Monday, December 05, 2005

Pass the nuts

I got bored, and I need to blog about recent happenings, so I put two and two together and here I am.

Friday: Went to school to pass my one star kayaking form to Kim Wan. It's such a bother to redo it. If only I wasn't sick during the last course. I'd rather take the two star course now.

Later, I went to TP to meet Dinesh, Dhana, Karthik and Ah Bush (extra guy... lol just kidding). Ate at the new food court there. Wah bo beh zhao... especially the fish and chips. They use real dory fish. Not like in TPJC, where the fish looks and feels like yu char kueh. These are the kind of things that make JC students like me feel that the poly students are actually the smarter ones for going to poly.

After lunch, we went to the aerospace engineering block where Dhana showed me the A-4 Skyhawk that the RSAF donated to the school. Way cool, or as Ah Bush would say, NIIIICE! Then we went over to TM to watch Goblet of Fire. Not bad show, but it's like the other shows; it's great as a movie, but lousy as an interpretation of the book. Once again, they have underminded the importance of Quidditch in the film. They blew the chance in POA, cuz that was Wood's last moment of victory and they didn't give it any reverence. No quidditch in this movie. Harry gets banned from Quidditch in Order, and he isn't there for the last match in Prince. there almost definitely won't be and quidditch in the last book. In fact, I don't think Harry will spend much time in school or even go there. So yeah... they blew their chance for good quidditch action. Rrrgh.

After the movie, we went to Toys R Us, like the teenagers we are, and we were just messing around with helmets and lightsabers. Dinesh a bit havoc, spewing vulgarities in a kids' toy store. After that was Yamaha, where we went to look at guitars and drums and stuff. Dhana's still as good as ever on the guitar. Then was dinner at Mos Burger. Dhana and Karthik were eyeing these two chicks for a while, before they both left to get their numbers. Don't think they did, but they just came back and decided to dee siao us by saying they did. We believed them for a while. A while. Mos burger isn't very filling, I'm sure everyone knows that. So we went to ToriQ to get stuff. Saw the prices; Chicken: $0.90, Chicken skin: $1.00

Karthik: It's a sad world when chicken skin costs more than chicken.


Went wondow shopping. For girls, window shopping is different from guys. We go to scout for stuff we can't buy. Girls windowshop for stuff they can get, but still feel that walking around for hours without an end results is more fun. Dhana and I share the same tastes in clothes, it's uncanny. After that, we just drifted from place to place taking photos, some spastic, some a bit emo. Went to outside the closed Challenger, to some stairwell, to here to there. Had to go home eventually. It was fun.

I'll upload some pics when I can.

Damn Imagestation won't let me into their site. Now I can't get the Overseas trip photos. Fuck it lah.

Teens connect chalet coming soon! This Thursday! Can't wait.