Sunday, January 15, 2006

5 random things about me

Dinesh passed this to me, so I gave it a shot. Here goes....

Rules of the game:

Post 5 weird/random things about yourself. At the end of the quiz, list the names of 5 people who you want next to do this and leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read your blog 5 random things about me...

1. I'm a catholic that listens to black metal, but not as much as I would like to.
2. I believe in alternate universes for alternate realities, which means I believe that there are Jedi, Sentinels, wizards, Gundams and Uruk-Hai somewhere out there, far faaar away.
3. Sometimes I feel that the surest sign of intelligent life out there is that none of it has ever tried to contact us.
4. I think the world will end than everyone thinks.
5. I have a great disdain for average Singaporeans, and yet I admire them, cuz they're just so fucking stupid I'm surprised they've managed to stay alive this long.

People I have picked to continue this path: Alex, Cheryl, Jaslyn, Ah Boy aaaand... Mel

I just picked 5 people at random, so don't feel insulted if your name isn't here. Only have space for 5 people. If it was say... 20 people and I missed you out, then that would be rather inexcusable *hinthint*

Don't break the chain! Not due to some lame reason concerning this post being cursed or anything. It's just fun lah! So do it!