Thursday, October 20, 2005

Crash and burn

I crashed! Can't believe I crashed....

Was cycling to ECP yesterday, and it just stopped raining so it was slippery. So during a turn near VS, I skidded and flew off my bike. Lucky the pavement was quite empty, although later thewre was this bangla on a cheapo bike that came to observe me dusting myself off and then started to guai lan me for falling. Nah beh... he was riding some $5 bike and he can look at me like Lance Armstrong. Chee bye...

It was wet the whole way through, so why do I have to wipe out only at VS? So far from my house. My front derailleurs are screwed. And I was stuck home all day due to the rain, so couldn't go to the bike shop. Hope they can be saved, or else $$ fly.

Why does this have to happen now? Totally throws me off my training schedule....

There was no school today (Wednesday). Why? Because today is when all the teachers are going to go into a room, sit down with the principal and, on a case by case basis, decide which J1 students will be promoted to J2 next year, like some sort of really drawn out tribal council. My ass is on the line here....

Ah what the hell... since all will be over by tomorrow, one way or another, I'll just say my marks here. One Dreadful and two Outstandings. Yeah I really aced it, except for the Dreadful. Dunno why, but there are people with straight Acceptables and they're jumping around in happiness like they scored the highest possible grades. Crazy people... exams addle the brains, that's why I hate it.

The Dreadful in my results is like a blemish on my otherwise perfect report sheet, and my teachers are neat freaks, so that's why my life hangs in the balance now.

Maybe you'll see my name on the A Level candidacy list next year. Maybe you'll see it on Temasek Poly's waiting list. Maybe you'll see it on the front page of the newspapers (or in a stub article behemothed by a Shop & Save ad). What will be, will be.

But if I go, I assure you I'll go with style.

I'll let you know.
