Friday, March 10, 2006

Pwnage Quotes 7

Miss Yap suddenly approaches me during GP last week:

Yap: Yes, Russell! What was your famous last name?
Russ: Er... Chander.
Y: Yes Chander. Do you know your surename is famous?
R: Yeah, because of you lah! (in reference to the time she had Varella call me out for sleeping in front of LT1, when I wasn't even sleeping)
Y: No do you know your name is a famous road? Named after your grandfather or something?
R: Yeah that's why I jaywalk there all the time, cuz its my grandfather's road


Mdm Ng was asking if anybody wanted to go for the career fair during Civics:

Ng: So ni men yao qu mah? (So does anybody wanna go?)
Ah Boy: Mai (Don't want)
Ng: Okie mai (Okie, nobody wants)
Chingx: Huh yao mai shen me? (Huh we have to buy something?)


Kah Chou was the first scheming babi, and Alex has been the second one ever since we caught him charging his handphone in the ODAC Room. Now our third scheming babi is Justin, as proven today before Maths lecture:

KC: You know our canteen chicken rice isn't bad. Outside shop jia fan (add rice) is 20 cents, but here jia fan is free.
Justin: Then you ask the auntie "Ji fan without the fan duo shao?" (How much is chicken rice without the rice) So say it's 80 cents. Then you jia fan lah!