Friday, September 23, 2005

Random Thoughts 2 (Promo Fever)

Hmmm... I feel like blogging, but I don't really have anything to blog about. Or rather, I DID have something to blog about, but these few days have been real busy, with the promos in a few days time. It's scary. I've taken to cooping myself up in the library after school just to study, and although I've gotten further than I ever had, I'm still a bit behind.


Today was the epitome of... epitome...ity...ness.... nvm. A few weeks ago, I had to sit through 3 periods (that's 2 hours) of Chemistry practical-turned-tutorials, and then a bit more remedials after that. Today? 1 1/4 hours of Chem SPA (A Level stuff), and then Chem tutorial, then lunch, then Chem mock test, then going through the test. So that's 11.30 a.m to 4 plus p.m of nothing but Chemistry (save for a 1/2 hour lunch). My brains were reduced to mush by the end of the ordeal, and normal Chem stuff which we would otherwise understand, like free radical substitution, suddenly seemed so complicated. Rrrgh I can't stand it, and I dunno how Cerine Lim stands it, taking our class through 5 hours of Chem and still remain so patient.


Alex called me up one day and told me he found an offer on Someone was selling Panaracer Tserv slicks. 1.25... and in YELLOW! Matches my bike lolx. $50 for both of them, a real steal. But in the end I decided not to take up on it. Gonna stick to my 1000 km mark.


Was chatting with Cheryl (Seow, not Tan) online the other day.

R: ive been feeling tired for practically the whole day
C: why sia
R: dunno... slp late from studying... came home late from studying
C: ur body needs a break hor.. dun mug too hard..

-_-" on the contrary I think I'm underworked. Promos veeeery close and I haven't grasped everything properly yet. The mock test helped me see that, and that was only for organic chem. Gasp!


Alex has become something like a promos countdown timer. Occasionally, when we sit around, he will suddenly say: "Hmmm 9 more days to promos." That line always puts me off the mood for anything.


Kim and I had a quarrel like 2 or 3 days back, and now she's giving me the silent treatment, although she's not good at it. She keeps talking to me accidentally! -_-" But she's become substantially more rude to me, and I think she's talking bad about me behind my back. There is no way that any brother and sister have got it bad like Kim and me, not even Cheryl and Small Joe.


Hmmm 9 more days to promos.