Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Mangen barbecue

Another delay, another long entry. Oh well....

What do you do when two groups of friends call you out at the same time? Frankly, I've been in this situation a couple of times, and I still don't have a concrete solution, cuz I never feel good about pangsehing someone. So the mangen (Karthik's nickname for Chinese people) gang were throwing a birthday barbecue for Alex and me, and the Indian Brothers were going to Bedok Simpang for prata at the same time. What to do? In the end I decided to go for the barby. I felt I owed it to KX to show up, seeing how much effort he put in.

Turned up at pit 38 at 7ish with drinks from Sheng Siong (is that how u spell it?) Was kinda surprised at how many people turned up, and from different groups of friends, too. 05S15 (Ah Boy, Meng Nan, Dadi, Pui Kia and Dayang), ODAC (Veron, Mingsong and Chin Chow), 4E (AXN IMH and TC, Adeline, Paul, Ah Bush, Shaun, Dennis, Alton, Joseph Choo, Cai Tao) Sorry if I forgot anyone... there were just too many people. Really had loads of fun ther, except for the fact that the guys tried to gang rape me. Alex got chased down and had to run for it like 7 times, but for me they wrestled me down once and I just shouted "EH FUCK YOU!!!" and they stopped. Lol

It was a bit weird having different groups of people, cuz they don't all mix into one group. The class guys stuck to themselves at the barbecue pit, while the 4E people were in another group (eating the food as soon as it was ready, much to Ah Boy's annoyance) and the ODAC people were at another side playing Dai Dee and Heart Attack (Chin Chow was so on for Bridge, but I don't think we were) So I had to keep group-hopping just to get a chance to chat with everyone. What was even weirder was how when you go to one group, they start talking about people they don't know from another group ("Eh that tall girl, the one in the black shirt... what's her name ah?") But an even funnier incident was when Gaps (finally) showed up and was looking around.

G: *looks at ODAC crowd* Eh that girl not bad eh?
R: I suppose so... wait who you talking about? Veron ah?
G: I dunno her name lah.
R: Oh yah... the one in the purple (!) t shirt, right?
G: Yah... eh no no. The one in the black top.
R: *incredulous look* ...that's Jamie.
G: ... oh.... *shudders*

Ahaha.... But there was some mingling about, like Nick was talking to Dadi, And when Ah Boy conspired with everyone else to throw Joe into the sea. That guy is jinxed; it happens to him in almost every barbecue he goes to. Where Alex or KX are present.

So all in all, great party. And I got presents! Paul got me a book calles "Star Warped" - a p[arody of the entire saga. Very fitting :P And the ODAC guys got me something, too. Both Alex and I remembered the things we got Mingsong for his birthday (electric toothbrush, screwdriver set, piggy bank... we meant it to be a practical joke) we weren't expecting much here. And indeed. They gave me a 12" COCK!... waste bin. I love their sense of humour! And they got Alex a stuffed monkey head with a banana in its mouth... that you can move in and out! I swear the things you find at Mini Toons nowadays.... The best present I got was the company of brothers (that try to push me down onto the sand)

So yeah thank you all lotz! And extra thanks to KX (and I think CT) for organizing everything, and Alex, for no rhyme of reason.

Ah I think I'll blog about the rest later....