Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Random Thoughts 9

God created Paradise in seven days.

The only mistake He made was that He gave it to us.


Sometimes I wish SWAT 4 was a little less fast paced. Then I would have time to say stuff like "SAY HELLO TO MY LEETLE FREN" *pumps civillian full of lead*

Does anyone know where I can rent or find Scarface? The Al Pacino version, please.


I wish Edwin would return me my Nightlife. I'm getting kinda irritated right now.


I just licked a candy wrapper that was smeared in nail polish. Bleeargh.


My living room is clean! Now as soon as I clear my room I can invite people over again. We can watch the World Cup and play F.E.A.R at 3 in the morning. Heh heh...


Studying's been lousy lately. Didn't do much, and recently I've had too much to think about.

Went for Miss Peh's wake yesterday. Ever had those moments when you feel you should be crying but just can't? Weird thing is I start tearing when I yawn. Some sort of weird way that my body's wired up I guess. Kinda regret not visiting her again when I said I would; felt the same way about Auntie Elsie. Seems that I really do a lot of things I know I'll end up regretting later, like how I'm lazing in front of the com instead of studying, how I didn't approach her when I had the chance, if I EVER had the chance.... I wonder if I'll grow up like Michael Corleone; live out the last bits of my life alone and with a broken will, my last thoughts being all the things I regretted in my life. Hmmmm....

Well that means I'll retire rich. In Sicily! w00t


Just heard this funny thing over the radio just now. A DJ was interviewing Sven-Goran Eriksson, but it's not really him, and they used voice-overs from Gollum.

When asked what he had to say to his team after their mediocre performance so far:

Sven: "Wake up! Wake up, sillies!"

lol I love how Gollum says things like sillies and eyses.


Nobody appreciates the Ex-(NS)Men podcast from Mr. Brown. It's really funny if you're familiar with NS culture, which none of the people I hang with are, save for a few NCC and NS guys.


Hehe SWAT 4 is kinda fun. "Get down on the floor or I'll shoot you with a bean bag gun!" It's so spastic that you HAVE to cuff everyone on the scene, even innocents, cuz you have to be sure and cuz it's protocol. Some civillians are so terrified that there are people pointing guns at them that they don't hear the "Get down on the floor!" you just yelled. Then you have to pop them with a bean bag gun or a pepper ball gun.

Lol police brutality!