Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hellos and goodbyes

I'm awake... I'm awake....

My first post of the new year. A bit late I know, but yeah.

A lot of hellos and goodbyes this new year. Met a lot of new people during orientation. BeeGees! Being an OGL is so fun, especially cuz you get to zhao the first week of lessons. The weird thing about the whole orientation is that you meet fellow JC2s (still haven't gotten over the fact that I'm JC2) that you swear you've never seen before in your entire year of being in the school, like Rozie, Chiew Cheng, Andrei and Joey for me. But now that you know them, you seem to be running into them everyday. Weird...

Get to meet the new batch of JC1s as well. Some nice, some crazy, yeah lah. The whole orientation experience was fun. Wet games, dry games, mass dance, orientation night, etc. O night was wild! Never went more crazy! Wahahahaha! CCA recruitment last last Friday was fun too! Lol ODAC was damn noisy. We put up structures and had a shouting competition with the neighbouring squash booth. We had at least 8 times their booth space and manpower. w00t! CCA recruitment is always fun, cuz it's one of the rare few times you can step on other people's CCAs. Like the cheer I was doing that day:

Gambate gambate gam gam!
Gambate gambate gam gam!
We are ODAC we are ODAC!
We are the best we'll beat the rest!

Okie lah for non TPJCians, that was the old sea sports cheer, but now they're disbanded. Aargh I'm supposed to get photos from Shirnnie... need to get soon.

Goodbyes? Gaps left for Vancouver on the 2nd, and Shu Jing for Melbourne a few days later. Another goodbye to Auntie Elsie.

Dhana went to 0930 mass that Sunday. The gang of us (Dhana, Cheryl, Edwin, Small Joe, Iggy, Joy, Victoria and me... hope I didn't forget anyone) went out as usual to TM to eat, game and hang. Went to Yamaha to look at guitars. I really wanna learn the guitar properly so I can play, but I think I'll practice on my classical first before I think of getting an electric.

Last Monday was Dhana's 18th. Wheee fun day! Met Dhana, Karthik and Dinesh at Tanah Merah. Din's nails are as long as Saruman's now. I think he's going for the Shagrath look or something, ne bloody put on mascara lah! (Shagrath is the lead for Dimmu Borgir, a symphonic black metal band... enough about them? I thought so.) Went to Orchard to meet Devin, whom I haven't seen for ages, and met 2 of Dhana's friends; Billy, this guy who apparently I might have used to know when I went to OLPS, and.... shit I dunno how to spell his name, so I'll just call him Kneerich for now cuz he sayd thats how some people mispronounce his name. Went to watch The Dark. Freaky! After that we went walking around until we found ourselves at the Starbucks outside PS, so we decided to take a load off and talk and talk. Apparently Kneerich knows my cousin Charles. Bloody hell it's like every Patrician I know knows Charles Chander. Went home laate, like 1ish. Devin, K and I took a NightRider back while the rest shared cabs. The 3 of us realised on our trip back that the bus we took, NR7, stops directly outside Dhana's and Din's house. Haha we were lmaoing.

These few days crammed with tests for all my core subjects. It's a bit surprising to me how I haven't studied at all and yet I managed a few questions. Sure, the chances of me passing are like the chances of me getting attached within the month (impossibly slim) but ah well at least I won't be alone. Need to buck up.

Aah that's all I bother to blog abt now. More soon. Faster than this entry took, for sure.