Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'M OVER!!!!!11one

Sunday: Woke up late, so didn't go for morning mass. Committed myself to go for the evening mass. In the meantime, met Sam and Mel at Tampines MRT at 11 to go to the Asian Civilisations Museum. Now, under normal circumstances, that would be one of the last few places I would step into on my own volition, but Mel told us about this Catholic exhibition thingy, so I decided to tag along, despite the poor turnout amongst the TC people (rrrgh...) Hmmm... Mel had to leave for an emergency even before we could get there, so Sam and I went there withoput her. Sad. Sam isn't bad company, it's just that she's too spontaneous for me. I'm a serious person by nature. She's a bit embarrassing at times, too. Okie shan't say more lest she's reading now. Oh yah the exhibit was good. Really eye-opening.

Monday: Chinese B exam. It was damn dumb for us to have to wake up early in the morning just so we could take a 2-hr paper that we could've taken along with all the CL AO students. School starts at 0740 but the paper only started at 0800, so met Wesley at 201 Mac for breakfast. Ended up reaching the exam room at 0755.

Okie, here's the funny bit about CL B students in the TP 05 batch: of the 14 or so students, 4 of us are from SHPS, which is the strongest alma mater representation amongst us. So the four of us (Samuel, Elshan, Huiling and me) were chatting outside the classroom in between papers, when Elshan noted how sad it was that "there were so many of us SHPSians here." I proposed that we went to SHPS one of these days and visited the Chinese HOD. What a laugh that would be.

After papers, Wes and I were extremely bored, so we went to TM Challenger to have a looksee. Then we went home to change and crashed over at Gaps' house, whjere we watched Return of the King (for the umpteenth time for me). Till now, it still surprises me how we managed to get Gaps for a whole day, as in no dates with Janice or anything like that, although he was on the phone for forever on the bus to town.

Went to Funan, where we looked at anything and everything pretaining to computers. Gaps displayed to us his abysmal gaming skills, especially at Winning Eleven on the PS2. Weird game... soccer game in Japanese but all player names are in English. Poor Gaps didn't know the teams switched sides for the second half, which led him to scoring an own goal in his match with Wes, and Wes just shutting up and watching him. We were laughing ourselves silly at him for forever. Later played Wes. AC Milan (me!) vs. Arsenal (Wes didn't want to disgrace his fav team..... Chelsea. A guy in a Chelsea jersey playing using Arsenal?!) After a while, I managed to figure out the buttons and a bit of strategy, I scored! :P Nice clean strike from outside the penalty box.

Wes: Aiyah I don't wanna play already. 30 game minutes left only... can't equalise lah...
Gaps: Aiyah you siam, lemme do it *takes controller*

Within a minute, he OGed again.

Commentary was in Japanese, but you could distinctively hear the words "OG! OG!"

Burnout was nicer. It was a demo, so it was one course, one car, one race. So Gaps had a few whacks at it. 4th. 3rd. 3rd.

"Hah, I'm not bad eh? Here you try."

I had a go at it. 1st.

"Eh wait! Shit SIAM lemme try again!"


Tuesday: Wow I actually forgot what I did for the entire day. Shit. If I was with you on Tuesday, help remind me what we were doing.

Wednesday: Got back promo results.

Don't wanna talk about it.

Thursday: Didn't feel like going to school. Still bummed. Played DotA against bots the whole day. Hong Kuang was right; DotA takes away your interest in proper strategy rounds.

Friday: Can't skip school for two successive days and not look bad, so went to school. Still bummed. Got back my Chinese results. Jaslyn's mom would be proud of me, cuz at that moment Chinese was my strongest subject.

That was until I got my GP results. Possibly the only results I feel at least contented with.

Wanted to go meet the class guys at ECP, but got kept in by rain.

Saturday: Wanted to go to Katong for bak chor mee with Kit, but his OAC had kayaking at Bedok Reservoir. So I took a cycle down there, and was observing them for a while. After watching them, I feel like crying wherever I think about TP ODAC. Why is everyone so fucking slack?

Finally went to service my bike. Grease the chains and replace the rear light batteries.

Today: After church, went to TM with Kim(who left early), Cheryl, Jul, Desmond, Kevin (who also left early), Yvonne and later Edwin. Went to eat and then a bit of arcade and a bit of pool. It was the first time we saw each others after our promos, so they were asking about each other's results.

Yvonne asked me how I did. Chery asked me how I did. Edwin asked me how I did.

And I didn't dare tell any of them.

We joke about Hubert taking S Papers, and he might, but now Edwin is taking double sciences S Papers. Wtf? Sick...

And Cheryl has a boyfriend. For like 1 1/2 months. She kept that secret so well guarded from all of us, so nobody suspected a thing until Desmond was raiding her images gallery in her phone and found some incriminating shots. HOR! Now I'm making this public! Miss Seow you DIE!!

Later went PW meeting. On a Sunday?! Eng Yong is crazy. Could hardly stay awake. Was really tired.

Still am. Still bummed too.

I was reminded of you three times in a single day. Does this mean something?