Sunday, November 13, 2005


Ah die! One week's worth of entries to go....

Saturday: Alex's and Roy's birthdays. The three of us have our birthdays within 2 days of each other (plus I share birthdays with Wendi and Caroline... weird...) so the S15 guys were planning a combined bash during the chalet. Luckily for us, they couldn't get chalets on that day, so yeah.
Most of the S15 guys, that is to say me, Alex, Roy, Hubert, Ah Boy, Hong Boon, Ali and Eugene (God I hope I didn't forget anyone) went out for dinner at Marina South. Dunno what the place is called, but it's that big big steamboat barbecue place. It was... okie lah... Prolly cuz I dunno better, or can't remember. Prefer Seoul Garden, but Seoul is so damn expensive. Marina South
is only $12. $12!!!

After that we were at a loss of what to do. Went arcade for a while (Daytona in full manual... been wanting to try it ever since Initial D) and then I think it was Meng Nan's suggestion, but the point is we all went to Geylang.

Geylang?! During "happy hours"?!

Well he said Geylang has a shop that sells nice tau huay, so I said okie. Just didn't know that he would purposely take us one big round to see "mei nu". "Braodening your horizons" Alex calls it. I personally felt that the weather was a bit too humid to be broadening anything. Finally got to the shop. Not bad. After that I think they had their fun, so went home.

Sunday: After church, went off to play pool with the usual gang, except for Cheryl. She's busy mugging for her A Levels somewhere. So Edwin, Mel, Sujata, Yvonne, Ignatius, Ben Quan and I were there. Don't get to talk to Ben much. Hardly know him, even though he's part of Teens Connect exco. Come to think of it, I don't think of anyone as exco members or using any form of heirachy (but we do sometimes call David and cheryl our "parents" jokingly). To me, we're just friends. Hehe. Got to play a round with Ben, and he's quite good, along with Desmond and Edwin.

Monday: OP dry run, the last one. I think after that we (the class guys) went to watch Tom-Yum-Goong. Cute Boy actually believed Ah Boy for a bit when he told him the movie was about a tom yum eating contest. Really cool movie! Go see it if you haven't already. Not much of a storyline, but who cares?! The action more than makes up for it.

Tuesday: Final OP. Not bad, although the Q & A nearly killed me. Can't remember what I did after that. Was it Escape? Yeah it was. Me and Kim went to meet our cousins Janell, Deidrea, Daryl and Charles at Escape, only to find that it was closed for the weekday. Pengz! So we went bowling. For someone that hasn't played for ages, I think I've gotten my technique down okie. Then went to watch a movie, Sky High. All the other shows were NC 16, or uninteresting to them (like Flightplan, but I kinda liked it). Okie movie... more for kids, though. A bit cheesy sometimes.

Shit can't remember what I was doing for Wednesday and Thursday...

Oh yah Thursday was ODAC meeting. Briefing about the Taman Negara trip and then abseiling (yes, Jamie, not abSELLing) although, like every ODAC thing, we never have enogh time left. So a few of us (yours truly included) didn't get to go.

Friday was the most flustering day of my life. Final submission of GPF by 9, and Eugene called me and woke me up at 0930. My God I never knew I could panic like that. jumped straight into my uniform and off I went. Didn't bathe, didn't gel, didn't shave, didn't even put on my socks or tuck in my shirt. Of course I brushed my teeth, that I can't live without. I & R had to be handed in, and so were the meeting forms which I had was supposed to do, which weren't complete. Immediately went to the library to do complete the meeting forms, when Eng Yong tells me they were not needed, and to just bring my I & R. Handed everything in, after distressing how much time I took last night to do the bit of the meeting forms that were done, which caused me to oversleep. I dunno how, but Ah Boy took my hpone as a joke, but I thought I had lost it, so I ran to the classrooms and the library to look for it. Then when he told me he had my phone, I swore so loudly, I think both the B and E blocks (and its teachers) could hear me. Actually it would be more correct for me to say I shouted. Yeah.

Cooled down, the went with the guys to T Mart. Finally PW is over! I can't funny express how pissed I am about the whole thing, from the intro lecture about PW to now. Full of shit.
After that, went cycling with Alex to Katong, specifically BBQ Wholesale to order suff for the chalet next week. I love BBQ Wholesale. You can order just about everything from there and they deliver. Of course you have to know what to order and what is cheaper if you buy it outside. After that, we went to the Cannondale shop nearby. MY GOD. The kind of bikes you find there.... high liaoz. The price? Even higher. Later went to Mac to chill and talk cock. He was going for soccer with the ussal gang, but I had to be home for dinner.

Saturday: Went for golf in the morning. haven't played in a LONGO time. Need to buck up.

Was talking to Jas just now and she asked me for any old photos I had of our old neighbourhood (she was my neighbour back in pri school). So I decided to go digging for old photos. I swear the memories that came popping up, not just of Moon Crescent, but other things like NDP, Aerospace, SYSF, Fiona's wedding, and the countless Christmases and birthdays.... *sigh*

Wah all this typing is making me feel thirsty. Later.