Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What to choose....

WARNING: Really geeky dialogue about video games ahead. View at your own discretion.


I'm kinda bored right now, and I'm still faced with a dilemma of what game to buy next on my limited budget, since my parents probably won't give me money. So I figured I'd do a bit of brainstorming and elimination to help me narrow down my choices.

Okie here's the list of recent games that, IMHO, deserve at least a look-see:

Age Of Empires III
Quake 4
Matrix: Path of Neo
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
The Sims: Holiday Edition
Starship Troopers
Serious Sam II
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Lord Of The Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II
Neverwinter Nights II
Burnout: Revenge
Civilisation IV
Star Wars: Empire at War
Battlefield II

If I shortlist it to the few I really want, it would be:
Path of Neo
Battlefront II
Empire at War

Well I'm a first-person shooter and real-time strategy kind of guy, not to mention a big Star Wars, Matrix and LOTR buff, so yeah.

Okie... AOE 3 I can probably borrow from Alex. Most Wanted is definitely for me, cuz it mixes Underground 2 with Hot Pursuit 2. I just love the NFS series.

Path of Neo... well when I first heard of the game a few weeks back, I was really, really hyped, especially since Enter the Matrix was only kind of sub par. Now after seeing promo footage, the graphics look slightly choppy and gameplay is a lot like ETM. ETM was fun, but some bits were a bit boring and repitive. And another preview stage I saw looked like a cheesy mix of Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and maybe Star Ocean. All nice games, but I don't entirely appreciate rip-offs. So this game ranks lower for me, but I'll still consider it.

Battlefront II looks good. Not much of a game story, but a real good shooter to rival Republic Commando. Empire at War, as an RTS game, looks more promising than Galactic Battlegrounds. I still remember that game with its embarrassing graphics where your anti-aircraft missiles look like firecrackers and older games like Warcraft III far outstrip it. Sadly, it hasn't been released here yet. Not to my knowledge, anyway.

Don't think LOTR is out here yet. Haven't seen it around. But I'm definitely gonna get that one. SWAT is something I've been eyeing for a while now, but still in a fix of whether I should get it. F.E.A.R looks really good too, but I haven't seen that one around either. My savings only allow for maybe one game, so I think I may go with NFS for now.

Whatever the case be, there's one game I'm definitely gonna get when it comes out early next year: The Godfather. Woot! Saw promo footage and gameplay. It's stunningly lifelike and realistic. Only hope they release it early, or it may interfere with A Level work.