Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Who are you?

Take a look at this.

I know it looks wrong, but it's just stick through it to the end. That's where the joke is. Don't bother with the other links. Couple this with the infamous cybersex incident and you'll know why I remain very skeptical of strangers I meet over the Internet, up to the point that I have never been to an IRC or ICQ chatroom in my life. That's why I like MSN; you know everyone in your list (at least most of the time... see the incident) My friends have pranked me before, pretending to be someone else online or on the phone, so I keep my guard up.

I hope the person whose been tagging me lately knows I'm talking about her) or at least I hope she's a her). So I'm not comfortable with numbers. Friendster is okie. --->

But if this turns out to be a prank (I have a strong feeling it's KX or some other guy), then... we'll see.