Sunday, October 02, 2005

Study study study study

Blogger is cocked up. The interface is all screwy, I can't blog properly. I feel sleepy and I can't think properly cuz my eyes are sore from all this mugging, but I've delayed blogging for too long, and I've forgotten too much already. So here goes my week, as far as I can remember:

Monday: No Chinese as usual, or so we thought. These few days, since Mr. Wong is in reservist and a relief teacher hasn't come at all, we decided not to go for Chinese at all for the past few weeks. I was in the library that day during Chinese. When I saw Wesley, he told me he saw a light switch on in the classroom and he just ran for it. Cockenaden.

We celebrated Mingsong's birthday today! That is to say, Alex, Ah Bush, Kenneth, Jamie and I. So the six guys (Jamie: OIE GO AND DIE LAH!) Went to TM Seoul Garden to eat and talk and eat and talk and eat and drink and blow candle and eat. Mingsong really has eating stamina. "Wah lau Song you eating again? Still hungry?" "Yah I haven't eaten my $12 worth." Pengz! Alex and Jamie (I swear those 2 do everything together) made excuses to leave halfway to go buy his cake. Alex said he was going to pang sai and Jamie said she was having her period. Those two are both full of cock. They bought him a nice slice of cake (chocolate!)

Hmmm 7 more days.


Tuesday: We were sitting through some prize giving thingy in the hall during assembly, and out of boredom I took a look around. I saw Mr Wong behind the hall. Die! If he was here, that meant that he was back from reservist, that meant he was released on Sunday, that meant he'll die die go to school on Monday, that meant the person switching on the lights at J102 was HIM, that meant we're in trouble, that meant Dadi and Roy (and invariably and inevitably me) were going to put ALL the blame on Wesley, who ran yesterday. And he didn't come to school that day. You gotta live that Wesley's timing.

Hmmm 6 more days.


Wednesday: Mrs Goh the Principal came to address us during flag raising.

Goh: Toady, I want to talk to you about something important.
Russ: Hm.
G: It's a serious matter, and has been featured in the papers many times.
R: ?! What's this abt?
G: I'm sure by now you know what I'm talking about.
R: What? Wth she talking about? Terrorism? Dengue? Bird flu? Demi Moore? What?!
G: I am, of course, talking about the recent craze with blogging.

PENGZ! Chey! I thought it was something serious. It wasn't ALL over the papers, just a few articles about those bloggers charged in court. And since when was it a recent craze? People have been blogging since God knows when.

I think it sucks that we can't even blog what we want nowadays. Outright racism sucks, but a blog is for selective viewing. If you like what you see, happy for you. If not, exits are located at the top right corner of your screen. (Pls move in an orderly fashion, and do not shout, scream or spam tag boards.) It's like what they had milkshakes at Macs. People complained that they were fattening, so instead of reducing how much they drank, they made them remove it from the Macs menu. Don't like then don't drink! Like xiaxue's blog (I know that's not her real name). People say she's bitchy. So don't read her blog! Why go through all the trouble of flooding her comments, setting up anti-xiaxue blogs and stuff? Waste people's time, insignificant fools. Lol I sound like The Hong Kuang. :P

And that anti-xiaxue blog seems more like the person's own personal blog now. You see how you fools have been tricked?! Being anti-xiaxue was just a gimmick for publicity for his blog, and you've all fallen for it! Jack! *beep beeeeeeeeeep! BOMP!*

Hmmm 5 more days.


Thursday: Can't remember what I did. You see how bad my memory is?

Hmmm 4 more days.


Friday: Chemistry marathon again. Triple Chemistry tutorial (in which I could hardly keep awake) and then lunch and remedial till 5. Sick! If my Chemistry still can fail after this, I top diao ah!

But thank God it's Friday.

Hmmm 3 more days. That I don't really thank Him for.


Saturday: FINALLY the first day I get to sleep in for 4 weeks! The feeling was so nice... so familiar yet so alienating.

Later I got a call from Gaps. Met him and Kit at MP library to study. So Gaps could meet his friend who has MY library book and we can now go return it and I can make Gaps pay my...

EH SHIT! That guy never came! Farker....

That Gautam's a dickface. It's 2 days before the Physics paper, and his method of studying is he takes my Physics notes, arranges them in order, takes a piece of my foolscap and writes down all the chapters that are covered. I swear to God, the only thing about the Physics exam he seemed to know was that superposition wasn't tested. So he was asking me about electric fields:

G: Eh what did you write here? Where did u get k from?
R : Oh. Well Q/4 pi absalon nought r squared can be expressed as k Q/r squared cuz 1/4 pi absalon nought is a constant.
G: Okie then what's with this? *points to homologous sign*
R: Oh that just shows how kQ/r squared is similar to Gm/r squared.
G: ???
R: You DO know what Gm/r squared is right?
G: Er.... *incredulous look* no....


Good ol' Gautam chose the library to study. Then this staff member approaches us:

Staff: Excuse me, do you have one of this? *hands out a notice*
Kit: Yeah we do thanks.
R: What's that?
K: Oh just some notice saying that the library will close at 3 at 1st october for some staff event.
R: Er... it IS 1st October.
K: ?!?!

So we had to move. Went to the Airport. Crowded as ever. So we spent an eternity looking for the staff canteens to study there. Nice, empty space, but we were chased away there, too. By a cleaning auntie. The shame. Gaps left, having acomplished nothing whatsoever, except for establishing that he was going to pon the Chemistry exam. 4 subjects very big hor?

Kit and I went to his place to study more Chem, and then Cheryl calls me and starts crapping about her blur cock brother. She said something about missing the Powerpuff Girls movie, so I asked Kit to flick it on. That was it. No work done till 2130. Then we started talking about anything and everything, from social life to aliens to time travel to Advent Children to the bible code. We can crap for ages, I swear.

Oh yah I saw Advent Children already. Nice movie!

So yeha, after talking about the bible code, and how it says the world is going to end next year. None of us felt like studying. Nevertheless, I left his house at 0020.

Hmmm 2 more days.


My eyes are sore! I need sleep! But how to sleep now?! It's like sitting on death row. You can't wait till it's all over, but you don't want it to be over. Rrrrgh.