Thursday, February 02, 2006

Psycho Street

Hong Kuang and I were discussing during Maths today (of all things) Sesame Street, and our train of thought originated from this clip on the Kontraband site from Family Guy of Cookie Monster in rehab for his cookie addiction. So we discussed and surmised that majority of the non-human residents of Sesame Street have some sort of physical/mental/psychological disability, so I shall list out their ailments as best as I can remember them as how we discussed it this morning, plus a few I thought of just now.

- Cookie Monster needs rehab for his cookie addiction
- Big Bird has to undergo psychiatrical treatment for his paedophilia, for the sake of the poor Birdketeers
- Grover needs help for his schizophrenia. That Super Grover persona isn't healthy
- Snuffy might require a bit of liposuction
- Oscar needs anger management
- Ernie needs a decrease in his dependency on his rubber duckie
- Bert should undergo counselling for hos obsessive compulsive disorder
- Elmo needs a BIG reality check in order to realise that his life shouldn't revolve around merely his goldfish and his crayons and random appearances by Mr. Noodle in his window
- Baby Bear desperately need phonetics lessons so he can stop saying powidge
- Telly needs to cut down on his caffiene to reduce his nervousness
- Zoe needs to fix her bad throat so she can laugh normally and not sound like she's trying to expel a hairball
- Mumford the magician needs private magic tuition to fix his slipshod acts. And he needs a magic dictionary, so he can use another incantation other than "A-la-peanut-butter-sandwiches"
- Forgetful Jones should go for a memory enhancing seminar... if he can remember it
- Fat Blue, the guy that always bitches at the restaurants where Grover works and always runs into him, should really learn to cook himself and eat at home
- The Count needs to undergo rehab for his counting addiction
- Benny Rabbit the bell hop should get his front teeth fixed after all that teeth grinding
- Barkley the dog needs a haircut

If you can think of more, please tell me. I wanna expand on this list... lol