Thursday, October 27, 2005

$2 for 2 weeks

Since Jean Yip costed me $25, that left me with more or less $2 for the next 2 weeks. When Kim figured that out, she laughed at me and wondered how I was going to get lunch tml. Told her I wasn't going to eat, and she laughed at me.

But I DID eat, and it's all due to the conveniences of having good connections. Was slacking in the ODAC room yesterday, which is always where I'll be if I've skipped class, provided someone with the key skipped class too. Wesley suddenly runs in and tells me that the school was considering a change of caterers for the canteen. The new caterers had prepared a small spread in the teachers' lounge and the teachers, councillors and a few civillian students were invited to try it out and review. So Wesley told me and asked me to go. Free lunch! So I went. Haha I sound really cheap.

Going had a bit of backlash too. For one, the food wasn't that fantastic. The mee siam tasted like crap. Ok, maybe not literally like crap, but it was bad. Fish curry wasn't bad, though. You know what the shitty thing was? The school still hasn't leant its lesson and is going to get one caterer for the whole canteen. When will they learn? Different caterers means more competition since their pay will depend on their sales. More competition means better standards. If one caterer has the whole canteen to himself, the vendors can relax, because 100% of canteen sales goes to the caterer, so everyone gets a stable base pay and they don't have to work so hard.

And you know what's worse now? It's gonna be a Halal caterer. That's bullshit. I'm not shitting on anyone's religion here, mind you. But most TPJCians will understand my unhappiness. In our school, the nicest thing they sell here is arguably the pork cutlet. How are we supposed to get that now? And I forsee that with a Halal caterer we'll be having mainly mixed rice and noodles for the rest of our lives. The current caterer is bad enough, and with this new Halal caterer, now all the chinese peopel are going to flood Uncle Louis during lunch, and you'll walk into the canteen to find it flooded with maats.

Where was I? Ah yah... another problem with our free lunch was that while Wes and I were eating, we suddenly heard a fmiliar voice and looked up to see Miss Wong. Shit! She would know that we skipped her lecture, so what to do? Leave quietly... At least we didn't run into Cerine Lim. There's this thing about her docile nature that makes you feel sickeningly guilty if she corners you.

And I skipped Chinese today. Wesley didn't come to school. If we didn't have to take our results back, neither would I, but since Wes is going to poly, there's no point for him going to school. Was conspirating with Dadi and Pai Kia to pon Chinese. Wah Dadi si peh on! We was the first to zhao, left directly after results. Roy and I weren't so bad; we went for maths, then with the gang to lunch at Uncle Louis, and then we went home.

Oh yah one thing I didn before I left. I signed up to be an OGL for next year's orientation. Wow did that come from me? Didn't expect myself to do it, but I just suddenly felt like signing on. Maybe it's to compensate for how I left my orientation early. Didn't feel close to the school then. I just hope I'll be this on for the rest of the way.

These few days, I've been feeling very off, and I dunno why. People are calling me out to go places (Kit to go bike-hunting, KX to go bowling, Pai Kia to go pool) and I never feel like going. I'm ponning more and more lessons, it's scary. I'm generally sinking into a lousier mood steadily these few days. I dunno what's wrong. I should be happy! Tomorrow's the last day of school, dammit! But instead I feel like... well I don't feel like doing anything. I never do these few days.

And as though my mood isn't sunk low enough, I have to go do my OP speech now. Damn PW. Racist bloggers are being rounded up now, but I think I'll be the first anti-PW blogger. Haha if your friends tell you about some anti-PW blog, look for me! I might be a moderator. :P