Sunday, July 30, 2006

Random Thoughts 11

Wow haven't blogged about the past happenings for two weeks.

Youth mass was great! Sure it's weird that I'm blogging about it when it was two weeks ago, but since I'm finally here, might as well. We got to do wardens! And everyone was dressing up and all, and we looked goood! lol need to get my hands on the photos... and the Sunday Market ones as well.

Joe forgot that the current Pope is Bennedict the sixteenth, so when he was reading Prayer Of The Faithful, he saw Bennedict XVI and said "Bennedict... *pause*". Wahaha poor guy.

Anyway someone gave me some gum before mass and I didn't realise that I was chewing it all through mass until we got up for offertory. So with no way to dispose of it, I sutck it under my shoe, in the part near the heel that doesn't touch the floor. Cheryl was going "Eeeeeeeeee..." like a ninny. So after offetory when I returned to my pew, I borrowed some tissue and disposed of it properly in there... and I left the tissue at the pew by accident. Oops lol.

Well after mass, took photos, and then most of us went to Pizza Hut at TM for dinner. And Dorothy paid for everything, even the extra set meal that we were left with cuz Dawn, Nicholas and the leech suddenly decided to go somewhere else after we ordered. Felt really bad about that, but also annoyed at the three. Dinner was good, but too much. Talked and joked a lot.

Anyway after that I went with Iggy, Victor and Mel to watch Pirates of the Carribean. Great movie; it immediately left me wanting to see the next movie. At the end of the movie, Mel wanted to wait for the end of the credits cuz she heard there was something added at the end. Credits were cb long, and all we got was the dog on the throne. It must be some sort of in joke wiht the people that made this movie. "Haha we made you stay for that!" Anyway the cliffhanger ending was totally unexpected. And I still hate Iggy for spoiling the movie for me before we went to watch it. Probably trying to show off how he looked up the spoilers before watching it with us. Not watching anything with him again.


And blah blah blah another week went by.


Saturday was the last dragonboat training before the actual competition on Monday. After that went to Jul's house almost immediately. Didn't bathe, just went straight so I could bathe there. Was supposed to go there to study, she and Mel had been working since 11 in the morning I think, so by the time I got there, they were both more or less burnt out. They were ordering dinner before I even got there. After we ate (and Mel the Arts student demonstrated her command of stoichiometry and volumetric analysis by mixing her coleslaw and her mashed potatoes in exact and equal proportions) we just sat and talked. I finally got to studying, but only did a bit of work before Mel almost had to drag me off the chair to get me going cuz it was getting really late.

We went to Pastamania for lunch after mass on Sunday. Fattening stuff.

Speaking of fat, we haven't seen Edwin at all for a few months. And he still has my Nightlife and Mel's Da Vinci Code. He might be dead for all we know.


And blah blah blah another week went by.


No wait... there was Sea Sports Carnival on Monday. And after all the training sessions the class had, we only managed to come in fifth overall. Bummer.... But the weird thing is we didn't concentrate on the Men's Kayaking Relay, and we got third for that. Imagine!

Better than nothing lah.


Yesterday the class had ze cha (is that how you spell it?) at Block 201, and then went to Fisherman's Village for drinks. Wheee good times!


Wish people would stop putting pressure on me. I've been getting a lot of conflicting views, sometimes coming from the same person. Can I or can I not get in? Weighing a lot on my mind lately and I can't think of much else. Rrrgh tml must ask Maro once and for all and clear my doubts.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Foo Fighters - Everlong

I LOVE THIS SONG! Not a kao peh song either!


Hello. I've waited here for you. Everlong.
Tonight I throw myself into,
And out of the red, out of her head she sang.

Come down and waste away with me. Down with me,
Slow how, you wanted it to be,
I'm over my head, out of her head she sang.

And I wonder when I sing along with you,
If everything could ever be this real forever.
If anything could ever be this good again,
The only thing I'll ever ask of you.
You gotta promise not to stop when I say when.
She sang:

Breathe out, so I can breathe you in,
Hold you in, and now, I know you've always been.
Out of your head, out of my head I sing.

And I wonder when I sing along with you,
If everything could ever be this real forever.
If anything could ever be this good again,
The only thing I'll ever ask of you.
You gotta promise not to stop when I say when.
She sang:

And I wonder when I sing along with you,
If everything could ever be this real forever.
If anything could ever be this good again,
The only thing I'll ever ask of you.
You gotta promise not to stop when I say when.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Word Of The Day 2

Feeling n 1. the thing you lose in your legs when your Physics teacher calls your parents up about your bad grades: When I heard Mr. Liew's voice on the phone, I immediately lost the feeling in my legs. 2. the thing my dad's voice seemed deviod of when we argued later

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Word Of The Day

Screwed adj 1. what a person is when he suddenly realises that he has eight weeks to study a two year syllabus worth of notes, over seventy chapters in all, and to complete the relevant three Ten Year Series assessment books: You all had better study your two year syllabus worth of notes, over seventy chapters in all, and complete the relevant three Ten Year Series assessment books, or you're all screwed. 2. me: Only eight weeks left?! Oh no, I'm screwed!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pwnage Quotes 9 (Cockster Teachers)

We all know that Nordin is a damn cockster, but sometimes he can be damn gorblok as well (meaning blur, or.... something more severe than blur)

A lot of the S12 people skipped his SPE lesson on Friday; only Shyam and Pei Hao were there.

Nordin: Shyam, do you know where Kartik is?
Shyam: Er, I dunno... I saw him at morning assembly today, but I dunno where he went... not that close to him anyway.
N: Ok... now it's 8.15. You have ten minutes, go and find him...
S: ...huh? *wtf*
N: *not listening* the canteen, search the library, search the...
S: *slightly incredulous* ...but....
N: *still not listening* ten minutes come back. *goes back to his attendance list without even looking up*
S: *walks off annoyed*
Russ: Aiyah, Shyam, just go to the canteen and have a drink, and in ten minutes come back and say you couldn't find him.
N: *still not listening*


N: Pei Hao, do you know where Jake is?
Pei Hao: Er no, I was late this morning, so I didn't see anyone. I wasn't at morning assembly.
N: Hmm okie... did you see Wallace?
PH: No, I didn't see anybody at morning assembly because I wasn't there!
N: Okie... did you see Nichols?
PH: ....
N: Thittinat?
PH: ...............

And Nordin still can't say Thittinat's name properly... still calls him Tittynutssssssssssssssssss.


Later during GP, we were analysing someone's essay, and Miss Yap was writing the topic sentences on the board. One of the points she wrote was "the key motivavations of terrorism today cannot be easily curbed". No, that's not a typo, she really wrote motivavations.

A few of us were confused, then Justin spoke up.

Justin: Er, Miss Yap, I think you wrote something wrong.
Yap: *looks at board, then looks at essay, tehn looks at board again* Yeah it should be "fundamental motivations" *edits the fundamental but doesn't notice the motivavations*
J: Er, no, I think you've misspelt motivation.
Y: *stares at board for a while, then looks back at Justin* You know what I meant, please don't waste my time like this... *grumbles on*

WTH she made an honest mistake and yet she somehow made Justin look like he did something wrong!


Today, Mr. Tan somehow managed to get one of his hands scalded by chicken soup, so when he arrived for class, he showed us his hands.

Tan: Ni men you kan dao shen me bu tong ne (Or something like that)? (Do you notice anything different between my hands?)
Russ: Dang ran lah! Yi bian shi zhuo, yi bian shi you. (Of course lah! One hand is left, one hand is right.)
Tan: .....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Politically "More Correct" Heroes (Half-Life Man)

Note: This character was inspired by the inventions of Chern Xing and Hong Kuang. If I do make any subsequent characters, they'll be my own unless I state otherwise. This might geek you out.

Name: Half-Life Man

Born: D.K. Konstaan, November 20 1971

Powers: Indefinite longevity, Radioactive manipulation

Weakness: Pencils

Russian born Dominic Karl Konstaan was your average MIT student working towards a Ph.D in Teleporting-freaky-aliens-from-parallel-dimensions Engineering, although he also had a keen interest in Hacking-freaky-aliens-with-a-crowbar Physics. His peers described him as a very boisterous person and a wild party animal despite his reserved demeanour when working.

In 1998, he signed on for a student exchange programme and got posted to the White Masons' University in New Mexico, which is a university for black Jews. A quiet night of introductions turned into a rather wild frat party which some how found its way to the Accident-just-waiting-to-happen Lab, located in the School of Anomalous Materials. During the course of the party, he was bitten by a radioactive head crab, apparently and inexplicably teleported from another dimension.

Konstaan wakes up on the floor in the thrashed lab to three things: a hangover, new found powers and a foreign school full of aliens from a parallel dimension running amok and killing people; apparently we taste better than the casserole they serve at their home planet. Armed with a crowbar, which he stole from a construction worker he knocked out with a beer bottle the other night, and his 12-gauge pump action shotgun, which he brought along "just in case something like this might happen", he set off to fight his way out of the school, whilst slowly getting the hang of his new, slowly manifesting powers along the way.

It is unclear exactly what happened that night, except for the radioactive head crab bit, but somehow Konstaan had lost the ability to speak. Since his new "silent protagonist" image and his new powers were totally unlike the old Dominic Konstaan, he fashioned himself a new (albeit unorthodox, unintruiging and not to mention lame) name: Half-Life Man, in tribute of his powers.

The general term for Half-Life Man's powers is radioative manipulation, and although this encompassed a wide variety of abilities, he was essentially a walking biological hazard to anyone who got in his way. He had the ability to emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation from his hands, enabling him to do things like generate beta particles by rubbing his hands together and producing a steady electric current from them, and irradiating any organic lifeform into a pool of green radioactive goo in seconds. As his powers grew, he learnt to use them in more flamboyant ways, like combining alpha and beta particles to produce jets of helium gas from his hands, thus enabling him to achieve the effect of flying. He had also learnt to control matter at an atomic level, and could quickly generate a cloud of unstable atoms engulfing a room and then later set off an atomic chain reaction. In spite of his manifesting powers and the more technologically advanced aliens he encounters on later in the battle, his weapons of choice were still the shotgun and the crowbar. Something about "going old school".

Although he was a rather radioactive being, he was also blessed with an exceptionally long half-life, which meant that he could not die of natural means, as he will never truly become inactive. It was calculated that by the year 2120 his activity levels would reach background levels, but he would still be technically alive. He found out about his weakness during the fight out of White Masons', when he had a particular head crab zombie cornered, who, in an act of desperation, tried to fend Half-Life Man off with a pencil he grabbed off a nearby desk. The carbon lead in the pencil immediately caused Half-Life Man to temporarily lose his powers, much like the effect that green kryptonite has on Superman, allowing the zombie to escape. Half-Life Man would later find and kill this particular zombie by pumping him full of helium and popping him like a balloon with his crowbar.

Half-Life Man finally managed to free himself from the complex and alerted the authorities. Unfortunately, before the local police could arrive on the scene, the aliens had all managed to flee to Mexico. Realising that the only explanation for all the carnage was now out of US jurisdiction, he fled the scene for fear of being implicated and charged with the destruction of the entire university using his crowbar. He is now rumoured to have been recruited to work in Area 51 as Dominic Konstaan, but fights crime during his free time as the vigilante Half-Life Man.

He is now caught in a huge lawsuit battle against fellow nuclear scientist Bruce Bannor, the comic book publishing company Marvel and big time console game developer Capcom over copyright infringement issues concerning the Hulk's Gamma Wave attack, which Half-Life Man claims to have invented.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Conspiracy Theories 2 (Why, Zizou?)

I know there are loads of theories about that headbutt that Zidane gave Materazzi, but do you wanna know what really happened? What really REALLY happened? This comes out under Conspiracy Theories because that's exactly what all the other explanations were... conspiracy theories! Especially the "exchanging jerseys" explanation. That was rather poorly concieved, in my opinion. So are you really ready for the real truth behind it all? Do you wanna know why Zinedine Zidane, the biggest name in modern soccer, ruined his last ever match, and a World Cup final at that, by inexplicably and spontaneously headbutting "Nobody-cares-what-his-first-name-is" Materazzi in the solar plexus?

Get this....

Zizou was Imperiused!

It's so frigging obvious, I have no idea why nobody speculated this theory, which has been proven through evidence, deductive reasoning and criminal psychology, as what really happened. Somebody had obviously casted the Imperius Curse on him!

You want proof?

I knew it the moment I saw the shots. See the glazed look on his face? An obvious symptom of a freshly cast Imperius Curse due to the "high" the victim feels when hit by the curse. What's more is that Zidane is anybody but a violent person. Plus, anybody knows that a move like that is an instant red card, and yet it looked like Zizou was only fully realising what he had done as he was walking back to the stands, a sure sign that the curse was lifting slightly and he was capable of conscious thought only after the headbutt.

It's pretty obvious that the Italian Cosa Nostra have connections to personnel in the Italian magical community, or maybe the Death Eaters themselves. Materazzi was obviously approached and greased by an associate of the Family to, at an opportune moment, look like he was saying something to Zidane. That was when a wizard in the stands hit him with the curse and made him headbutt Materazzi (Materazzi was obviously paid a lot).

What of Zidane's explanations that day? It seemed like a pathetic attempt to fob off his agent right? "He said something, I don't want to talk about it now." I'll tell you why it seemed like it was a weak attempt to smoke his agent for the time being; because it was! Zidane was obviously Confunded on the spot, maybe by the same wizard, maybe another, to stall for time. Or maybe he was still Imperiused at the time. Sure, a Memory Charm could've been performed discretely, we've all seen it been done before (Kingsley Shacklebolt did one on Marietta Edgecombe), but this would involve planting a false memory into Zidane, somethimg which was time consuming and could not be done in a shoddy manner (like how Horace Slughorn tried to hide his memories). So Zidane was Confunded, or still Imperiused, to stall for time, so that the wizard(s) could wait until he was alone to properly overwrite his memory.

And since it seems that the only people who truly know what Materazzi said were himself and Zidane, otherwise FIFA would know and not still be speculating, all Materazzi had to do was play along to the false memory, knowing that Zidane would tell that same story. This memory would probably involve Materazzi saying something entirely mundane, or essentially something that didn't even warrant an angry glare. If that's what FIFA believes, then Zidane's Golden Ball would be reclaimed and given to Fabio Cannavaro, thus proving that Italy would benefit even further from this set-up, which, when you consider incentive, gives the Italians a further motive for conspiring to pull off this stunt. And the plan was perfect due to another reason: Who in their right mind would suspect wizards did this when everyone seems to think they don't exist?

So it's really happening; Voldemort is destroying Europe, one country at a time. The end of the world is coming! I was right! Woo! I'm not crazy! It's really happening! GET ALL YOUR GEAR AND FOLLOW ME!!! *guzzles detergent*

Monday, July 10, 2006


It's coming! Apocalypse... it's almost here! Can't you read the signs?

The Cosa Nostra control the World Cup
The biggest name in modern soccer was disgraced in his last ever game
It costs $8.50 to sit in a cab
The schools that charge for the programmes at their performances are the rich schools
David Beckham is pregnant
The only goal Lampard scored was in that Adidas commercial
Religions are fighting each other again
The best golfer is black
The best rapper is white
The sole superpower is run by a bush and a dick
Norton creates its own viruses so people will buy their antivirus softwares
Paris Hilton is recording songs
Mr. Brown is dead

Can't you see?! The world is ending! Save yourselves!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Random Thoughts 10 (Pa Ni Lao Ma)

My little cousin is really cute lah! She and her mom came over today and she wanted to play with Kim, who was too busy playing free disease.

Kim: "Ok, let's go play hide and seek! I count to ten, you hide."

That was when she chionged out of the room. Then Kim counted to ten and went back to playing maple. Five minutes later, she stormed into the room again and said "I don't wanna play hide and seek anymore!" Wahaha!


Whatever happened to the practice of saying bye on msn and waiting for the person to reply before leaving? "I'm doing my nails!" I swear people these days have no online etiquette.


Just realised I haven't blogged about this week yet.

Tuesday morning, Mrs. Goh addresses us all during morning assembly saying in light of the Panorama concert later, everybody gets released early; 1250 hrs. Which was great for my class, cuz on standard Tuesdays, we only get dismissed at 1250 hrs.

Met Hong Boon, Roy and Gab at Tampines to go to City Hall together, but Gab forgot his ticket, and Roy wanted to go back and change cuz he was only wearing a T-shirt while the rest of us were wearing shirts. So Hb and I went with Ah Bush and Raymond (who we happened to meet there) to City Hall. Then the two of us met a few of the class girls at Marche at Suntec for dinner. Wheeee!

Panorama was really good. Really really good! Dancing and everything, but the best were the choir and the dikir barat. The choir sang "Through Heaven's Eyes" from The Prince Of Egypt, and it was really really cool. That song's stuck in my head now. Dikir barat is always enjoyable and fun for those who appreciate it. I know a lot of mangens that dislike it cuz it's a Malay thing and they think it's noisy. Screw them; dikir barat is cool. I considered joining them at one point, but since my Malay vocab only consists of a few phrases, I kinda thought better of it.

And there was some sort of a skit running in between the performances, centreing around four first years and their experiences here. They just got their uniforms and they were talking about the greeness. So the dialogue goes something like:

"What do you think of the colour? Maybe if it was a darker shade of green... nah, too stressful."
"Maybe grey..."
"What? No way man!"
"Or maybe white..."
"Yeah, the most impractical colour of all."
"Oh I've got it... a light shade of blue."
"What are we, soft toys?!"

Panorama was also fun cuz everyone got to dress up. Well I have to say a lot of the guys came in standard attire; long sleeved shirt, pants or jeans and sneakers. I met Joan of TC there and she said I look like I did every Sunday at church. I kinda disagreed. I didn't gel my hair cuz I ran out. So it was more fun checking out the girls (from the other classes) and what they had on. It sort of confirmed a conspiracy theory I heard; there are relatively fewer hot girls in TPJC cuz of the way our uniform makes us look. Or maybe it's cuz I don't open my eyes enough. Didn't really wish to. Big Joe might know what I'm talking about. Not a word. Xin Yuan was an exception to the general trend amongst the guys; he was sporting a hat, a sort of a mix between a fedora, a beanie and a beret, sitting on his head at such a sharp angle that you could see the turbulence in his hair (sorry too much physics). We called it his poser hat lol. I'm gonna find me a real fedora, like straight from the 50's, like the one Johnny Depp wore to one of the Emmys I think.

After the performance, we went to the nearby coffeeshop to eat, and then decided that it was too late to do anything, so we went home.


Wednesday was a day off for TPJCians cuz of Panorama, so I went with the class for dragonboat training. Row till my muscles were all aching. Woohoo!


Today after mass, went for lunch with Mel, Su, Iggy, Big Joe, Vicky, the lovebirds, and I think Joy (shit I can't remember... what's wrong with me?) and then waste time at the arcade and here and there. Saw the trailer for Tokyo Drift. At first I felt it was going to be as bad as Take The Lead (the dancing movie that Victor made Mel and I watch with him), but I'm willing to keep an open mind about it. Victoria made Joe, Kim and I walk her to church. She was going for 1230 mass at 1325. Typical Singaporean catholic, Fonz was telling me when I met him; go in, take communion, then zhao.

Then went with Joe to Eastpoint. We talked a lot, mainly about stuff that I wasn't planning on telling anybody at all but since I trusted him implicitly and he wouldn't scoff, what the hell. What I didn't expect is that he fully understood everything, and probably told me exactly what I needed to hear. Above that we talked about loads of stuff, and physical training always seems to come up when we catch up. Must be a testosterone thing. He said if I'm going running with an mp3 player, I should get an arm wallet. So we went to sportslink and I bought the only arm wallet there was.

The thing is it's Alex's "poser pouch". There really weren't any others. Except maybe the shoe wallet, but that was dumb.


Speaking of which, was reading Alex's blog just now. We all said he ponned the Maths lecture on Friday; Miss Wong noticed and was looking for him. Turns out he was crashing the Audi lecture with Suk. That confused me cuz Suk was supposed to be in New Zealand, but I guess she came for a visit, and God knows how they got her in the premises and into the Audi. Was wondering why I didn't see her, but then I realised that I was in LT4 like I was supposed to, and the Audi was on the other side of the school.


Seems that ever since Cheryl quit her job, she's been busier than ever. She said if I/we needed her I/we had to book her one week in advance. Dowan leh... damn lay chay to book her. Must call Hendon Camp just to look for her agent.


I burned my arm while I was doing the ironing just now, and now it's formed a water blister. I wonder why it does that.


Can't wait for youth mass!



Monday, July 03, 2006

Game Movies and Movie Games

Wahaha... Kim was trying to adjust her watch just now and she asked me for help

Kim: I can't adjust my watch... it says 1145 Monday.
Russ: It is 1145 Monday...
Kim: ... oh yah....

Anyway I'm noticing a significant increase in the frequency releases of game movies and movie games. I remember the good old days when the only game movie we knew was Street Fighter. Back in the days of the SNES and things, people didn't think twice about making a Sonic movie or anything, but now we've got loads, ever since Resident Evil and Doom. And now there's at least three more coming up soon; one is Dead Or Alive *grins*, another is Hitman (47 being played by Vin Diesel), and there's also the new Halo movie. Halo! "But I just wanna play Halo...! *sobs*"

Sometimes I feel movie games are blatant exploitations of cashing in on the success of a movie. Call it merchandising, but when you go into games, gamers aren't always happy with movies rehashed into games, like Tom Yung Goong. Sometimes I feel the Harry Potter series aren't that good in games, especially when they're based on the movies. One exception is Quidditch World Cup, that was an interesting game. People like going into expanded universes with games, like in Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings. A lot of people don't like Star Wars games; they feel that those games were bland, and it's almost always the same John Williams score. Republic Commando and Empire At War were great games, however. It wasn't difficult for Empire At War to look good, cuz people compare it with Galactic Battlegrounds, that was shitty. But my favourite movie game will always be The Godfather. Wheeee... can't wait for Scarface!

Hey check this out for a game movie. Don't think it's real, though. What a waste... lol

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Er... hi

Was reading Jas' blog the other day and she was saying that she only blogs when she's feeling high, which would make sense cuz I wouldn't wanna blog about anything that made me glum unless it was important. Feeling extra high today cuz today was so fun!

Big Joe, Cheryl (poser belt), Victor, Sujata and, for once, Desmond and Dawn were at 0930 mass today. Was gloating at Des cuz he told me the other night that England would beat Portugal and I felt otherwise. Joe was sullen at how Brazil got their asses kicked by Henry.

After that, the group of us, minus Des and Dawn and plus Joan and Commando went to Yoshi for lunch. I can tell commando training did him a world of good, especially in urban camoflage; we went to buy food and there was only Cheryl there left at the table (cuz he wasn't there yet) and then when I turn back to the table with my food, there he is. Like poof.

Anyway after that we went shopping. I'm starting to like shopping... wow... went with Big Joe to RSH and bought this nice shirt. And then after that everyone started dispersing. Went back to church where I thought Mel and Jul would be, but turns out they weren't going for service as they both were late. Met them outside Mel's house and took a bus back to TM.

On the way, Jul asks me if I bought Cheryl's retirement card, which I totally forgot, being busy with school and all. Found out that she was leaving her temp job last Thursday, so I smsed Mel and Jul with this idea to get her a card. Bought one for her (Mel can draw a really cute Patrick) and then met her and Commando to head to City Hall. Gave her the card in the train, and I half expected her to start screaming things like "RUSSELL YOU PIG" for insinuating that she was old(er than us), but she liked it. Wow.

Anyway we went to the Jubilee Hall at Raffles for Small Joe's play. Romeo and Juliet. He was Romeo. And we all laughed at this when we found out last week, but he's actually good! Very lovesick and full of teen angst... he did that really well (that's just how he sounds lah). I liked the guy that played Tybalt, good stage presence. And Juliet is hot.

And then there was MORE shopping at Suntec. Ate at Carl's Jr., so now I'm feeling really fat. Then after the lovebirds left, Mel Jul and I just walked about and talked and crapped about loads of things. Mel took us to a paper store where their designer notebooks were kinda pricey. Went to HMV. I finally bought Scarface! "I bury those cock-a-roaches!" lol thnx Jul for helping me find it.

Jul went home to study, and Mel went to see Superman with her family cuz I couldn't confirm with her so she said to hell with me I'd rather take my brother out. Lol that was a joke.

Anybody wanna watch Superman?