Sunday, September 25, 2005

Trump is an idiot

As usual practice, a gang of us went to TM to eat after church. Cheryl, Little Joe, Ignatius and I. Big Joe pangsehed us, but we managed to pick David and Edwin up along the way. TM's basement was totally revamped recently, and it looks really nice. The whole centre of the basement is one BIG eatery with loads of stuff! So we deceded to have our lunch pasar malam style, as in buy stuff here and there and eat as we walk.

So we had Tako Patchi while we shook our heads as we stared at the signboard for the new diner called Katrina -_-" We were joking about how bandits from New Orleans will fly down here just to thrash up the place. Well it's not their fault; their chain of diners was called Katrina ever since 1993. Then we went walking around and bought chao tar chee bye chicken at Shihlin. Wahahha!!

Cheryl left us halfway to go meet her friend and go to the zoo. ?! She's fortunate enough to get a study break (albeit due to her A Levels) and she's going to the ZOO?!

I suddenly feel like going to the zoo. Haven't been there for 3 years.

The rest of us then went to Mac to sit, eat and crap amd bitch about anything, from hurricanes to Donald Trump.

I don't like Donald Trump. I seriously don't like him. Why?

1: He has terrible fashion sense. You'd think that, after amassing all the money in the world and taking in a passive income, he'd at least take the time off to pay at least ONE visit to Beijing 101. Or at least hire an image consultant. Have you seen his pink ties?! I don't have anything against pink, but it really doesn't go with ties, and pink ties really don't go with him.

2: He owes the bank a LOT of money. He borrowed a lot of money from them to get his business into full swing, and now it IS in full swing, but he only pays off his interests. I'd bet that if he pays off all his debts, he won't be left with half as much.

3: He talks big. In The Apprentice, he always says shit like "I spent a lot of money into creating the best whatever in New York..." *makes that funny kkhhhhh sound when you exhale and tense up your tongue to show "whatever"ness* Please. It's probably more like he tells his subordinates what business he wants to stick his nose into and then THEY spend HIS money (which rightfully belongs to the bank)

4: The biggest reason. He's prone to makes impulsive decisions. This can especially be seen in the board room in The Apprentice. Three candidates, A, B and C, have their asses on the line and one of them is gonna be eliminated. A is exposed for shewing tobacco on the job and B was exposed for making a bad decision and being a bad project manager. C helped to expose the other 2 and proved that their team's failure was not her fault. Trump was deciding to fire either A or B when C accidentally said something dumb, to which he replies something to the effect of "You know what, C? I don't like what you just said. You're fired." Where did that cpme from? That's not the first time, either. He's done it so many times, firing someone not because of how they screwed up in the task, like he's supposed to, but because of something they did in the board room, and he's lost a lot of good contestants like that.

That guy's an idiot. The Apprentice would be a really nice reality show if it weren't for him.