Sunday, July 09, 2006

Random Thoughts 10 (Pa Ni Lao Ma)

My little cousin is really cute lah! She and her mom came over today and she wanted to play with Kim, who was too busy playing free disease.

Kim: "Ok, let's go play hide and seek! I count to ten, you hide."

That was when she chionged out of the room. Then Kim counted to ten and went back to playing maple. Five minutes later, she stormed into the room again and said "I don't wanna play hide and seek anymore!" Wahaha!


Whatever happened to the practice of saying bye on msn and waiting for the person to reply before leaving? "I'm doing my nails!" I swear people these days have no online etiquette.


Just realised I haven't blogged about this week yet.

Tuesday morning, Mrs. Goh addresses us all during morning assembly saying in light of the Panorama concert later, everybody gets released early; 1250 hrs. Which was great for my class, cuz on standard Tuesdays, we only get dismissed at 1250 hrs.

Met Hong Boon, Roy and Gab at Tampines to go to City Hall together, but Gab forgot his ticket, and Roy wanted to go back and change cuz he was only wearing a T-shirt while the rest of us were wearing shirts. So Hb and I went with Ah Bush and Raymond (who we happened to meet there) to City Hall. Then the two of us met a few of the class girls at Marche at Suntec for dinner. Wheeee!

Panorama was really good. Really really good! Dancing and everything, but the best were the choir and the dikir barat. The choir sang "Through Heaven's Eyes" from The Prince Of Egypt, and it was really really cool. That song's stuck in my head now. Dikir barat is always enjoyable and fun for those who appreciate it. I know a lot of mangens that dislike it cuz it's a Malay thing and they think it's noisy. Screw them; dikir barat is cool. I considered joining them at one point, but since my Malay vocab only consists of a few phrases, I kinda thought better of it.

And there was some sort of a skit running in between the performances, centreing around four first years and their experiences here. They just got their uniforms and they were talking about the greeness. So the dialogue goes something like:

"What do you think of the colour? Maybe if it was a darker shade of green... nah, too stressful."
"Maybe grey..."
"What? No way man!"
"Or maybe white..."
"Yeah, the most impractical colour of all."
"Oh I've got it... a light shade of blue."
"What are we, soft toys?!"

Panorama was also fun cuz everyone got to dress up. Well I have to say a lot of the guys came in standard attire; long sleeved shirt, pants or jeans and sneakers. I met Joan of TC there and she said I look like I did every Sunday at church. I kinda disagreed. I didn't gel my hair cuz I ran out. So it was more fun checking out the girls (from the other classes) and what they had on. It sort of confirmed a conspiracy theory I heard; there are relatively fewer hot girls in TPJC cuz of the way our uniform makes us look. Or maybe it's cuz I don't open my eyes enough. Didn't really wish to. Big Joe might know what I'm talking about. Not a word. Xin Yuan was an exception to the general trend amongst the guys; he was sporting a hat, a sort of a mix between a fedora, a beanie and a beret, sitting on his head at such a sharp angle that you could see the turbulence in his hair (sorry too much physics). We called it his poser hat lol. I'm gonna find me a real fedora, like straight from the 50's, like the one Johnny Depp wore to one of the Emmys I think.

After the performance, we went to the nearby coffeeshop to eat, and then decided that it was too late to do anything, so we went home.


Wednesday was a day off for TPJCians cuz of Panorama, so I went with the class for dragonboat training. Row till my muscles were all aching. Woohoo!


Today after mass, went for lunch with Mel, Su, Iggy, Big Joe, Vicky, the lovebirds, and I think Joy (shit I can't remember... what's wrong with me?) and then waste time at the arcade and here and there. Saw the trailer for Tokyo Drift. At first I felt it was going to be as bad as Take The Lead (the dancing movie that Victor made Mel and I watch with him), but I'm willing to keep an open mind about it. Victoria made Joe, Kim and I walk her to church. She was going for 1230 mass at 1325. Typical Singaporean catholic, Fonz was telling me when I met him; go in, take communion, then zhao.

Then went with Joe to Eastpoint. We talked a lot, mainly about stuff that I wasn't planning on telling anybody at all but since I trusted him implicitly and he wouldn't scoff, what the hell. What I didn't expect is that he fully understood everything, and probably told me exactly what I needed to hear. Above that we talked about loads of stuff, and physical training always seems to come up when we catch up. Must be a testosterone thing. He said if I'm going running with an mp3 player, I should get an arm wallet. So we went to sportslink and I bought the only arm wallet there was.

The thing is it's Alex's "poser pouch". There really weren't any others. Except maybe the shoe wallet, but that was dumb.


Speaking of which, was reading Alex's blog just now. We all said he ponned the Maths lecture on Friday; Miss Wong noticed and was looking for him. Turns out he was crashing the Audi lecture with Suk. That confused me cuz Suk was supposed to be in New Zealand, but I guess she came for a visit, and God knows how they got her in the premises and into the Audi. Was wondering why I didn't see her, but then I realised that I was in LT4 like I was supposed to, and the Audi was on the other side of the school.


Seems that ever since Cheryl quit her job, she's been busier than ever. She said if I/we needed her I/we had to book her one week in advance. Dowan leh... damn lay chay to book her. Must call Hendon Camp just to look for her agent.


I burned my arm while I was doing the ironing just now, and now it's formed a water blister. I wonder why it does that.


Can't wait for youth mass!

