Friday, November 04, 2005

17? Who?!

Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeee! Lolz lame....

I was wondering if I would forget it, after all the PW work I'm piled in, but I still have people reminding me. Hehe....

Monday was AO Chinese for everybody, but not for me :P cuz I take CL B, so my final exam is with all the other A Level papers. After everyone finished their papers, met HK, Paul and later Wesley to go "office", T Mart branch. Okie FYI "office" is our in-joke name for playing FT, or any other com game, but it's usually FT. Never been to the T Mart LAN shop before, but I heard Ignatius talk about it, so decided to give it a try. After all, it's only 5 minutes from school.

When we stepped in, we noticed 2 things. One was that they used custom coms, which was good. Another thing was that there was no air-con, to which Paul said, "This is GOOD! For once I can play properly and not freeze my ass off!" He was being serious, and apparently, he was right. Surprisingly, it wasn't stuffy, and it was better than shivering at the Kembangan branch, which I feel is still a good LAN shop nonetheless.

Went to BNet to play with Lao Da (Ellery). The sad thing was I didn't stand a chance against any of them (except maybe against Wesley, but he left before I could 1v1 with him). So LD, HK, Paul and I were playing AT with other people online. One time we decided on a coordinated attack. All of us used Undead, and we concentrated on different units (I was massing abominations), but all of us rushed heroes so we could all coil nova impale the enemy heroes or do coordinated nukes. OMG it was the cheapest matchup I had ever seen. Haha! The enemy didn't stand a chance!

Got home at 7 plus, and then realised that I was supposed to be at church for All Saints' Day. Shit.

On Tuesday , went out with Kit in the morning. He bought a new bike, a Klein Attitude V. Rather simple-looking relative to its price, which was considerable. Went bike-shop-hopping for a while. Went to Trek3 in Katong, or at least I think that was what the shop was called. Aiyah it's the one that Randall Tan runs. Lol never knew he ran a bike shop. Bought Nike fingerless gloves there. In YELLOW to match my bike, and soon Ah Boy's jersey. I live my gloves! :P

Later at night, went cycling again! Went to Kit's house to chill and talk and watch him play Fable and wait for Alex to come. There was when I got a call from Kee Siang:

KS: Hello Russell?
R: Yeah?
KS: Hey Kee Siang here. Are you coming?
R: Coming? For?
KS: The chalet! You coming?
R: Oh... you didn't tell me when it was.
KS: I thought I did?
R: No I didn't get anything from you.
KS: Oh I must've forgotten.
R: Nvm... so when is it?
KS: Er... now.

PENGZ! Well it turns out that the chalet was Tuesday & Wednesday (checkout on Thursday). So I told him I would go the next day. Alex came, and then we cycled to Lau Par Sat... for dessert. Call us crazy, but that's how we are. Wanted to have babat, but was feeling quite full. Next time lah. Cycled around CBD after that, as in along the sidewalks and all, to places like SGX and all. We even cycled through Suntec City and Esplanade carparks, and through the Esplanade to the MRT. It was funny, cuz we were cycling around a place that had a "No Skateboarding" sign in it. Theoretically, we weren't breaking any rulkes, but I suppose they didn't bother with a "No Cycling" sign cuz they didn't think anyone was crazy enough to do so.

It was fun, that night. That is, until I got a flat on the way home on ECP that night. Haiz.... where do you find a bike repair shop at 1 in the morning? Had to cycle to Kit's house with the flat to fix it. I need to get myself a puncture repair kit.

Cycling with a flat more or less threw out my back, so for the whole of Wednesday, I had a backache. Went to Costa Sands chalet at about 7. It was just us 4.5 Indians (Dhana, Karthik, Inderpal, Dinesh and me) and 4.5 Chinese guys (Kee Siang, Kai Boon, Wei Chong, Wei Luo and me) all the way. Apparently, KX and Cai Tao were there the other day, but weren't coming that day. We spent our time playing XBox (CS chalets have their own XBoxes in their rooms! COOL!) NFS Underground and Dhana's Marvel game called Rise Of The Imperfects. Haha, like Dhana says, Elektra's the weakest bitch in the game :P

Throuout the whole time we were cracking inside jokes. I'll gather them and out them in a Pwnage Quotes entry soon. Other than playing XBox, Din also brought Travel Monopoly, which looked older than he was. Dhana and Karthik play Monopoly like Survivor, cutting deals and making alliances all over the place. We couldn't barbecue until late cuz of the rain, but it was nice. Too much crabsticks, though. Later, a few of us went to Cheers.... to buy "drinks" hwen none of us were old enough, but look it. Wahahaa.... KS's Long Island Tea was nasty. Bleargh. Haha loads of drink, but no drunks, just us mamakelengs and mangens chilling out and having fun. But the most sadcase thing was that none of us had bottle openers, so Wei Luo had to use his key. Good man. :P

So we played Monopoly and XBox until 3.30, and then we went to watch Man U vs. Lille. Din was pro Lille cuz he roots for the underdog. Lol. Lille won 1-0. Waste of time. Man U played like crap, and that goal was a little disgraceful. But with the company of good friends, it was still fun. After that we were slacking for a bit before we decided to go swimming. Actually Dhana decided to go swimming, and I thought it was freezing out, but I decided to go anyway, but all the pools were closed! Wheee... went back to the chalet to wait it out, but then we all slept till checkout time. This chalet was slightly better than the previous one this year.

Now I've got some sort of flu again. Later is PW and tonight, the mangen gang has a barbecue for the birthday boys (me and Alex). So fun! But that meant I couldn't go to Bedok Simpang with Dhana and gang... haiz.... Nvm I guess.... hope we get to go out again.

Rrrgh... can't move. Don't think I can go for PW. This is the worst time to get such a flu. Hope I'm better tml.