Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Only after reading my tags have I gotten to appreciate how very LONG my previous entry was. I mean, I knew it was long, but I didn't realise it was that long, until I took the time to scroll down and read it. So yeah... sorrrie guys.

Supposed to update on where I left off huh? Nonono wait don't go just yet! I'll do my best to keep it short I promise...

Sunday: Well I got home laaate after Farewell Night, so I was a bit... not me on Sunday. Half comatose, half sian. Sian probably because from this side of Farewell Night, the promos seem a lot closer. What's more, all CCAs in TPJC are suspended until promos get over, so not much way for hanging with the entire ODAC crew till a lot later.

Went studying with Cheryl, Mel, Ignatius, Juliana, Small Joe, Sujata and Kim after church. We (or I at least) wanted to throw Cheryl a party since it was her birthday on Wednesday, but she wanted to study. Can't blame her... A Levels coming soon. Managed to give her her present anyway. Well, actually I couldn't wake up for 0930 mass so I went for 1100 mass and joined them late. Studied at same place, and I came out with same results (the "Russell you're in trouble" thing)Mel noticed I was a bit sian, probably because I didn't really feel like playing World Combat with Ignatius after studying. Dunno what's wrong with me. I just feel really really sian.

Monday: Lousy day. Realised that I was so caught up with the run-up to Farewell Night that I completely forgot about my homework. So I went to Chinese with an undone compo (actually, we all did, just that for different reasons) and Mr. Wong just blew up.

Was really tired that day... slept through the entire Chemistry lecture... not good

My O2 phone had been dying a slow and horrible death ever since God knows when, and now it just decided to pop its clogs. It's not the firse time my phone has had a near death experience, but that was a hardware prob, and now I think my OS really crashed. Now I've lost all my numbers, cuz they're all stored in my phone ( I lost all the numbers in my SIM on an earlier occasion) I foresaw this and started backing up my numbers, but I only had time to reach Joseph Ng, so the numbers after him are lost for all eternity, except for numbers I've memorised like Kit and Regina. It's damn wasted cuz now I've lost the number of that NJC debater... never met her anyway...

Tuesday: The GP class had lunch in the canteen with Miss Wong. She can really talk cock sia.

Today: Teacher's Day celebration. ACES day... boring. Physics tutorial... a few guys zhaoed, but it was otherwise uneventful but useful. Concert... only nice thing was they switched on the air con in the hall. Other than that, it was a waste of time. Teachers recieving awards was okie, but the band sucked ass, and according to Alton, who was there when the Council was holding the audish, they were the best.

Went back to BV and met Kit and Wei Kheam there. Gave WK a birthday bash... he's damn violent sia. Saw a few old friends there like Regina. Speaking of which:

Kit: Hey... noticed you didn't say hi to Regina.
Me: Huh? I did.
K: Oh izzit?
R: Yeah, just now rather briefly.
K: Oh?
R: Yeah just saw her and said hi hi bye.
K: You didn't bother to make it longer?
R: Dunno... she didn't say hi for very long either.


Was watching the clipon Ah Boy's blog, of himm finishing his race 1st place and getting a gold. Now he's a national champ. Wah lau eh... he doesn't need to go school or sit for A Levels anymore sia...

Never got to formally introduce my new blog music. The Best Things by Filter. Heard it on The Crow: Salvation OST (nice movie) and in Driven (another nice movie) I'm starting to develop a thing for electronica and industrial music. But now I've changed my music again, to Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki, from the InuYasha OST. Damn Central took InuYasha off their airtime.

I'm a bit confused now, which is maybe why I feel so sian. Feel differently for certain different people again. They mainly mean the same thing, but I get very different feelings when I'm with each of them. I thought I had enough of the race, so I decided to stop looking. But sometimes these things just jump up in front of you. I need to sort out my thoughts.

I just realised this entry is a bit de too long too. Haha sorrie

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mommy...its overrr....

I hate putting off entries till late, cuz I start to forget everything. Now I have to recap the happenings of the last 5 days or so. But these 5 days have (and will) probably be the most memorable days of my stint in TPJC, and I haven't been blogging cuz I seriously had no time and not cuz I was lazy. So here goes one veeeerrrrryy long entry....

I'll most prob talk about the things impressionable enough for me to remember now, which mainly means ODAC stuff. ;-)

Wednesday: With farewell night only 3 days away, we started to finalise everything and kick into full gear. Meeting after school (where I think I was the only non-exco member peh on) and then after which Alex, Zhi Hui, Jamie, Veronica and me stayed back to do a few of the prizes, the test tube memorabilia. I'm still not so good at it... wahaha and Veron was knocking her test tube of gel on Alex's handphone cover until his heart like gonna break. Then they turned on each other and started flinging blobs of gel in each others' hair. Kids these days ah...

Got home at 2100


Thursday: During Chemistry mass remedial, Mr Yeong (or Leong) showed us some spastic commercial at the end of the lecture, something about a ninja and his inept partner who accidentally stuck a shuriken in his head.


Friday: Chiong to farewell night. But before that, had CIP at Metta home for the aged, with Kellyn, Cheryl-jo, Shirnnie, Roy and Ah Boy. Waste of time, cuz:
1. Almost ALL of them spoke Hokkien, so only Kel looked like she knew what she was talking about.
2. The only time I understood any of them was when one of them asked me for 20 cents to buy sweets. Sad...
3. We all thought we would go there to entertain them, but we were given menial jobs, like clean up the place.
4. The only entertainment they had was a karaoke set.
5. The menial jobs were enough for the present staff to handle. So that left 7 of us mopping the floor, and the home was smaller than my house.

What I learnt:
1. Some of us have never done housework before in their lives. Cheryl needed Liyi's help just to pull off a bolster cover, and Roy was sweeping the floor like a n00b with both hands. What a laugh.
2. More of a reminder. Places like this are depressing. I felt the depressing aura the minute I walked close to the place. To the best of my abilities, I will ensure my parents never end up in a place like that. So help me God.

Thought that ODAC would have their activity (flying fox) first and then meeting, so with my cip, I thought I would miss the flying fox for sure, so I didn't bother bringing my PT kit. Turns out that they did meeting FIRST and then flying fox, so we got back just in time for it. Doesn't matter, anyway, cuz there wasn't enough time for everyone anyway. Caught a few on camera, think I got Chingx too...

Ended at 6 plus, and then the farewell night prep started. The old script was done away with cuz one of the J2s (Alvin or Victor...) didn't like it (thank God) So now a new script was in place, where we mixed in a whole of fairy tales. I remember seeing this concept being done before for a play by my Sec 3 class. I also remember seeing people walk out on the play as I was out on the stage performing. So that was why I was initially skeptical of the new script, but calling for a script change 22 hours before showtime was crazy, so I kept hush... I was casted as Sleepy, which furthered my reputation as the guy who sleeps in class with Alex :P and I was the only male dwarf, and the only tall one. Practiced and debriefed by 9 plus. Then went to eat with Kim Wan (aka Wipes), Ming Song, Zhe Wei and Kenneth at Mac. Main rationale was to collect sauces for the MacSaturdae (explain later), so Ming Song went to buy McNaRRgeRRts:

Lady: What sauce would you like?
MS: Er, 2 wasabi and one lemon tango
*lady gets sauces*
MS: Then can I get 4 packets of tartar sauce?
*lady hesitates, then gets sauces*
MS: And can I have another 4 packets of curry sauce and 4 packets of sweet chilli?
*lady stares incredulously, then gets sauces*

After that, went to Kit's house to borrow a set of PJs from him for my Sleepy role. It's always nice to catch up with him and talk about anything, old or new. Contemplated on staying the night at his place, but I was afraid of oversleeping.

Got home at 0030


Saturday: D-Day. Met Cai Tao at school at 12 plus (late) and went in to meet Rebecca, Gui Rong, Jamie, Alex and Veron, who were settling their (cheap :P) gifts for their previous heads. Then went to T Mart Mac to eat and meet Cindy (becca went for tuition). Alex, CT and I tested a MacSaturdae "prototype". Okie basically a MacSaturdae is a (supposedly) ultra disgusting drink, with Sprite Ice as a base ingredient, and then possibly every type of sauce from Mac (outside sauces welcome) mixed in, stirred and served. Overdose of sweet chili usually results in the Saturdae looking like carrot juice, that is, until you smell it. I was brave (or as Alex says, stupid) enough to drink one on a previous occasion, and up it went immediately.

Then followed an ultra long bus ride to Roxy Square in Parkway, where farewell night would be held. Along the way, the others all took turns to ask me why I carries so much with me (apart from my fav Nike bag, also had a suit cover with my night wear and the cheap shoe bag the school gave us during NDP). We weren't the first there, cuz Kenneth, Ming and Daryl (Xia Jian) were there. Wah XJ dress until so zhai. Then we went on to set up the place.

The other J1s started to trickle in slowly, helping to set up and then a final rehearsal for the skit. By 15 minutes before showtime, the only person not in smart wear was me. My plan was to remain in casual wear, and then change to the PJs for the play, and then after that change to my night wear (my Gio collarless shirt and jeans andf my black shoes and my fav Nixon watch). Now people started taking turns asking me if I was going to remain the whole night in a T-shirt, shorts and sandals. Veron's reaction was especially dramatic, cuz when she saw me in casual wear 5 minutes to time, she was aghast. Wahahhaha!! Clarence (Bra Man) and Veron were especially stressed (P and VP mahz...)

Everything went on without major hiccups (except for the banners and LTC flags falling off halfway) Alex and Zhe Wei were not bad as hosts, and the plan to sabo Daryk (the previous Prez)with the gift of the miniature toilet bowl that squirts water (or what will you) at you when you open it didn't work out, cuz he knew what it was immediately. "Oh *takes out toilet bowl* very funny... very funny *squirts Bra Man with it*"

ODAC has to learn to spell it skiT and not skiD...Rowena and her stupid spelling. Spells runway as rAnway. Not even Gautam is that bad lar...

Anyway the skiT, in my opinion, has its ups and downs. Of course, people had a good laugh when bra man pranced on stage as Snow White in a pink dress and his infamous sexy red bra, and when Cai Tao made his appearance as Jill in Jamie's KC uniform. But then there were lulls in the performance, one of which occurred too close to the ending (when the 3 gays and the 3 "chio bus" were dancing, although the "si beh gay" part was funny). Luckily Xia Jian was here to save the day as the Prince, giving Snow White the reviving kiss (I taught Daryl how to "kiss" bra man and make it look convincing and funny) Best part!

An hour before showtime, Veron suddenly tells me I'm hosting a game with Gui Rong. I was totally unprepared at the time, but when the game came, I just decided to wing it. So I went up there with Gui Rong unprepared (except having changed to night wear) and decided to improvise on the spot. Had fun making fun of a few seniors in the game (in particular Melvin and Faris... they accused me of being racist to Faris, but I'M Indian also leh!)

Rest of the proceedings went good, and the slideshow was nice. And so was the song we sang (Jay Chou's Qing Tian... one of my all time favs) Best part was the Sacred Cheer; we were shouting ourselves hoarse and slapping our thighs red. Both Clarence and Daryk were saying sentimental things to each other. It was Yun Zheng and Shirnnie's birthday, so we had a cake. Then we went to sabo Yun Zheng by making him drink a Saturdae. Wah knn he actually drank it without flinching.

Well soon the show was over. Success! Our hard work paid off!! Stuck around for a few photos, and then we cleared out. Then hotel staff confronts us saying there's a mike missing. Wah lau mike also wanna kope... So we all went to search the bags and stuff. I thought maybe it was still up there and went to look for Clarence, who went up already. And that's when the group of us found both mikes on the podium. Wah knn scare us sia... They can still tell us "Well you can search the room, but we assure you it isn't here cuz we searched it already." And then a few seconds later, one of us shouts "There! Here lah!" Wah tio jack sia that guy... started apologizing... On the way down, Veron was telling us "Eh later when you come off the lift, all wear black faces and tell the rest the hotel wants us to pay for damages." Wah Veron scheming sia... But at the same time, Ching Xun was on the phone with someone downstairs saying "Oh zhao3 dao4 le, zhao3 dao4 le (Oh we found it)" DIAOZ!!! Maybe it was better that the prank didn't go through, cuz the thought of Daryk blowing his top was so going to ruin the whole nightTook group photo later. I went to kneel in front of the group, and then the J2s were like "Wah Russell looks like he's shitting lah!" Wah lau eh... then one of the J2s was like "Wah lau pls lah where got people shit in that position lah!" LOL!

Later, as we all parted ways, Rui Qun, Yue Zhi, Ziling, Handsome 4 (successors of the Hor Fun 4: Kenneth, Ming Song, Alex and Zhi Hui), Jaren and I went to find someplace to eat, but that's not always easy at 12 in the morning. Finally found a coffee shop to relax and crap at, and to have DINNER. Wanted to stay longer, but I was chao tired. So a few of us dispersed and I took a cab back. Damn midnight 50% surcharge.

Got home at 0200.


I know I should write about today, but it's veeeeerrrryyy late now and I should go.

Sorry for the excessively long entry. Will be back soon... hopefully with pics of that night.

And ODAC... you guys rock man. Thanks lotz to the J2s for taking us this far. Always remembered, never forgotten. J1s, we have a lot to live up to. Let's get to it soon :D

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Well looking back at the previous entry (which I did away with), I kinda realised how over the edge I'm getting, especially with promos so close. I guess I was a hypocrite myself. And true to my old self, I vented it out on the people around me.

I just feel damn sian now, cuz I'm very behind in schoolwork, and I'm kinda getting scared of getting retained.

I don't really feel like talking about this now, even though I know I should at some point.

So about what I said earlier.... let's just forget about it.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Towgay not enough

Finally a Sunday out of the norm.

Yesterday night Cheryl jio a few of us to go accompany her to go buy present for her friend after mass -_-". Well not so bad lah... better than every other week when we loiter about aimlessly and do nth except eat and waste time. Then after buy present go study. It's amazing, cuz I haven't seen the other Meridian ppl like Joseph and Juliana for a while, but once I mention group study they si beh on, and Edwin suddenly has tuition! Wahhaa I don't doubt that he has tuition, but it's so weird that the day we study and do school work is the day he doesn't join us.

Cheryl saw me when I walked into the church hall and said "Eh you cut your hair! I cut my hair too!" Wah lau so strange....

So after mass, me, Cheryl, the Josephs and Ignatius went to TM (again) to buy the presents. Then we stopped buy at Royal Sporting House and I saw that Reebok play dry shirt that I had been eyeing everytime we went to RSH (which is nearly every week). So I finally forked out $34.65 to buy it (I give you best price: $34.50! lolz no lah!). You can't call it an impulsive purchase, cuz I had my eye on it for quite a while, plus it fits me nice and I can use it for cycling, running, kayaking and such. Yahoo! Now I need matching pants! Wait till I get next month's pocket money then talk.

And then we split up, and me and Big Joe went to Downtown East to study, because:
1. It has a nice BuRRgeRR King
2. The BK is usually empty enough
3. It's close to Juliana's house. We used this as a bargaining point on her to get her to come.
So Joe and I were there, and slowly, Juliana, Cheryl, Ignatius and Small Joe joined us. Cheryl went to get a new phone. Good thing too, cuz her old one is damn cock up lah... wahahah! Well she bought 6230i, WHICH WAS THE PHONE I WANTED! Bleh... wahaha nvm she get white I get black -_-"

Studying with the gang finally put me to serious work, which helped me realise one thing: Russell, you're in trouble. Wah Mr. Liew was right lah! I am so screwed cuz I was stumped by a lot of things in my tutorial. And me there staring at my paper writing half-confident solutions, next to Joseph liam kenging double and triple angle formulae, I looked very inferior. I dunno why, but I can't help hanging around people smarter than me. If they were any dumber they would be speaking in Malay. Dayung sampan lah. WAH RACIST WHO SAID THAT?!?!?! Knn....

Got home just in time to watch the National Day Rally speech. Can't remember all of it, but I remember the whole notion of Remodelling A New Singapore. It looked damn nice lah! I just hope the peace holds out long enough, so we can really see the night sky scene of 9th August 2015, as promised to us. The scene made me cry inside. Its just that it looked too good to be true. In this time of global turmoil and stuff, I seriously donne if we'll hold out that long....

27 August 2005, 0030 hrs. That's the time and date that Mars will appear in the night sky as big as the moon, and this phenomenon won't happen again for a few more centuries. I seroiusly wanna go see it. Maybe go night cycling with Kit and gang, or go gallavanting with the TC peeps. Real nice way to commemorate Cheryl's birthday, which falls this Wednesday. Oh shit... WHAT TO BUY FOR HER?!?!?!?!?!?!


Saturday, August 20, 2005

Russell bui hua hee....

Feeling very tired now. I'd rather not blog right now, but I have to cuz I haven't done so for the past few days, and I'm starting to forget them already.

Wednesday shiok... ODAC got activity at Pasir Ris Park. This is how slack we truly are. Other schools like TJC OAC chiong training for their sessions while we go Pasir Ris to play waterbombs. Well not just that lah... played lame games (fishbone -_-") and then Tug-of-War. Everyone was so confident that my team would win just becuz I'm there... wah lau eh talk about pressure sia... well we lost, cuz Alex coordinated the other team well (although got this one time I was putting up quite a fight, and then he shouted "WAH LAO RUSSELL NI BU SHI REN AH!!!") Lolz... main activity was waterbobm volleyball and waterbomb fight... the kind of lame ass things you get when you let someone like Jamie organize the activities. Oh yah practiced the skit as well for Farewell night. w00t chao lame! Went back to school at 6 then help clean up ODAC Room a bit and put up the LTC flags (Artemis flag missing!!) Went home at 8... cannot do Chemistry tutorial...

Thursday... Forgot to bring PE so Mrs Koh not happy when I turned up for TAF. She dont let me play badminton in uni ("Must respect the sport!" she said) so she wanted me to run, but I told her can't run in uni ("Must respect the sport!" I said back) So in the end I told her I'll run, but I went to WALK laps on the track with Hubert and talk about Maplestory. Den had Chemistry mass tutorial on mass spectrometry. The scariest bit is that I didn't know one thing about mass spec until I read the notes an hour before the lecture, and this is 1st 3 months topic lehz... ying liao lohz... Then went to cut hair. Edward Chew caught me twice liaoz... sian lah I like my long hair. Stupid barber cut so betoh like kena sai. Like damn nerdy lah, or as my kind of people would say, I looked like fuck. ;-)

Friday? Initial plan was to go Ah Boy house and do GP project. But in the end went for movie... hehe... Ah Boy jio movie, Gaps jio movie, Alex jio cycling, but in the end went with Ah Boy, Hubert, Alex, KX and Cai Tao to watch THE MAID. Woohoo... well the movie wasnt that scary, a bit like Scream, cuz they scare you for a few seconds, and then wait... But the movie was nice lah. Wahaha Ah Boy said Ah Soon look like Wesley!! Ah Boy lai! Hahhaa go watch it lah! Then later went to some playground to talk cock, and play at the swing and the 6 man see-saw. Too lame to describe... Then at night Kim took me to a proper hairstylist to get my hair properly fixed. Now my hair spiked sia hehe...

Sian... tml nth to do.. want something to do. Go kayaking or cycling or whatever. Just occerred to me that Babat has gone to Sentosa on bike before and I haven't. Class outing cancelled some more... si peh sian...

I dunno why, but after the movie I think I'm growing more paranoid about 7th month. And I suddenly started seeing more people burning hell notes. Well I don't have anything to fear right? I didn't offend anyone...

Wahahaa listen to me... how scared can I get? Well I'm off to find something to do... for now. :-D

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The everyday lives of TPJCians 3

Ah Bush
Ah Lam
Pics from the TPJC Bowling Open
Star frame! w00t!

This is the kind of graffitti you can find scrawled on the desks at seats in LTs in TPJC. Now normally I don't approve of vandalism, but I never was the person to not recognise artistic quality when I come across it.

Molecular model that we sometimes pass around the class during Chemistry.

"Wah CHEE KUEH enantiomers not liddat lah!" Lolz jkjk

Ah Boy ordering Tua Kang (Justin) how to tackle a Chemistry problem, with Tua Kang vehemently disagreeing and arguing with him

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

7th month

At church, Fr. Johnson wanted to start a new thing: a prayer every 1st Sunday of the month for married couples celebrating their anniversaries that month. So last Sunday he thought he could get started. But whem he invited anniversary couples to step forward to recieve blessings, none came. Apparently nobody had their anniversaries now. Father was a bit perplexed, so he continued the mass. Just before it ended, he finally realised why nobody had their anniversaries now: it was the 7th month. Lolz... it was one of those rare few moments when something comical happened during mass and everyone found funny.

Today's National Day celebrations were... boring, to me anyway. Some people came to school in red or white T-shirts, or, in someone's case, a body-hugging white tee printed by the print-a-tee-shirt booth in the school foyer. She looked hot enough to burn my eyes out (although I wasn't game to tell her that up front) The parade contingent only got slightly better from the last time I blogged about them, but I guess that was enough. The biggest crack up was that the Parade Commander's peak cap was crooked!

AHAHAHA what a laugh!

The perfomance in the hall was good, but I still was bored. The band was pretty good, though. But halfway, I still found myself detached from the happenings, deeply immersed in a conversation with Gaps about a few things, like the Half Bloof Prince.

Yeeks... a cockroach just ran into my room. Lemme go get rid of it.

Yeah okie I'm done. I hate cockroaches. Or any species of roaches. For as long as I can remember. Dunno where I developed this fear, but it could be from young when a particularly flamboyant roach nearly flew into my face after crawling over my foot.

Anyway... yeah school got out at 10.10 a.m, so naturally now would be the best time to go out and do something, or find something to do. Ah Boy wanted to watch The Maid. During 7th month?! Wow... eergh.... but instead, Ah Boy, Pui Kia, Pai Kia and I went to T Mart to eat. Full everywhere. TPJC obviously wasn't the only school in the vicinity, and every school in the country probably let out at this time I'd reckon. Tampines Mall was worse, packed with students from possibly every secondary school and college in the East ('tho didn't see any TJ or VJ students) Thought I saw NJ students too, but all the way here? Haha NJ students don't need to buy National Day shirts from Hang Ten... they can all just come to school in their blazers. It would've looked damn cool.

Finally ate at Yoshinuya. We couldn't watch a movie at ALL, cuz the queue was ginormous and earliest movies were 2 p.m. So while the rest went back home, I went to find Alex, Cai Tao and Alton. Dennis and Junming were there too. Slacked outside 77th Street... saw that someone again (wow...) then went to SAFRA Tampines, or rather, they went Safra and I went home for a while, then went back there to watch the TPJC Bowling Open. Alex, Kai Xiang, Ah Bush and Alton signed on as one team, an they played not bad on the whole, except for the first few frames. Didn't win anything, but who cares. Lam, CT and KX went to my house to drop off their bowling balls. My room just had to pick this opportune time to be messy: when I actually have guests.

Again, we didn't watch a movie, but instead spent our money at Han's restaurant, where we ate dinner and crapped, as in talked a lot. Michael... er... Michelle met us later. So we crapped there about anything and everything, moving from Han's to the playground near Joseph Choo's house. Stayed there till 9 to talk, the 5 of us, and then we started to go home.

I'm bushed. 7 a.m to 9 p.m of going out and now I might even fall asleep while typing this. Wah sian Maplesea is only 40% completed downloading. I'm downloading it cuz I miss playing Maple Story. Wow I seriously can't seem to think now. I'd better go.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Wheee so fun!

So it was a Sunday. That means by now I probably don't have to detail what I did in the morning. But basically I went to TM with Edwin, Cheryl and Small Joe after mass. Nearly went to watch Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, but some people no money... Cheryl was trying on dresses for her end of year prom, which is this year after her As. She looks good in them, although she denies it. Rrrgh... it's always with the same gang to the same place every Sunday. Don't get me wrong cuz I love their company. It seems so routine now that I wish something new would happen on Sunday.

And it did! later Kit called me up and asked if I wanted to go kayaking with him and Zi Xiang at Bedok Reservoir. My first reaction was "Wah there can kayak mehz?" Well apparently PA Sea Sports set up shop there about 2 months ago. Wheee! Met them there (they cycled here) and went to sign for kayaks. I'm a member of PA Sea Sports so I get a discount! Kit and I got the standard single-seater kayaks, but ZX, being unqualified, had to use a sit on top kayak, which is an open-canopy kayak, and is damn heavy and stable so it's damn near impossible to capsize it. You can still fall off it if you wanted, though. Didn't really matter anyway, cuz we traded kayaks halfway in the water. Kayaking in Bedok Reservoir is nice, especially cuz, unlike Kallang, you're kayaking in freshwater and not seawater, so when we were doing capsize drills Kit and I had the same reactions: "Eh the water's damn nice leh!" We had fun, but Zi Xiang was a bit of a killjoy cuz he didn't want to capsize. You have to purposely capsize under controlled conditions so you know how to keep calm, especially in a real situation. ZX blatantly refused. Kit contemplated pushing him over by surprise (that's how he learnt to cap properly) but I suggested against it, cuz he was already not that much at ease, so if we capsized him he would definitely panic. All in all it was fun. Pity it was only an hour. We might go again next Sunday.

At night I went to Challenger with my mom to get a new wireless desktop set. This morning, my com gave me a right old scare. It seems that my keyboard, after giving me problems for the past few weeks, finally decided to pop its clogs. You (or I at least) can't possibly use a computer properly without the use of a keyboard, so went to get a new Logitech wireless desktop set. And seeing as how often I go to Challenger, I finally bothered to get myself a membership there. Although my spending spree there is more or less over, with promos coming soon and my finances dangerously low.

Haha Ah Boy really went to upload the Sabai Sabai song onto the class blog! The singer is some Thai guy, but when he sang that song he sound so gay! Go see 05S15 blog to hear for yourself. :P

And Monday no lessons! Tuesday is National Day! Wednesday... no wait I still have school on Wednesday. Rrrrgh....

Sunday, August 07, 2005

It's never me

I really feel that I ought to blog, but I don't always have something central to talk about.

Nth memorable happened during Friday chem prac, except that I was bantering with Aerodynamic, up to the point that I said "Oie, you wait I take this HCl and burn off your remaining hair!" Wow that was mean. Chingx and I were laughing uncontrollably.

After school on Friday, Zahra was supposed to be performing at SRJC, but I told her I was busy, cuz that Friday I had an ODAC meeting, and then it was ODAC-Room-Cleaning Day. Meeting was about to start in 5 minutes, and our beloved President Clarence (Bra Man) and the Pioneering Head Alex (Ah Lam) were squaring off at carrom. So I just walked into the room and said "Eh Clarence hurry up and lose... meeting starts in 5 minutes." We moved everything out and Zhe Wei and I scrubbed and mopped the place up. Rowena super slacker sia... she took nearly 2 hours and all she did was busy herself with the whiteboard. Like that takes 2 hours.

After cleanup, we played carrom again :P Me Kim Wan vs. Clarence and Daryl (Xia4 Jian4) KW and I were noobs lah... got thrashed by the legendary President's Striker -_-" After that when we were chatting, Clarence told me something that surprised and disappointed me slightly, although I didn't show it. Apparently, I was marked down to be the potential president of ODAC even before LTC, but because I didn't complete it, I can't even get into exco. I dunno if what he said is true, or if I heard correctly... wait why would Clarence lie to me about something like this? I was okie with not being in exco when the names were released at the Handing Over Ceremony, but now knowing that I was a day and a half worth of LTC away from the top job........ I was super suay during that period. Had high fever during kayaking course, so I didn't get my one star, and then my fever acted up during LTC again, so I left after we returned from the Land and Sea Expeditions. Clarence said he wasn't even a choice in the first place for presidency, and had I finished LTC it would most probably be a tussle between Alex and me for the top job.

It sucks. Well I suppose it doesn't matter. Bra Man's doing a good job as president, and even as a regular member I can still do my part, maybe even outpace some of the more slack exco members. And it's not like it's the first time that circumstances lead me to missing a leadership role. NCC, PA crew, even as Parade Commander for the National Day '04 parade at BV, although in most of those cases the difference is that I was deliberately denied a leadership role, like for PC. The PC candidates were Dhana, Ian and me. Sufi (the asshole training us that time) tried Dhana out, then Ian, and before he could see me, he gave Ian the position. So I thought I was up, and I was left standing there like a dumbass waiting for my turn to try out, and then when I saw the flag-raisers keeping the flags, I knew something was up. I was sorely pissed that day, especially with Sufi. So after something like that, I guess I can live with being just another ODAC member. I may never make a difference from where I am, as I would like to, but as long as ODAC does well, I guess I'm cool. But it still sucks.

Was watching True Files just now, where they were showing a story about a male prostitute that killed a male client of his and was hung for it, at Changi Prison back in 1998. It suddenly occurred to me that I was staying at the prison officers' quarters at Moon Crescent nearby, which was VERY close to Changi Prison. We're talking less than a minute's walk. You could literally see the front gates of the citadel-like complex from the second floor balcony of my house, or if I opened my bedroom window. It never occurred to me that every Friday, as I rushed home to begin enjoying my weekend in euphoria, less than 100 m away, someone was getting hung. Someone would be hung almost every Friday. And I never gave it much thought till now.

I need sleep. When Bra Man told me what he did on Friday, I didn't think much of it, but now it's haunting me. I need to blast some music.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

How TPJCians settle their differences and antagonize each other

We all have come a long way by now. Nowadays if you're bui song with someone, you don't just go to the person and say "Fuck you." TPJCians especially have developed many ways to deal with the everyday asshole, and here are a few:
If you don't like someone, you can take things subtly by playing a prank on him.
Use a little vandalism to leave the next computer user a message.
The old-fashioned middle finger is always a good way to tell someone you hate their guts.
Then you can go and break his legs.
Or tell them disgusting stories of yellow shit and colon cancer to gross them out when they're eating.
The best one I've seen: superglue their hands to the monkey bars.
Take compromising and funny photos of the guy you hate and post it on the net or a blog.
Decapitated heads work wonders when you have nothing else to put in your fruit bowl.
Crack "eggy" comments about someone and start an online quarrel on a blog much to the amusement of everyone else.
One of the more unheard-of and drastic measures: poisoning.

How TPJCians settle their differences and antagonize each other - Part 2

You say some more? I take my lightsaber chop you ah!
Racial riots, as can be seen today before a softball match. Chinese vs. Indians. Wow... where does that leave me???
And if all else fails... WHACK!!!
Of course, instead of whacking sessions, declaring "birthdays" are more preferred cuz it allows for more interesting forms of punishment.
But in the end, no matter how many bones we break, black eyes we deliver and vulgarities we throw about, wo men hai shi BLOOD BROTHERS bah! :P
Disclaimer: Everything here, like most of my other entries in any blog, is mostly for the sake of comedy, unless I explicitly say so. So, just having a bit of fun, no harm yah? No need to go running back to your blogs kao pehing about "come whack me" faces cuz it's all just a joke :P

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The everyday lives of TPJCians 2

Another pic of 05S15 guys slacking at Science Centre.
Wesley's photo on the Council Board. He so has the "come whack me" face.
Fishy acting his usual spastic self.
Alex messing with the blazer I drew for the Debate Finals.
Johnathan getting more than a birthday bash on his birthday.
Yongquan got bored during a Chemistry lesson last week. Don't ask.
Some guy sitting in front of me during a lecture didn't realise the note his buds put on his back till it fell off after 10 minutes
Dadi got bored during the GP lesson in the MRL, so he rearranged a few keys on a keyboard...
Ah Lam terrorizing poor Ronald.
Jun Hong and Kai Xiang...they don't look too thrilled about having their pic taken...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Message of Angels

Life has lost all warmth for me.
Responsibilities, deadlines, grades, relationships...
It's hard to smile in the freezing cold.
At most your teeth chence and you manage a grimace
That looks like a smile as artificial as the clothes worn
Meant to keep you warm, that for all effort worth
You might as well not wear at all.

Every night, as the air-conditioning ices my sheets,
My troubles ice my insides.
The hatred towards the world's injustice in my soul
Only suffices to thaw out the silent tears in my mind
That flow as freely and cheerfully at the river Styx;
The skeletal boatman, personifying all my woes, leering at me
Like an Inferus going for the kill.

The previous night was different,
For there was one last thing I saw before I turned in:
Your message of angels; misrepresentingly heralded by a monotonous tone
Which of previous occurrences announced more depressing news.
That message was like a drug; throwing me into momentarial bliss,
Thawing my heart in defiance to the icy storm.
For once in ages, both my lips and soul smiled in unision. Someone appreciated me.

It was exactly like a drug, for the euphoria eroded away eventually,
Casting me in further doubt and worry over my mundane issues.
Don't people usually send stuff like this to at least 10 people
Or else all hell shall befall them? How special is this one?
The skeletal boatman loomed into view again, swiping away the bliss
Like a Dementor would a feeble Patronus.
My worries returned as scheduled, dancing to the familiar tune of unrest.

But it was nice while it lasted.


Wrote that during GP today... got bored. Inspired by an sms I got last night. I'm not a poetry kind of guy; Mrs Cheong never did it for O Level Lit cuz she herself hated it. I dunno how well I did here, but I'll tell you this: writing poetry's a damn good way of letting off steam, no matter how cheesy your work sounds.

Damn Tagboard


This seems to be a problem everywhere. Everyone using tag boards from seems to be having problems with their tab boards. They won't load properly, have error messages, or don't load at all, and it lags the whole damn blog lah. Yoy can't even load the home page lah. Try the link. I'd change tab boards, but I'm too lazy, and flooble sort of strikes me as somewhat unreliable at times.

Wah sian... feels so unnatural without a tag board...