Saturday, November 19, 2005

Memory like a leaky cauldron

I'm a bit tired now but I'll force myself to blog, lest I forget everything.

05S15 chalet was gooood! Lol... First day checkin and then barbecue, where the whole class (except Seok Teng) was there, plus Leow, the Wongs and Cerine. After that went blading about the place. Haven't touched blades for a long time. Still can make it lah, but can't do T brake. Yet.

Second day was a little more sian. Takfik and I left hanging around in the chalet like 2 gay idiots, while the others ran dunno where.

AAARGH!! I can't remember everything! A lot was going on, like Dadi getting drunk on the Martell that Cute Boy brought over, and a few of us wereplaying drinking games. I don't get the point of our punishment! In normal drinking games, when you lose, you have to take a shot, and if you take in too much you get piss drunk. Well in our game the Martell was so diluted in Coke (-A Cola, thank you) that it was impossible to get drunk. Even if I won and you asked me to drink, I would also drink. It's too weak! Dadi was drinking pure, along with Ali and Meng Nan, but only Dadi got high enough (on a scale of 1 to 5 I rate him 3.5) to warrant a hangover the next day.

Shit I can't remember everything. Well I'm not gonna forget in a hurry anyway. Hope next year's is even better.