Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Let's all trade prezzies in our undies

Went for the reconciliation service at OLPS church on Monday. Met Cheryl and Big Joe at Tampines MRT, and apparently they were the only ones going. Dumb Edwin was busy playing disease somewhere in town.

The whole while, from when I was changing at home to the mass itself, I kept thinking about what I was going to say to the priest. I hadn't been to confession for months, maybe years. Wasn't that hard when I went through the mass. Everything covered in the litany more or less applied to me at some point of my life or the other. So that's what I told the priest, thereby having told him everything without actually having to go through the juicy details, which I couldn't bear to. If there really was a Santa, he'd probably start a new coal factory just for me. Saw Victoria there with her parents, which further reminded me of what happened that night.

On the bus from church, I got a call from Ignatius:

R: *wincing* Huh? Wads tml?
I: Dunno lah you said that recreation thing.
R: *momentarily confused* No, you mean the reconciliation thing... oops. Did I tell you that was tml? Sorry it was today.

That was an honest mistake, really! I forgot it was on Monday too until a few hours before we met when I went to doublecheck.

Okie here's the spastic part *convo continues*
R: *wincing again and wishing he'd stop shouting into the phone like he always does* No, I'm going for the 2130 mass and then going for family reunion, like every year.
I: Ok okie. Then maybe we can all go for mass together, like maybe on Boxer's Day or something.

omg lmao that deserves a spot in pwnage quotes

Then we went to Cheryl's house to 'ton. Small Joe and Jul were already there, watching Small Joe play FF7. Spent the night telling dumb stories (haha Darwin awards), joking, stoning, playing Cheryl's guitar and stuff. Jul was playing free disease. Dunno it was a bit sian watching her do pq, especially when the dumbass leader wouldn't listen to her suggestions when she turned out to be right. And the idiot completed his quest, but couldn't get item cuz hes inventory was full. You see? MS kills brain cells! Fortunately I know people that can withstand MS' stupidifying powers and still have fun out of the game. Bless them.

I cudn't sleep for most of that night. I've been having problems sleeping these few days, cuz I always stay up late. Never feel like sleeping, unless I'm absolutely dead tired. Didn't sleep that night till 5 plus 6. A lot of things going through my head, especially that night.

Just bought Star Wars: Battlefront II. Cool game! Haha... gonna play some more later. Will update, unless I have better things to update about.