Monday, November 14, 2005

Random Thoughts 3

I feel bored, so I'll think of something substantial to blog about, instead of just listing out what I've been doing everyday.

I think I should learn to trust my instincts I was taking out the rubbish the other day when I suddenly felt that I should stop to check the plastic bags I had with me. Sure enough, one of them was a bag full of Kim's lollipops. Lucky that I didn't throw that one out, or she'll scream. Then again, sometimes I second guess myself, so it's confusing.

Was watching the first episode of TabTV about China Study Mamas. I think that it's dumb that they aren't allowed to work for the first year. This way they can only support themselves by resorting to vice. I know the government probably has its reasons for this one year rule. Probably because we want to keep jobs for our citizens and so that the job market won't be saturated with foreigners. Then shouldn't the government at least do something about it?

Okie, for maids, the potential problem was that after maids earn their money here, they mail all of it back to their homes and don't spend it here where they can contribute to the economy. This results in the country losing finances to other countries. Forgot the technical term for this. They curbed this (I assume) by setting up maid employment agencies, so that the government can issue licenses for servicemaids and collect some revenue from it to make up for all the funds going overseas. Now, couldn't they do something similar for study mamas?

Eh... why didn't I think of something like this for PW? AARGH!! I'm starting to realise that you tend to think of better topics for PW when you're not under the pressure of a deadline. Don't talk to me about how deadlines are part and parcel of working life. Deadlines to complete projects are normal, but never in your life will your boss call you into his office and say something like "Okie I want you to think of something to do for the company that will benefit us. You have two days." No clear objective or goal, just asking you to do something for the hell of it. That's just plain dumb, but then again, that's what PW wanted us to do. You see the stupidity of it all?

Read somewhere in the papers about how 4 local soccer players are being charged with statutory rape. They met this girl at a street soccer court and she was flirting with them. She said she was 17, so they all happy happy went to a toilet and one by one had their fun. Then it turns out she was 12 or something like that, and the guys were charged. There was this other article about how this underaged girl was selling herself online as an 18 year old to earn money. Then after she did her thing, she would report her "clients" for statutory rape. Now that's just plain unfair. Here we are, innocent guys looking for a one night stand, and you come along and play this kind of dirty trick on us. So word of advice: If you ever pick up a girl from anywhere, check for ID.

And about the soccer players, I think they're getting a lighter sentence because it was argued that they contributed to the local soccer scene. If that's the case, then any person of somewhat importance can get away with almost anything. That's nonsense. If the PM was caught for embezzlement, would you let him off? So why should these relative nobodies be given preferential treatment?

I'd bet if you ask anyone if they listen to songs that aren't in English, you'd probably get people telling you they listen to Chinese songs, or Japanese, or occasionally Indonesian, or basically any language indigenous to Asia. Occasionally, rare occurrences happen, like "Dragostea Din Tei", which was made famous here because of Chicken Little and not Gary Brolsma (the guy that did the Numa Numa Dance) or even the original singers O-Zone for the matter. That being said, I'm one of the rare few people I know that listens to songs in German. Then again, the German songs I listen to are by Rammstein and Turmion Katilot (at least I think it's German). All those industrial bands, so the usual crowd I hang with wouldn't listen to them, or know abot them, or know what industrial music is in the first place.

My brain is in holiday mood, and I don't want to upset it too much. That being said, I've had enough for now.