is.

Sooooo.... (*drumroll*) Russell! Who will you pick?

"Errrrrr...... well I..... I.... I dunno......"


Wow... I hope I didn't make that too obvious, or "Russell, you're in trouble"