Monday, March 27, 2006

Sorry for lashing out during the meeting

My school had a free screening of Crash last Thursday. FREE, and yet only seven people (Takfik and myself included) showed up for it at the LT. Probably because:

1. It wasn't advertised enough
2. The only thing that some people bothered to know about Crash is that the Oscar people liked it better than the gay movie
3. The pother people didn't bother

I'm surprised. It's free and yet people aren't abusing that fact. New age Singaporeans, with the same old ignorance.

Crash was a good movie, a keep-you-on-tenterhooks kind of movie, the kind of movie that makes you go "Oh, fuck..." Great for a mediocre budget film, and it's got a message. It's rather racially driven and cleverly interwoven, cuz it's a few storylines melded into one film. And according to official resources, it's the most expletive Oscar winner or something like that. Love it.

Friday was Track and Field heats, and one of the unavoidable events for all of us is the 12x100m relay. There were 13 of us, but Eugene had to sit out due to an injury. So they put me for 9th runner. Charles was first. Maybe we should've put someone good as first. Well we were last, but I can safely say that it was in no way my fault. We were last by our fourth runner, who ironically was Alex, the guy that did his shuttle run in 9 seconds.

Was supposed to go out last Saturday with Joshua and Jeremy, but got cancelled.

Went to the OLPS Youth Mass with Dhana later that day. Really fun. Youth masses in Holy Trin are dead. And only the youth ministry go. Wanna go to the next one. After that we walked to Georges for a bit of food and drinks. I suddenly remembered how I didn't take too well to burbon coke, but it was still okie. Would've stayed longer if I didn't have to catch the last bus. Walked through Dhana's old neighbourhood to the bus stop and he was giving me a guided tour.

"Yeah that's where I used to live... helped my dad paint those walls... that guy's from China... house is full of dragons... that guy's a doctor... that guy, all his kids are teachers... that's where Sherlyn lives..." It's fun hanging out with him. Always have something to talk about.

Was late for mass on Sunday, but considering I went the other day, I could've slept in. Was feeling sick. But there was a meeting so I went along. Was supposed to go studying after the meeting but I forgot my stuff, so I went home after mass to grab my things. Waited for the bus for 20 25 minutes. Nearly every other bus came at least once, some twice, and all the five buses I could take all took a fucking long time. Really annoyed. I'm easily annoyed these days. Sorry if I take it out on anyone. Meeting was okie.

Oh shit now I remember I have homework from the meeting. That on top of a shitload of work I have left.

Meeting was okie. Later went to Mel's house with Jul, Iggy and long lost Yvonne to study. Got a lot of work done. Did a whole chapter. That's a lot compared to the things we do every study session.

Felt fucking weird the entire day. Slacking in the ODAC room after school is fun, especially if you have nice people to talk to, like Zhi Hui, Zhe Wei and Xin Yuan, who I forgot to mention joined my class along with Derwin (?) to retake his As. Talking cock about anything, especially about people in the school and ODAC is always fun and sometimes insightful. Went for the engineering talk later. Really interesting. Lecturer was funny.

Nothing much to say now, except that I'm in the "don't feel like doing anything" mood right now.