Monday, January 23, 2006

Week joke

I might as well blog now and get it over with. I've been putting off blogging these few days, partially because I just seem to be so busy these few days, even more so than I initially expected. It's weird, cuz my class is one of the luckiest in the school. 3 subject combi and on the average we end each day between 1250 and 1330, except for Thursday when we end at 4. Although it seems to me that now with debates, ODAC and training all rolled in together, the only early day I get is Monday, and maybe some Fridays. Oh die I just realised Wednesday's training clashes with ODAC. Aaaahhh!!! I'm gonna have to sort that one out.

I don't even have enough time to cycle or practice the guitar now. I was supposed to be on this cycling regime, but my schedule is so unpredictable that it's hard to get anything confirmed. I wanna break into my new Salomon chamois but I haven't gotten a chance to cycle since I bought them. Damn weather. Competition next month! Die! Guitar is put on hold too. I can only play at the most a few minutes a day, and even then Kim makes a helluva noise trying to get me to stop. Rrrgh... how am I supposed to get anywhere?

Okie so lets see... last Saturday, as in last week not yesterday, Dhana, Dinesh and I went to Cheeky Monkeys. Karthik couldn't go, cuz apparently he's attached. Dhana and I were in shirts and nice shoes, and Dinesh turns up in a T shirt, so we escorted him back to his place to change, all the while discussing how people change when they get attached, like Karthik and a few other people I know. Wild night! Bar top and pole dancers.... good music, good drinks, good view, cool flairs by the barkeep, got to watch Arsenal's 7-0 exhibition match against Middlesbrough. Stayed there from 9 or 10ish to 2 plus. Shan't elaborate, too incriminating.

Speaking of incriminating, Dhana had to give an animated recount of the juicy bits of that night, and how I was enjoying it, at the Teens Connect meeting the next day to Small Joe and Iggy using the whiteboard. Although he couldn't draw a bar top dancer for nuts, they sort of got the picture, and so did everyone else in the room cuz they heard him talk about it. Oms people like Cheryl and Victoria were prolly listening too... so malu! We have a new member, Clarissa. Er... dun really know her that well yet.

Basically, I've been bluffing my way through the past week of school. Monday wasn't much. Tuesday was the day I finally got caught for my long hair. Paul asked me at New Year's at Mama's place:

P: Wow they allow you to keep your hair that long?
R: Well, no, but you can. All you have to do is to know how to avoid the right teachers. (Going by my motto: It's not illegal unless you get caught)
P: Haha okie. I've never seen the rationale behind guys keeping short hair. Don't get it cut, man. Keep it that way.

He sounds like one of us, but he's 20 plus and still a bloody cool guy. Well he'll be sad to know that I failed him. Didn't want to, and I wouldn't've gotten caught either, had they not done the foolproof method: at assembly, have the civics tutors single out their students with unkempt/dyed hair/improper uniforms and round them up. Our new VP used to be a colonel in the Army, so I figured best not mess with him. I kept my hairstyle as much as I could, but only a bit shorter, so it just meets regulations. Tuesday was ODAC meeting, so I figured since I was planning on saving money by now having lunch, I decided to borrow Zhi Hui's keys to the ODAC room and plant myself there and do my long overdue essay. Veron came in to do work later too, and the first thing she says to me is "Where's Alex?" Not even a hi... lol kidding. Tuesday was also the second debate meeting with the J1s, and now with Miss Kon and Miss Lee, who are still putting as much pressure on us.

Wednesday was orientation for the ODAC J1s. So fun! Except that I was told that the group leaders (I was one of them) didn't have to play the games (which were mainly wet and messy ones) so I happily didn't bring a change of clothes. But my group makes me play anyway. Was pushed down the soapy slope, made to sit on a chair of chili sauce, milk tea and flour, dunked my head in roughly the same thing, had flour blown in my face and dumped on me, crawled in soap, slipped in mud and had a handful of grass dumped over my head, courtesy of Alex, but I guess that was because I smashed a tomato into his shirt, but it was worth it. I was so goddamn messy that the grass didn't make much difference, plus a could shake it off, but you can't shake tomato pulp opf a spotless shirt, so yeah. And I went home like that. My mom was yelling at me and the state of my clothes, but it was worth it. Wheeee!

That day was also the official inaugruation (or however you spell it) of Shannathan. Like Bennifer and Brangelina and TomKat, so we figured Jon and Shann needed one too. Well, no actually it was Veron that accidentally called Shann and Jonathan "Jon and Shannathan" during the previous day's meeting. And on the group leader's agenda that day it was clearly stated: "Group T: Shannathan" That Veron really has a sense of humour. We should have more if these, like Alexica or something. Okie that was just gay.

Thursday and Friday nothig much happened, except that Dad is off on a work-related trip. Somewhere during the week, something amazing happened. The previous week, we were having topical tests, and this week, we got our Physics papaer back. I distinctly remember doind negligible amounts of studying for it... and I passed! Okie so maybe the passing percentile was 45%, but I passed! And some tests I slog my ass off and I still fail! Incredible! Should I read the signs and say that I no longer need to study? Nah... I'm not that crazy. I'm starting to feel liek there was a mistake counting up my paper, so lemme go check again.

Wow I really passed.... wow.... WOW!

Well yesterday was praise and worship, with guest of honour Fr Bruno, and yet another new member, Celeste. Nice time talking and sharing, even if I wasn't really into the jumping mood during singing. Even while I was sharing I was second guessing myself: had I really broken free from the person I used to be? Did teens connect really help me return to church, or were they the only reason I returned to church? Bleh... nothing a bit of praying won't fix. Ah well. After PnW (I have to stop calling it PW), Cheryl, Small Joe, Kevin and I went to catch a late movie. At first Memoirs of a Geisha, but due to lack of good seats, we went to catch I Not Stupid Too. Really nice movie, very touching and meaningful, and funny.

Today was totally uneventful, except that I had to iron my own clothes for a change since Dad's overseas. School's tml, but I don't feel like it at all. Can't wait for CNY, and collection date. Com is due for another upgrade. Gonna need it if I'm gonna buy Empire at War, or Battle for Middle Earth II.