Saturday, December 31, 2005

What next?

Sorry for not blogging for such a long time. Been real busy these few days, especially this week.

For what it's worth, compliments of the season to all! Yeah Christmas was fun. Routine, and a little boring, but at least I got to see most of my cousins. Godpa, Auntie Girl and Kyle couldn't come over from Toronto, cuz Kyle's got exams, I think. Sean's grown his hair quite long (slightly longer than mine) but he just finished A Levels, which means he's gonna be enlisted soon. His poor hair. Everybody's all good. Heather doesn't take such an adverse reaction to me anymore; guess she's kinda used to seeing me around. Met an aunt whom I apparently haven't seen for 5 years, although I can't remember much from 5 years ago. Joshua's grown a lot, and he was literraly bouncing off the walls up to the point that Daryl got fed up a bit. Most of us did, actually. And Juvena's the only cousin who's over 20... haha! Well Janell will be join her next year I guess.

Christmas eve mass was good, but packed, up to the point that they ran out of hosts for communion. Craziness! My grandma's done away with the age-long family tradition of going to midnight mass, prolly cuz she's getting tired. So went for 2130 mass and met Victoria and her parents there. One thing I love about Christmas is how I get to dress up at least this one time of the year.

Presents were nice. Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise! OMG cool!

Christmas day was visiting my other grandma (Mum's mum). So nice to see a few of my relatives again. Eva's grown so much I almost didn't recognise her. Chuckie was so hyper when he ran into the house, he started jumping up at everybody like he always does (to my Godma's annoyance), but he immediately piped down when he saw Biscuit, uncle Kelvin's Golden Retriever. Poor Chuck, intimidated by another dog twice his size at least.

Can't remember what I did on Boxing Day, but I sure wasn't attending Boxer's Day mass with Ignatius.

Tuesday and Wednesday was OGL camp! Yes you heard right, I'm an OGL muahaha! The weird thing about OGL camp is that you meet people you've never seen before in your entire life, even though you've been in the same school as them for a year. Lots of stuff at OGL camp; dry games, wet games, placard making, mass dance. Aargh the mass dance is so complicated! I haven't got it down properly yet. Couple dance is fun, if only I had someone meaningful to do it with. It's still fun, though! Best part of being an OGL is that you can keng the first week of school, which is good cuz I have no idea what my holiday homework is, much less done it. Talk about a bad start eh?

Thursday and Friday was kayaking one start course. If only I hadn't fallen sick during the June course, or I wouldn't have to go for this. Haha but it was still fun! Go for one start course to practice the two start moves Kit taught me. Wahaha!

After first day of kayaking went shopping! Haha I'm beginning to like shopping, especially when I have an objective and when I get what I'm looking for. Went to Suntec City to look at the Salomon sale. Bought cycling pants (the ones with the padding at the groin) at more than 50% off! Wanted to buy the all condition shoes... at $38!! Cheaper that Nike and prolly better! But I already have a pair ( brand). Must not overspend my Christmas money, or I'll kenna kp again.

Decided to detour to Tower Records. I'm impressed... They have the new Norma Jean album, O God The Aftermath, in stock. Bought that too. w00t! Think I'll go put that on now. Heard they got a new lead singer, so dunno if I'll like it as much as Bless The Martyr Kiss The Child. Ah well... holon...

Sounds good! Hehe...

After that I did something I've been meaning to do for a while: went to Sim Lim Square and, after a bit of scouting around, I bought a RAM module for my com! 512 MB DDR1... Now my com has 1 GB of RAM! Wahaha! Now I need to clear some hard disk space, maybe get a new one, and a new graphics card (which will set me back a bit, so not till Chinese New year) and then I can buy FEAR! Wahaha! Or maybe I can buy it now and play on low res till I get a new card. Anybody selling? GeForce MX 9800 or higher?

Well the year's as good as over, and like last year, I don't feel any different. In fact, this year is even worse. Meng Nan asked me to go for the countdown party with him, Fishy and Pai Kia, but I had to go to my Grandma's house. Doubt my mood would've been different there. Would it? Dunno...

School starts next week. I'm so out of the school mood I almost can't spell school. Ah well....

One year of school left, and then it's off to the army, then to university, then hopefully to RSAF. I can't imagine myself in the future. I just have this feeling. Pretty soon, I don't know what, but something is going to happen. Haha I like that song... Norma Jean... Life is getting shorter. There's this saying I heard "Life can't be considered short, cuz it's the longest thing you'll ever get to do" Haha and I agree to it, but I just feel that none of this will last. Scary, but yeah that's what I feel. Sorry for feeling so depressive on New Year's eve, but it's what I feel everyday.

Well enough of that. See you next year!