Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Pwnage quotes 4

Lol was surfing through the Gamespot site and I chanced on this snippet of Ali G doing an interview with Kobe Bryant. I'll just let you all read it.


Ali: Check it, Westside *does the Westside sign... the one where you make a W with your pinky and index and ring fingers* This be Ali G representin with my man, Kobe Bryant.
Kobe: Yo.
Ali: R'spect. How many springs does an official ball have in it?
Kobe: How many springs? It doesn't have any springs in it.
Ali: Why does it bounce, then?
Kobe: It's air. There's air in the ball.
Ali: Well, there's air in this room. How come this room ain't bouncing?
Kobe: .... -_-"